There is something about the testimony of the reformed sinner that has a certain ring to it. It’s hard to describe, but I’ve heard exactly the same tone as this gentleman has, coming from the lips of people who used to drink, use drugs, gamble to excess, you name it.

This video is done by Republican Accountability and it features a gent from Ohio. He used to be a Trump man. But now? Quoth the Raven.

It’s not meant to be comical but in so many ways it’s completely hilarious.

Preach it, Sir, preach it. We can’t get enough, believe me. :))

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  1. This is the type of response you would expect from someone who has been blatantly lied to, cheated and used.

    Still, there are some people who thrive on humiliation, like the partner or spouse of an abusive mate…..they have low to no self esteem and consider the abuse, “His/Her way of saying they love me. “.

    Besides illiterate idiocy, that is the only rational explanation for the still loyal MAGAt crowd……defending and sending this filthy grifter their last dollar, after being told how worthless, uneducated and disgusting they are.

  2. He might be done with dfg but I’d be willing to bet that he’ll still vote republican. Even as he lists all the bad things the gqp has done, he blamed dfg not the entire party. They are all at fault.



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