What’s up with Alan Dershowitz? Did his Stepford Guest programming wear off somehow and nobody has fixed it? Dershowitz pulled the rug out from under Laura Ingraham vis a vis COVID-19. She wasn’t expecting it, didn’t appreciate it, and this was arguably worse than when Dershowitz came right out and said on Sean Hannity’s show that Joe Biden had won the election. Last night he said that Ingraham had no constitutional right to spread a deadly disease.

The look on Ingraham’s face is priceless when Dershowitz starts out, advocating the mandating of vaccines. Right now that’s the hot button issue, that’s where the Satanic rubber meets the road to Hell. That’s where the sentient microchips that take away your free will and make you George Soros’ love slave and make you write bad checks come in, and Ingraham’s actually got a live on-air guest that is saying it’s a good thing? Yep.

And of course the sheer hypocrisy is that you know that Ingraham has had the vaccine.

Maybe this is Rupert Murdoch’s answer to world over population. The next COVID variant could be called the Murdoch mutation and it could kill many millions on its own. Reportedly they will die happy, knowing that their right to kill themselves has been upheld.


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  1. Is it just miss-informed people, stupid-fall-down-stubborn idiocy, (know better, but have already committed publicly to resist at all costs), have no reality-based and stored information that their family, friends and neighbors could die from their own sessions with Covid-19?

    There is NO political gain by doing or not doing the right things with this virus … taking the vaccine is a positive attempt to save lives, your own and others, not getting the vaccine is a sign you are NOT concerned about dying from the virus, or having others die because of your careless non-participation in receiving the vaccine … or wearing a mask …

    If you went to the hospital with Covid, were not vaccinated, and had no reason to avoid the vaccination, (pre-existing condition, sensitivity, young age), you should be placed on the lowest level of the Triage … [hopeless, no treatment, just set out in the lower 40 in the shade with a couple water bottles]

    The above sounds cruel, but the fact is, as it stands, this spike is headed for the doom of a pandemic, much worse than the original hit … high speed easy transmission, almost certain infections without at least being vaccinated and wearing those masks …

  2. When she said “I didn’t go to Harvard Law School” my mind immediately added her saying “But I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night” because she clearly considers herself a top expert on law as well as the Constitution and historical and legal precedent. Oh, and medicine too, specifically infectious diseases and public policy that can mitigate their impact.

    What’s so infuriating is that you KNOW she goddamned well got herself vaccinated, and long before she was eligible to do so. She KNEW that the data that led to emergency use authorization was solid, and that the vaccines approved were safe and effective. Hell, she probably didn’t even have to shell out a shitload of cash like DeSantis’ donors in FL did. I can easily imagine her giving someone like him a call and promising some favorable time on Fuckwad Not-News-Just-Our-Asshole-Opinions network!

    • Like Trump, Tucker Carlson and Hannity she knows intuitively, instinctively what is the right thing to do, more accurately than any informed, educated, rational human being could ever hope to know with a comparable level of certainty.

      That notion runs through her mind constantly and shapes everything she does, from breathing and wiping her own butt to telling the people watching what they should think and do.

  3. The courts have, in the past, ruled that public health takes precedence over personal rights, even rights guaranteed in the Constitution. It’s called watching out for the general welfare, and that’s in the Preamble.

  4. As I said elsewhere: The MAGAt’s right to not be vaccinated ends where MY right to NOT be infected with a deadly disease begins! It is time for a federal law that everyone (with only medical exceptions) HAS TO BE VACCINATED!

  5. Not going to happen. You will not get a single republican to vote for such a thing and you damned sure won’t get Manchin and Sinema on board. The only possible way would be by E.O. and I don’t think E.O.’s have that kind of power and I don’t think Biden would try one.


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