Beam me up Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here   Star Trek

You know, there are multiple groups out there like The Lincoln Project, Country Before Party, and Republicans for Accountability are all collecting millions of dollars, and spending said millions of dollars trying to fight the dread disease of Trumpism. Not just Trump, but the malignant carncage has unleashed on the party.

Do us all a favor guys. send those millions of dollars to charities dealing with child cancer research instead. You’re all acting like the most important task is to excise the cancer of the 28-34% Trump base from the party, and everything will be hunky dory.

You couldn’t be more wrong. The cancer of Trumpism is no longer just the hard core Trump supporters who garner all of the attention. But the simple fact of the matter is that seven years of constant bombardment of The Trump Agenda has spread like any cancer into too many parts of the body politic.

And there’s empirical data to prove it. In order to remove the cancer of Trumpism from the Republican party, these groups don’t just have to excise the 28-34% of Trump believers, they would have to successfully deprogram the majority of the allegedly moderate3 GOP from the endless barrage of Trumpism. Simply because Trumpism has over the years morphed into the Cult of Trump.

Here’s the proof. In a recent poll released a few days ago, a vast majority of 71% of GOP voters trust Traitor Tot more than anyone else in their life. 66% said that they trusted their personal families the most, and 59% trusted their own clergy member the most. Get that? Trump has so thoroughly indoctrinated these people that he is the only one who knows all and sees all that they trust him more than their own family members and pastors.

And in a poll released today of registered GOP voters, in a massive medical emergency, only 28% said that they would trust established medical experts, while a whopping 71% said that they would follow their own common sense. And as anybody who knows a whole lot of people already know, whether personal or work related, a whole lot of them have the common sense of the Teletubbies.

It isn’t just Trump, although he was certainly the catalyst. It is also the entire FUX News far right bubble sphere, along with the Q-Anon *ssholes who used Trump’s bungled Covid-19 response to protect his sorry ass by casting doubt on the very professionals who actually held the keys to survival in their hands. And it was the phalanx of GOP Senators, Representatives, and Governors who drove the point home on the local level. Anything that is touched by federal intervention is bullsh*t, and not to be believed. Along with anything else the government says.

I’m sorry, but you can’t fix this, guys. It’s not just a 28-34% cancer you need to excise. Seven years of Trump propaganda in the FUX News bubble sphere has so poisoned so many of these people that it isn’t even about Trump anymore. Trump and his cronies have literally poisoned a majority of GOP voters to distrust anything the government says. And that includes the sane government you want to recreate with a new, moderate GOP participation. One third of the population no longer believes that the United States government any longer protects and represents them. How are you going to fix that?

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  1. True Joe. The amazing thing after watching this dumba$$ pontificate over the past seven years, is he never says anything that isn’t an outright lie. His rallies contains nothing but self praise. When that 71% is steady on both trusting this idiot, AND believing THEY have common sense, what does that tell us? It is the cult of STUPID/SELFISH people. They have found an Idiot King for themselves. Throw in greed, racism, fear of non white people, the grievances of the south losing the Civil War, and the false belief they have some kind of divine right to their ignorance. We’ve seen crazy cults from Jonestown to Waco, and it’s clear that a significant percentage of humanity want certainty in their lives no matter the cost, or that it’s foundation is built on bullcrap. They deny even death,(for themselves only), since many believe in the rapture/apocalypse. There’s no fixing a cult. The only fix is for the MAJORITY to band together and vote the cult out of power, shore up true education, pass laws that support democracy, and that promote social justice. Unfortunately, this scenario has been with us forever, and, with mass media owned by the people who care more about profit than survival, it’s coming to a head. We have about a year to mobilize the rational people who agree to the basic facts of existence. 1500 or so years ago humanity believed the earth was flat. 500 years ago we were sure we were the center of the universe. We have moved on. There’s many examples of us casting aside accepted dogma once we discovered we were wrong. There were casualties but we lurched forward. The problem now is bigger because we no longer have the time to waste to stop the climate crisis. The cult will never morph until forced to, or it’s eliminated. It’s time to pull the collective fire alarms at every turn of the road. Raise hell with your representatives until they start to raise hell. If not, plan on the cult to show us the wide gate to Hell itself. Time is short.

