The Conservative consortium and its allies in the various media have been selling the proposition that tomorrow will be a walk over for Republicans, that Americans are so pissed off about crime and inflation that they will happily turn over the reins of government to the nutcases that want to jail women and doctors for even discussing abortion and steal Social Security to finance tax cuts for their true masters.

The truth is that the generic ballot for Congress has hardly moved in the last couple of months and have been essentially tied for all of that time and pollsters are much more likely to talk to older and more conservative voters than younger and more progressive ones.

John Fetterman has at least a six point lead in Pennsylvania, running for an open Republican seat. Warnock is up in Georgia, Kelly in Arizona and while Ohio is problematic, Ryan is within striking distance, and, again, that is an open Republican seat.

And early voting numbers are through the roof across the board, so I think we Democrats are pretty well positioned going into Election Day.

On the other side, every Republican with a mic in his or her face is talking fraud, cheating, and shutting down the vote count on Tuesday evening.

That does not exactly look like confidence.

And you know who is really not happy tonight?

That’s right, the frozen dinner heir…

Yup. I agree.

🌊 🌊 🌊

🤣🤣🤣 Descended, hairless and tanned.




And I don’t either.

But I have been wrong about votes before.

All one can do is get out there tomorrow and vote, if you already haven’t, take a friend or two and hope for the best.

And no matter what resolve to fight on, no matter what the quest to save our country from those who would destroy all it stands does not end tomorrow.

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    • In Pensacola, I was told several.times the South didn’t lose the Civil War.I pointed out Lee surrendered and Davis,was imprisoned. We should have hanged him, tge,Co federated legislature,, and every officer Coolinel.and above.

  1. I always get a kick out of when he makes that certain face – like an infant that just pooped his diapers and on the one hand feels good to have pooped, but on the other hand doesn’t like the squishy mess on his ass or the smell. And is confused on how to feel!

    That look tends to mean he just heard something he didn’t want to hear, or just learned something he wish he didn’t know. In this case I HOPE it’s from a sick feeling about (as you’ve suggested) his having read GOP internals and they say at best there will be no red wave, and might even an embarrassing night for the GOP!

    • Denis, I think that if we get what we want, people like our ancient Grassley will be allowed to cruse the ice cream cone joints in Iowa for the rest of his life … His proven drop into the grip of the money crowd, a few years back, has limited, in concert with the other stars of the GOP, like The Turtle, McConnell, getting virtually nothing done, but send MORE money to those that already have more than anyone’s GOD …

      WE ARE in a closed loop if we agree to ANY plan they attempt to enforce, being honest and trustworthy has not been their positive points …

      Hell, the rumor has been that Gym Jordan is planning his future in MS. Pelosi’s position, hard to imagine someone absolutely dead from the neck up could manage that …

      I always wondered why Trump managed to cling to the GOP, maybe because there are so many losers there … Trump hates losers, but they have helped him get what HE wanted, skipping merrily through 2 attacks as a presidential failure, NO court actions against him, thanks to a jack-jawed McConnell, supported by Grassley and others …

      It IS what it IS, and this evening we may start to see a little glow at the end of the tunnel, time will tell whether that glow will turn into a bonfire, a win for us and few million dark money dollars lost on the REAL losers …


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