Up YOURS Trey Gowdy!


If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury…Whatever you got, finish it the hell up   Representative Trey Gowdy

I live for this shit. You know how, when somebody’s toddler throws a tantrum, sometimes the parent will catch it on their cell phone, and post it on Facebook, and everybody comments on “How funny that is,” and “How cute they are!”? That’s exactly what congressman Trey Gowdy’s little hissy fit in front of the cameras aimed at Rod Rosenstein reminded me of.

Funny thing, somehow or other, those childish temper tantrums just never quite have the outcome the child intended when he or she threw it. And if what I think is going to happen happens, Gowdy’s kicking and screaming won’t work either. If Michael Cohen actually flips, Trey Gowdy is going to be back in South Carolina, pleading DUI’s and bar fight defendants before Robert Mueller wraps up his investigation.

Karma is a beautiful thing. Remember back in October of 2016, when Trump screamed his approval when James Comey sent his infamous love note to the congressional committees, announcing he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails? Remember the untold damage it did to her campaign?

Well, if Michael Cohen actually does drop a dime on Don Cornholeone, it is going to be exactly the same kind of neutron blast on the 2018 midterms that Comey’s memo was. Personally, I have long felt that Robert Mueller has a nice little “August Surprise” waiting in the wings. Either a major indictment, or a slew of second level indictments ready to drop before the investigation “goes dark” in the run up to the November elections.

But, if Michael Cohen starts playing footsies with Robert Mueller, the investigative universe expands exponentially. How long did Mueller milk a little cog like George Papadopoulos before he finally turned him over to sentencing? Papadopoulos’ plea was announced at the same time as the first indictments against Paul Panafort, October 30, 2017. Michael Flynn copped a plea on December 1,2017, and Mueller just delayed releasing him for sentencing for another 60 days. Rick Gates still hasn’t been released for sentencing yet. 7-9 months seems to be the best guess scenario.

What can happen in 7-9 months? If Michael Cohen flips anytime in July, you’re looking at somewhere between February-April 2019 before Mueller squeezes him like a concord grape. Democratic candidates will be able to use Mikey “The Mook” as a daily reminder of the depravity of the Trump cabal, and pound home the need for Democratic oversight on The Cheeto Prophet. And if the Democrats put in the sweat equity, and bring home the bacon in November, remind me, who are going to be sitting in the chairs of the congressional oversight committees? A Robert Mueller “obstruction of justice” report is going to carry much more import and momentum if it’s released when the Democrats already chair those committees than if it comes out in August, and has to lie there collecting dust until January when the Democrats assume command. And Michael Cohen can make it all possible.

So, I stand by my headline. Up yours Trey Gowdy! I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you cut the shit with the summer stock performances, and do your damn job for a change?

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