  2. What are they going to do about the likes of Jim Jordan and MTG and the rest of the scum that they know participated in the insurrection and are still sitting in congress like they own the fricking place. That ain’t right under any metric. They have a list with the names of people that helped even while the place was under siege. 40 years ago as Trump said that would have got them shot by a firing squad. What makes these clowns so special. Lock them up for crike’s sake. Don’t you get arrested anymore when you violate federal law and your oath of office to defend the God Dam Constitution! Sorry, but it’s just wrong. I see them chasing Hunter since Joe was a Vice President because somewhere back then he spit on the sidewalk if they can just find the dam video. And this bullshit is being done by people that in a real world would have warrants on them. Comedy and Jordan are at the top of the list. The main reason Jordan probably wouldn’t testify would be he’d have to explain some touchy conversations with the president. He’s getting up to 500 days of blowing off a subpoena. That’s at least a bench warrant for any other loser in the American system of government. And believe me I’m trying to constrain myself. What in the hell is with everyone. Did all the men take their balls out and hang them in a ball rack. WTF! Grow a new pair. How long has it been since the Mueller report when after Bill Barr blew the president then said he didn’t see where he didn’t do anything wrong. What in the hel do you call 10 counts of obstruction. Trump playing with his little Mario mushroom 🍄. They couldn’t find any collusion with Russia because there was ten counts of obstruction. When did everyone in America become a bunch of pussies. You guys here at politizoom are doing the job. People need to start getting out and pushing back on this. If we aren’t careful the next bestseller is going to be a Russian translation book. And I’m serious as a heart attack. We need to work hard to stop these clowns. Yeah you say call your congressman. Good luck with that. They probably have some sort of call dump set up for that. And another clown that needs investigated is that clown Jared Kushner. What really pisses me off is what he did during covid. He stole PPE supplies headed for blue states and auctioned them off, forcing the blue states to buy supplies they already paid for. There’s a whole list. But there’s the time that stands out. After a particularly rigorous day one of Kushners volunteers asked him. I seen you took care of the red states but we got a lot of blue states calling in looking for supplies. What about them. To which Kushner replied, fuck them, let em die! And everyone is walking around like these people are sacred cows not to be touched.

  3. “Incompetence does not leave people disoriented, perplexed, or cautious,” the social scientists David Dunning and Justin Kruger who identified the condition concluded. “Instead, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, buoyed by something that feels to them like knowledge.”

    In 1999. But then we got the ‘news’ media of the 24 hour ‘news’ cycle.

    News is a hungry beast. It needs constant feeding, and when you don’t have the nutrients and vitamins of actual news, you are left to stave it off with carbohydrates of comment and the gristle of outrage.

    Over the last 20 years, commentary has become a veritable growth industry — with whole phalanxes of social media blue ticks, former politicians and failed actors willing to step up to the microphone and give some ill-thought-through stupid point of view.

    At its best, commentary shines much needed light on important subjects. At its worst — and it’s very often at its worst — the sheer volume of edgy, uninformed “hot takes” creates, as journalist Dave Holmes recently put it, a “kind of smart that is indistinguishable from stupid.”

    And here we are. In a world where Ben Shapiro is classed as an ‘intellectual’.

    There’s something reassuring about stupidity. Entry level is easy. You don’t need to read a book — a Facebook post will suffice. Your instincts will be confirmed by groupthink, your biases by blue-ticked conspiracy theorists.

    The end result, however, can be serious — potentially even deadly. It can come in the form of men storming the Capitol dressed in horns in Washington, or in mass demonstrations by anti-lockdown, anti-vax protesters in Central London, or New Zealand, who believe that the coronavirus is the fault of the BBC or ‘them’.

    At the root of the cult of stupidity is the notion that the opinions of the ill-informed should bear as much weight as those of experts — that the anti-vaxers should be listened to as much as the virologists, or the climate deniers as much as climate scientists.

    And we’re still at the getting rid of Trump stage, not the post-Trump era.

  4. Chris…agree completely. Since I’ve probably got a rep around here for screaming about the hypocrisy of the law, I was trying to be nice. Ha.

  5. I wonder if it actually is trump’s hold on the party that’s the problem. The ‘pubes, even before trump, went after the rabid xtians, racists, bigots, misogynists, etc. more than 40 years ago-a big problem was when they went after the dixiecrats during Nixon’s time in office. They put their anti-women’s health stance in their platform years before trump (and it is a big part of their problem today). They have been behind the 8-ball on so many social issues it’s not even funny. All trump did was make it ok for people to display their ignorant ideas for all to see. He didn’t plant those ignorant ideas-they were already a big part of the ‘pube party. That ignorance has sent a bill that’s come due and the ‘pubes will not be able to pay it. Trump joined a political party he fit into best.


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