It’s not even noon on the east coast and Truth Social stock is headed in the same direction it’s been going for the past week, which is steadily down. It started out seesawing, which is normal, especially for a speculative meme stock like this one. But the seesawing didn’t last long, no more than a day or two. Then it just started going down. Truth Social and Trump Media & Technology Group have already made history as the stock that has been sold short more than any other.

It’s all been a shell game from the beginning and now it’s time to pay the piper. Now is definitely the time to get out if you’re holding shares in this thing because the way these go, historically, is there’s a gradual decline and then there’s a sudden, catastrophic plunge at the end and if you’re still there, then your stock isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Needless to say, the fact that the chief shareholder of Truth Social is in criminal court today and the CEO of Truth Social once sued a cow is not helping its credibility as a stable business concern any.

It’s sliding down there, inch by inch, point by point. Not a good sign to be sure. The Lincoln Project reposted this piece and I think it rather fits today’s mood, don’t you?

As we speak, Iran and Israel are sniping at one another. Joe Biden has been in the Situation Room and if he can motivate Mike Johnson to act like a legislator and not a mewling puppet of Trump, some much needed military aide can be budgeted. Johnson spoke last night with Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell in addition to the President and they’ve all told him what must be done.

MORE FROM THE MIDDLE EAST — The aftermath of Iran’s weekend strikes on Israel continue to play out this morning. Biden himself is keeping a low profile, Jonathan Lemire and Alex Ward report, as he leads the quiet campaign to contain any potential Israeli retaliation that could send the conflict spiraling out of control. Notably, the White House opted not to have Biden deliver a televised address on the attacks: “Putting the president behind the Resolute Desk turns up the temperature,” one official said. “That’s something to ideally avoid.”

Among the implications that Washington policymakers must consider are thousands of American troops stationed in the region, Lara Seligman and Paul McLeary report. While none of the Iranian drones or missiles appeared to target U.S. forces, “the size and scale of the U.S. response to an Iranian attack is far above anything seen previously in the decades-long standoff between Washington and Tehran,” and further escalation could put them in harm’s way.

Meanwhile, more details are emerging about the Iranian attack and how a coalition of Israeli, U.S. and Arab forces countered it. “Israel’s vaunted missile defense systems ramped up to engage the munitions as they were launched from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen,” WaPo’s Dan Lamothe and Alex Horton write. “But they were flanked by U.S. and British fighter jets, a Patriot missile defense system manned by U.S. troops in Iraq and U.S. destroyers off the coast of Israel, each ready to assist.”

The result was a smashing military success, but it also raised troubling questions. “Whether Israel and its supporters can replicate that performance under the conditions of an all-out war — this weekend’s salvo from Iran, clearly telegraphed in advance, was the opposite of a surprise attack — is an open question, as is Israel’s ability to defend itself without outside help,” WSJ’s Yaroslav Trofimov writes. And his colleague Michael R. Gordon offers another sobering analysis — and headline — amid the crash effort to prevent an escalation: “Biden Wanted to Avoid a Regional War. Now He’s Got One.”

We have a couple of things to be grateful for: First and foremost, Joe Biden is in the White House and the country is being governed. Donald Trump is in criminal court where he belongs. On this much at least, and for the moment, all’s right with the world. Now if the GOP-led House can put aside appliance week and Alejandro Mayorkas’ impeachment trial and actually govern responsibly, we should do alright.

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  1. Persecuted and prosecuted are terms needing to be defined for the less educated people in this country. Some media outlets, when they are not just outright saying dingle berry is being persecuted, are using the terms interchangeably (maybe out of ignorance, maybe on purpose). This is a problem and it is unlikely to be rectified by the media. It probably wouldn’t hurt for those of us who encounter this mistake to correct the person making it at the time they are using the terms incorrectly-regardless of their intentions.

    Stating trump is being Prosecuted, often and loudly, might start to change the persecution garbage. At least it might change the narrative somewhat.

    • Strictly speaking it wasn’t a cow that got sued but Twitter for allowing a very funny person to comment as “Devin Nunes’ Cow,” who gave me some much-needed laughs.But I wouldn’t put it past Don Donald to try to screw it because it’s female and cannot object in English.

  2. “And his colleague Michael R. Gordon offers another sobering analysis — and headline — amid the crash effort to prevent an escalation: “Biden Wanted to Avoid a Regional War. Now He’s Got One.”

    Gordon’s political leanings are way too apparent in this. Biden did NOT “get” a “regional war”; this is ALL on Bibi Netanyahu. Bibi allowed HAMAS to build up in Gaza because they acted as a counterweight to the more mainstream PLO/FATAH in nominal control of the Palestinian Authority. And to make sure that Israel didn’t have to give any serious consideration to a workable two-state solution, Bibi gave financial aid (and allowed Arab countries to send financial aid) to HAMAS. Then, Bibi got his ass handed to him when his HAMAS lackeys showed their true colors and attacked Israeli military and civilian targets because Bibi was busy trying to keep his own job, largely by kowtowing to the religious extremist Jewish nationalist parties in the Knesset and putting larger numbers of the IDF on the West Bank to “protect” the (illegal) Jewish settlements there while pulling them away from the Gaza area (also, Bibi was having to deal with those pesky protesters, angry at Bibi’s attempts to change the country’s judiciary to keep his ass from dealing with his corruption issues).
    And, finally, Bibi decided to blow up all that Western goodwill that had been pouring into the country following the HAMAS incursion by basically describing EVERY male in Gaza over the age of 5 part of a HAMAS cell, dedicated to destroying Israel, so he decided to raze Gaza through his own little program of “shock and awe” (and if it just happened to kill off every Palestinian resident in the Strip, well, so much the better).
    Again, the ONLY person looking to start up a regional war is Bibi Netanyahu. It was HIS decision to target Iranian diplomatic installations in Syria that brought on this delayed reaction by Iran. (Iran had actually been keeping very cool on the matter, with more talk than any action, and–as noted–Iran basically told Israel “We’re going to send some attack drones in a couple of weeks but don’t target us again because we WILL retaliate and you WON’T know it’s coming.”)

  3. issuing another 20 million shares? they saw the stories about all the goobers buying as many as they can afford and are cashing in. at 25 per share that’s half a billion dollars. they presumably have a couple billion from the ipo and that’s enough to pay the company’s debts a expand big time into a streaming service. so where is all the money going? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s going into people’s pockets. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Trump got his waiver and has nauta sitting in front of a computer selling a few thousand shares every 10 or fifteen minutes.

    • Everyone knows the old statement, “FOLLOW THE MONEY”, something Trump has done all his business life … Today, he’s got nowhere to go, a lost soul that has shown his true colors and it has become the first step into a huge funnel, the one that is fomenting with GOP has-beens, the ones with umbrella’s of giant quantities of cash have begun their back-turning on Trump since he is basically a political leech with no true business sense or ANY value to the GOP …

      The GOP is now getting pummeled by our stars in our House, the GOP made a big mistake ignoring obvious pitfalls of sticking with Trump and making up false charges to Biden and his son … Our stars have been crashing the GOP shit heads on their mission to help Trump by slamming Biden, it did not work and now certain GOP knuckle heads in the House SHOULD be charged and even be incarcerated for their continued stupidity and hanging up our progress with Biden’s plans and gains mostly screwed up by Trump and his vermin followers.

      The sooner this fake web garbage goes dark, the sooner Trump will be free of his promised billions claims, the punishment of dissolving Trump’s holdings and all his huge brass letters in the world, will certainly seal the biggest deal in Trump’s lifetime, if it does not put him 6 foot under with a terminal case of crocodile tears and poor ME’s …


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