Interesting family, the Trumps. The father has gone on record saying “what a piece of ass” his daughter is and how he might be dating her if he wasn’t her daddy. The eldest son appears almost nightly on a podcast wherein he looks totally smashed — but then he goes on stage at a MAGA event and proclaims (not for the first time) that he doesn’t do cocaine. Then there’s the other adult son, who has come under fire along with his wife for making their child drive a go-cart in a hurricane, ostensibly as a test of character.

This is quite a few years back. Here is Trump with a pre-pubescent Ivanka. She’s got on a hell of a lot of makeup for a kid that age. I’m surprised Ivana let her out of the house that way.

The tight grasp on Ivanka’s hand is what’s coming under scrutiny here.

What screams out to me is all the gold, particularly the heavy gold chain necklace. We know Trump loves gold. Hell, he even plates his airplane’s seat belts with it and don’t forget about the toilet. Got to have a gold toilet or you’re nobody, right?

So here is his 10-year-old (I’m speculating) daughter, with her golden bleached tresses, (speculation again, but I can tell you almost nobody has that shade of blonde naturally) a very expensive adult dress and accessories, gold jewelry and tons of makeup. If Ivanka was 15 in this photo, I would say it was a bit much, but it would pass. But at 10? Maybe younger? Straight out of Ian Fleming.


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  1. “Oh, but Joe Biden is the creepy one?”

    Yet again, projection to cover-up, (and stupidly highlight!), their own reality.

  2. GOPers scream about “groomers” by which they mean non GOPers and especially any Democrat who dares criticize their new Jeebus. (To borrow from their fake golden idol, they like Saviors that didn’t get themselves crucified. THEIR savior would have “miracled” an assault weapon (which just like in the movies never needs reloading cause it never runs out of ammo and mowed down every Centurion) Naturally, they ignore the groomer right in front of their noses. Or maybe deep down they do recognize the sick, twisted nature of Trump’s obsession with his daughter and imitate him by projecting.

    Oh, and whenever the subject of Trump “dating” Ivanka comes up including and especially when Trump has said it “date” means something rather different. It means F**K! No one for a single second should think otherwise.

  3. Seeing these photos actually makes me feel sorry for Ivanka. Did her mother threaten to reveal some family secrets before her death?

  4. Actually that shade of blonde is not uncommon among Scandomavians and Eastern Europeans. I know two women of Dutch and PO
    ish ancestry with completely natural silver blonde Hollywood tried to replicate in platinum blondes like Monroe and Mansfield but which always looks fake.and flat. You have born with it.
    Whay hives it away are photos of Obama at 12 with mousey brown hair and a much broafer, flatter snub nose. She is the product of extensive plastic surgery and hairdressers.


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