This is enough to bring George Orwell straight out of the grave and back to his old manual typewriter. These are some chilling images courtesy of Lincoln Project and Don Winslow. What makes them horrifying is the fact that Donald Trump has not only said these things, but that autocrats of the not too distant past have said the same things before him. As Lincoln Project puts it, “the last time we heard these words, they were in German.”

And Don Winslow’s piece is theatrical and compelling as well. We could be ending off the beginning of American history, living in a constitutional democracy and going into Fascist-American history in ten months. Roll that one around your cranium.

Sobering. Very sobering. Another one is American Experience:

In February 1939, more than 20,000 Americans filled Madison Square Garden for an event billed as a “Pro-American Rally.” Images of George Washington hung next to swastikas and speakers railed against the “Jewish controlled media” and called for a return to a racially “pure” America. The keynote speaker was Fritz Kuhn, head of the German American Bund. Nazi Town, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States.

The Bund held joint rallies with the Ku Klux Klan and ran dozens of summer camps for children centered around Nazi ideology and imagery. Its melding of patriotic values with virulent anti-Semitism raised thorny issues that we continue to wrestle with today.

It can happen here. It has happened here. Trump was elected in 2016 and that was a turning point in this nation. Conceivably, it can happen again. If he’s reelected, there goes our way of life.

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  1. Maybe LP needs to make a second version with an actor that speaks German and sounds like Trump. With subtitles with the English translation.

    People don’t want to believe how close we came. Nor how close we still are.

    • Don’t forge that the wannabe Fuehrer is half German (on his father’s side) as both of his paternal grandparents were exiled from Bavaria (for draft-dodging).

      Mark you, I would sort of believe he never read Mein Kampf – but only because they never brought out a ‘Comics Illustrated’ version

      • Just a nitpick here, but I was unaware that Bavaria drafted women into its military service. As I recall, the Kingdom of Bavaria was hardly a bulwark of progressive thought. Even at his most desperate, Hitler was more willing to force preteen boys and men over 60 into military service rather than rely on women (who Hitler felt should be little more than brood sows, pumping out a new bunch of soldiers for the Reich–kind of ironic since the oldest child born under Hitler’s rule would’ve been just 12 when Hitler “died” in the bunker) so the idea that Trump’s paternal grandmother would’ve been exiled from Bavaria for draft-dodging (Trump’s paternal grandfather *was* exiled for that but his paternal grandmother’s only “crime” was to get married to the man).

        • True – his wife wasn’t drafted, but back then a good German Hausfrau did whatever her husband told her to and went wherever he told her.
          Her sole duties were Kinder, Küche, Kirche

  2. Hitler’s policy of elimination of “enemies of the state” was implemented. According to the statues of the security police the following categories were sought out: ” communists, marxists, Jews, politically active churches, freemasons, POLITICALLY DISSATISFIED PEOPLE (grumblers), members of the national opposition, reactionaries, members of the Black Front, economic saboteurs, common criminals, ABORTIONISTS and HOMOSEXUALS, traitors and those guilty of high treason.”
    Straight from the actual documents!!!! ANY PHUCKING QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT WE ARE FACING IF WE LOSE IN NOVEMBER!!! Please tell me how we avoid violence after that!!!!

  3. It was scary enough the 4 years Putin’s Puppet, DON THE CON was installed in the White House. I half expected him to invite his Puppet Master to come over with his Russian army & goosestep down Pennsylvania Ave. It’s a miracle America survived & was able to be put back together again by Joe Biden.

    I’m worried about those people, especially the Gen X & Gen Z, who are planning to not vote for Biden because of the ISREALI/GAZA war. We have to convince them of how much worse all lives will be if DON THE CON gets back in WH. There is nothing that both Putin & Netanyahu would like better.

    If they don’t want to give Netanyahu exactly what he wants, they better support Biden…. instead of writing “ceasefire” on their ballots. At least Biden cares & is trying to influence an end to the violence.

  4. Proving, yet again, he has no grasp of english or history, dingleberry tries to use multi syllabic words like “truth and reconciliation committee” and, of course, gets it very wrong.


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