This is a terrific clip, I wish it ran a lot longer than two minutes. Alexander Vindman captures the essence of Donald Trump’s character and his self-serving ways as he describes how Trump’s interest in and grasp of foreign policy began and ended with himself and what he could personally gain.

If you’re wondering about Trump’s latest take on foreign policy, here’s his edict which he emailed around to all his followers. Somehow I got on his mailing list as a supporter and I can’t tell you how that amuses me.


So let me get this straight: there would be no chaos if you “bomb the bases into smithereens?” And then you bring out the U.S. Military, after they’ve finished bombing everything, right? And no death from all this bombing or deployment of military personnel, right? Do I have this translated? If somebody is more fluent in Trumpspeak than myself, will you assist, please?

It’s so easy when you live in a cartoon to make up all kinds of fantastical solutions to things. I can just see Trump, lying on the ground, across from Mike Lindell, say, and they’re walking tiny plastic soldiers over blankets and pillows and making explosion sounds. Too bad the real thing is a tad bit more complicated.


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  1. He didn’t mention evacuating any people, so presumably they would all be left high and dry. The Taliban has been threatening people for months now. So none of he people left there would be panicking. Right!

  2. If only Trump and Pompeo had put as much thought into the “peace treaty” they made with the Taliban (with absolutely no input from the Afghan government–the Taliban refused to a meeting if the Afghan government were present).

    And let’s all remember that Biden extended the deadline from Trump/Pompeo’s May deadline. If Trump had managed to win in November, all the current chaos would’ve happened back in May. Of course, under Trump/Pompeo’s agreement, there would’ve been no need to take any of the actions he’s now blathering about. Trump would’ve talked about the Taliban with the same glowing talk he gave to Kim Jong-Un. And he would’ve left all the equipment behind (if the agreement hadn’t made any mention of it, of course) and he wouldn’t have bothered with bombing the bases (he never did anything to Kim’s nuclear weapons facilities so no one should expect “bombing the bases” to happen).

    I’m really getting pissed with our “liberal” media which hasn’t bothered challenging GOPers who keep trying to hold Biden accountable for everything by pointedly asking them why Trump signed the deal with the Taliban last year. And where were all these whining little beeyotches back then, trying to warn Trump the Taliban couldn’t be trusted? But, no. Once again, we have a media that attacks the Democrats and lets GOPers remain completely unchallenged (even letting GOPers get the proverbial last word on a subject).

    • They’ve never admitted that this would be happening no matter who’s in the WH. (It’s really the same as Vietnam, but they can’t say that, either.)
      tweet thread, via the mothership:

    • Is tRump REALLY that STUPID to think his “plan” would have worked any better than Biden’s? (Don’t answer that!) He could have called it “Escape Week,” just like “Infrastructure Week,” and it would have lasted FOUR MORE YEARS. But no one would have noticed anyone leaving Afghanistan. ? Seriously????

  3. Isn’t all the media in the hands of corporations? Any Democrat challenged should continue to point out the facts & use frumps videos, words, & documents. Have they released a transcript of frump’s deal with these zealots? They should. I would be willing to bet, as time goes on, the single brand will be Joe Biden got us out of Afghanistan & the images will fade, as they did with the thousands of families destroyed by frump at the border.

  4. Did I miss something? Didn’t he order the withdrawal of the troops in Afghanistan to begin while he was in office? I know he gave the country to the taliban in his “negotiations” with them and has conveniently forgot about that (along with all of his cult).

    • He released the leader from a Pakistani prison in 2018 & pressured the Afghanistan government to release 5000 terrorists. He gave these terrorists status by inviting them to Camp David of all places. In the deal, our secretary of state, pompous pig pompeo, demanded NOTHING from this terrorist, while excluding the Afghan government. Then frump closed 10 airforce bases, drew down the troops to 2500 & essentially allowed the taliban to marshall their forces. He wanted to cut & run like he did with turkey & the kurds. His insight into anything is nil. That’s been proven from hellsinki to drinking bleach to revolutionary soliders securing air bases. All of our manifest destiny & cultural bullshit gave this evil moronic serial rapist & killer ultimate power & a platform. We reap what we’ve sown. Time for a different crop & let’s plow this fascist crap & use it as fertilizer for a freer & fairer future for our children. It’s either find a nonviolent way to defeat this or find ourselves in an episode of Twillight Zone.

  5. As if our massive presence in Afghanistan could just be spirited out of the country–with nobody noticing? Has 45 been watching Harry Potter movies, mistaking the cloak of invisibility with a real thing? Sure, It’s ABSOLUTELY realistic (and practical!) to think we could just SNEAK OUT.



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