As you so well know, loyalty is one of the biggest virtues in Donald Trump’s lexicon. Meaning, loyalty as a one-way street, flowing to him, always to him, just like Broadway in New York City only goes one way. Trump, for his own part, is loyal to no one. I don’t even think he would be loyal to his own spawn, if it came down to that. So imagine, if you will, what Mango Mussolini is going to say when he sees that the local home town press has just put a dagger in him. And yes, granted, the power of the press is not with newspapers, as it used to be back in the Citizen Kane days. Television, the internet, social media are the major players. That said, never ever forget that all politics is local. That is the first lesson. Palm Beach Post:

As annoying as the acid taunts of pundits and penmen about the former President may strike you, cast that rhetoric aside for a minute and evaluate the evidence. And we use the word “evidence” advisedly, because aside from candidate Trump’s own crowd-stirring lies about the elections and an abundance of audio and video recordings going back years, there’s now a growing record of court testimony and documentation, tested by argument and counterargument, that is laying itself out before us.

Judges and juries of Trump’s peers in recent weeks have found the evidence overwhelming, to the tune of more than a half-billion dollars in fines, mounting with interest. In civil cases he’s been found to have engaged in sexual assault, defamation and corporate fraud, and the clock is winding down on criminal trials, as well. The latter will put the lie to his claims he was cheated out of reelection. They will support charges he tried to racketeer his way to a win in Georgia and nationally – just listen to that recording again. And they will spell out how, with words, actions and inaction, he sought to overthrow the will of the voters on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump has openly demonstrated why, even if you put character aside – which we can’t — the  nation would have much to fear from his second term.

The article then goes on to talk about Trump’s crack about NATO. Let’s face it, Hillary Clinton was understating the situation back in 2016 when she accused Trump of being Putin’s puppet. He is Putin’s puppet, lapdog, sycophant, acolyte, and indentured servant, from all that we can gather. Trump got all kinds of money from Russia starting back in the 80’s, at least if we are to believe his two oldest sons.

And this part I like: it deals in reality and not in ageism.

Consider President Biden’s performance, as well: Unquestioned support for our allies; for women’s autonomy; for union protection of middle-class jobs; for infrastructure improvement; for high-tech industry expansion; for manufacturing resurgence; for climate repair; for common sense gun regulations. Inflation is low, employment, high. Don’t listen to the noise; look at the evidence.

Biden has been a good president. If we were living in a sane world, he wouldn’t have a fraction of the insults leveled at him that have been. But we don’t live in a cultured society anymore. The pre-Trump America and the post-Trump America are two different places. And we’re still in the Era of Trump. And will be, until he is definitively out of politics. So what year will that be? 2028? 2032? 2525?

You have a chance to alert the Republican political class that has fallen in line behind Trump and the fringe. GOP leaders think extreme is what you want. But is it? If indeed you’re an independent-minded sort, let the evidence speak to you. And then speak to them with your votes.

Speak with your votes. This admonition comes to you from Trump’s local paper. And that’s no coincidence. Ask any of the New York papers. They saw him up close and personal long before he became a national figure. They know who he is. And so does the Palm Beach Post. That’s why they’re telling you to vote for Joe Biden.


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  1. Why would any sane rational person, irrespective of political colour, vote for this, regardless of the circumstances that allow that bottom feeder to bloviate and grift. Could it be something to do with the word ‘cult’?

  2. Don’t forget this is Florida, where the average age is deceased.
    The AARP crowd gets most of its info from the tee-vee and dead-tree news.
    Other than going on Facebook to look at pictures of the grandkids, most can’t work a computer.

  3. Time for a fence alright…around America…where the medical director of Florida is insane and causing a measles outbreak which can kill a child or damage their brain. The Chief Justice of Alabama is so crazy I can’t even track his outrageous conspiracy theories. Just note he makes Marjorie look sane. As someone who used to evaluate people brought in by the police to locked psychiatric hospitals…these aren’t just crazy rednecks…they are in the highest medical and legal offices in their states. That’s the gop for you.

    • I don’t always go out for a latte but when I do, I buy my local paper. Old school? Ok. Still gives me something to read and then Sudoku and the crossword puzzle.


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