Whatever TV seats or coffee pots Trump hadn’t already smashed in the past 24 hours, I’ll bet he started smashing the remaining ones when news broke that Apple had joined Google in dropping the Parler App from its online store. That does not bode well for Parler and they are the first to admit it. New York Times:

The dual removals were a major blow to Parler, sharply limiting its ability to find new users and throwing its future into question, just as it appeared poised to capitalize on growing anger at Silicon Valley in conservative circles. With Mr. Trump now banned on Twitter and Facebook, Parler had been a logical choice to become his next megaphone.

“This is very huge,” Amy Peikoff, Parler’s policy chief, told Fox News on Friday, when Apple first threatened to remove the app. Without access to the App Store, she said, “we’re toast.”

John Matze, Parler’s chief executive, said in a text message early Saturday that Twitter had recently promoted the phrase “Hang Mike Pence” as a trending topic. (The majority of the discussion on Twitter was about rioters chanting the phrase about the vice president on Wednesday.) “I have seen no evidence Apple is going after them,” Mr. Matze said. “This would appear to be an unfair double standard as every other social media site has the same issues, arguably on a worse scale.” He added, “But we are taking this very seriously.”

After Google dropped Parler, Apple gave them 24 hours in which to respond to a request for an outline on how they intended to moderate content on their site. Apparently they blew the deadline off.

This leaves Donald Trump in a real pickle. The MAGAts who didn’t get on Parler already won’t be able to now. That ship has sailed. It looks like pro-Trump social media has basically tanked.

Maybe Trump will pursue his original plan of putting together a Trump TV type streaming service on the internet. Michael Cohen had said that if Trump could only hang on to about 20 million loyal followers, who would send him money and pay $4.99 a month for a streaming service, Trump would be happy. The grift would continue.

The common sense question seems to be — and I have no idea how to frame this legally — could Trump get on Google with a streaming “news” show, or does the fact that Google bounced Parler indicate that Google wouldn’t permit the same content that it didn’t want to see on Parler in a streaming service? Makes sense, doesn’t It? If Google would shut down unmoderated content in one area of the blogosphere, why would it allow it in another? As stated, I have no idea of the legal dimension of the question, it just seems to be an obvious one to ask.

Or, maybe Trump will build a platform to compete with Twitter, as he threatened to do Friday. We shall see. In all events, it’s nice to have a little peace and quiet. And to know that Trump is forced to scream into the void, because his phone won’t connect to his adoring fans. Welcome to our world, Donald, where actions have consequences.

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  1. Apple set Funeral Parler up to fail here. There was never any way in heaven, hell or purgatory they could have met that deadline even if they’d tried. Apple just did it this way to say that they gave Parler a chance.

    • I don’t necessarily agree. If they had said something, “we’re hiring 200 moderators to read every comment and report on violent ones” something like that, i think they would have been better off. Making no effort tanked them altogether.

  2. Its revealing, its apparent the winds have changed it’s always interesting to watch it evolve. First you lose people of conscience then public opinion.
    Its counterintuitive, but the money people jump last, prior investment, its over and the future of our country,
    It’s an opportunity, if we truly believe our values as Americans. All of us are equal.

    • More than you may know, Max. Amazon is booting it off its webhosting AWS in the next night or two. That’s as good as shutting it off.

  3. While I feel its instinctive to use popular media apps as a confirmation of your positions,
    It’s all fluff, were onto cold facts now. Its entertaining, however the canons of our judiciary arent on Parlor or Twitter,
    Just the facts,ma’am

    • Oh, Steve…have you not noticed how so much of this Coup Klux Klan is on both apps, detailing everything from intent to details from the instigators and participants themselves too? That’s also a fact, one that’s VERY admissible in court. One Twitter wit said they should have called Parler “Evidence”.

  4. You have heard #walkaway, can’t wait to see #apple throw away and show how big the pile will grow of products that apple users send to a certain location to show apple that we say we are done with apple for there double standard.


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