Poor Donald Trump. All he ever wanted to do was be president. He sought the title, not the actual job. He wants the good stuff, the cheers and the crowds, being photographed with celebrities, cameras and flashbulbs and glory. And of course it’s cool to have a bullet proof limo and a luxurious bunker, because you never know, and to be able to send Marine 1 out for pizza. But the job beyond that sucks. You know it, and I know it, and he knows that we know it. Donald hates the gig but Vladimir says he can’t quit, or else.

And if that isn’t bad enough, the rest of the GOP won’t stop bugging him. Lindsey didn’t talk about anything else on the golf course. He kept demanding that Donald actually get up in front of people and say something about the state of the country and what he intends to do about it, because — well, because that’s what a president does. So, okay, fine, Donald will read off the teleprompter, and he’s doing it for you, you guys, Lindsey, Mitch, all of youse.

And since there is no plan and never has been one for this administration other than Fox News talking points, well by golly, that’s what the GOP platform for 2020 is going to be. Plain and simple. Roger Ailes was just given his own forge and bellows in Hell, because his vision has manifested, and Satan is mightily pleased.

Trump’s Mt. Rushmore address was pure Tucker Carlson talking points, with a light rewrite by Stephen Miller and that isn’t coincidental. Where Trump and Fox News are concerned, the past is prologue, no matter how hard he might rage tweet at them. Trump and Fox News are symbiotically joined at the hip and will remain so until surgically separated by the electorate, at which time Trump will probably slink off to OANN and Fox will regroup. But until then, here’s what it was July 3, and this is what it’s going to be until November 3. Axios:

Trump vs. Carlson: Below are grabs from Carlson monologues over the past month, followed by quotes from Trump’s July 3 speech.

  • Carlson: “For more than a month, mobs of violent crazy people have roamed this country, terrorizing citizens and destroying things.”

  • Trump: “Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”

  • Carlson: “The education cartel, enforced on your children, enforces their demands.”

  • Trump: “In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance.”

  • Carlson: “Few people ever could have imagined that Teddy Roosevelt would be canceled. Roosevelt was the most popular president in American history.”

  • Trump: “One of their political weapons is ‘Cancel Culture.'” And in a separate part of the speech, “Theodore Roosevelt exemplified the unbridled confidence of our national culture and identity. … The American people will never relinquish the bold, beautiful, and untamed spirit of Theodore Roosevelt.”

  • Carlson: “For weeks we’ve asked, ‘Who will stand up for this country?’ And the answer we’re learning is Americans. Americans will. It’s up to them. Small groups of citizens are beginning to come forward to defend their laws, defend their history and their culture.”

  • Trump: “They think the American people are weak and soft and submissive. But no, the American people are strong and proud, and they will not allow our country, and all of its values, history, and culture, to be taken from them.”

  • Carlson: “The Cultural Revolution has come to the West.”

  • Trump: “Make no mistake: This left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution.”

The feedback loop is complete. Carlson says something, Stephen Miller touches it up a bit, Trump reads it, bored and boring. Rinse and repeat.

In 2016, it was “Call Sean Hannity.” In 2020, it’s “Ask Tucker Carlson.” You want to know what Trump “thinks” on a given topic, tune in Tucker and take notes. That’s all Miller is doing.

This is seriously berserk, that a TV talk show host, an entertainer — make no mistake, the opinion portion of Fox News is not billed as news, but as entertainment — has this much influence on a presidential reelection campaign. But, on the other hand, it makes a great deal of sense, because this “presidency” is nothing more than a show. It has never had any substance, only form. It was amazing to behold how it muddled along as well as it did, until an actual problem arose that couldn’t be lied about, bought off, or swept under the rug. COVID-19 tanked Trump’s total reelection platform, which was the economy, the economy, the economy, nothing else. Hard to pitch that when “more people are unemployed this June than any June in history,” according to the most recent Lincoln Project ad.

So get ready for The Apprentice: Culture War edition, because that’s what you’re going to see until this shitshow goes off the air. Trump talks about “cancel culture?” He’s about to find out what it really means, up close and personal.


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  1. You are an SJW bullshit artist. Nobody wants n**gers [Editors Note: I leave this up here so you can see what kind of creeps are descending upon this site. S/he didn’t user the asterisks, I just edited it so we wouldn’t have hate speech on the site.] looting and burning their cities, regardless of what the fake news media says. Trump 2020.

    • You are dead for a ducat dead, as Hamlet said. Go spread your filth at Red State or Breitbart or anyplace where it will fly. Enjoy life in the cornfield, where allllllll the bad trolls go.

      • They’re not very bright, either, since they can’t see that Himself is the one destroying the country – intentionally.

        • I just beefed up security a little here. Luckily I was here when this comment posted and could deal with it. The crazies are coming out of the woodwork. And they think Trump is going to do some good. Sigh. The stupid, it burns.

          • No, Cmae, most of those keyboard warriors are RL cowards that’d likely shoot themselves while CLEANING a gun. The bigger the talk, the emptier the space it’s coming from.

          • Remember the gospel of Phillip K Dick, Ursula: reality is all that is left when you stop believing in everything else. This crowd is rapidly approaching that moment.

          • What book did he say that in? I love his work so much. The original Blade Runner is one of my favorite sci fi movies of all time.

          • After extensive research (AKA a carefully worded Google search), I found that the quote comes from “I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon”, Ursula.

      • Your cornfield reference made me think of that old movie Children of the Corn which isn’t a bad metaphor for current goings on – with the GOP being the children and Trump as Malakai(sp?)

        • Actually, the cornfield reference is from the classic Twilight Zone episode “It’s A Good Life”, one of the more unnerving episodes in a series full of them.

      • Hamlet? You’re quoting SHAKESPEARE to that nimrod??? Wonder how many miles that went over his/her head??? Love you bear, you’re a riot! (ooops I said that word ROFL!)

        • Yeah, quoting Hamlet to somebody who struggled with Weekly Reader articles is a bit much. But it amuses the troops here, so there’s that.

    • Run along, you child. The grownups are talking and you may REALLY dislike what we decide to do with you when this is over. Hint: that notion about being physically hunted that your crowd currently believes would be letting you off FAR too easy.

    • And aren’t you brave? Oh, and maybe you operate with the pejorative meaning for SJW, but I’m happily a social justice warrior, no BS, no negative connotations. Oh, and this looting and burning trope? First off, glad to see you aren’t letting the actual facts get in the way of what you want to believe–the looting was minimal, burning ditto, and was early on. But for you folks up is down and down is up and hate words are all you have. Poor thing.

      • The problem of course is “what bleeds, leads.” Media emphasized the riots, burning and looting because peaceful protests aren’t very exciting. “The availability heuristic, also known as availability bias, is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person’s mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision.” So they have no reason to believe that looting and burning was “minimal.” A link to the FBI reporting of 10,000 arrested and 53 charged out of millions of protesters, and”minimal” is mathematically demonstrated. The way to refute the subtext that it is blacks who are doing the rioting is to post a bunch of links to the many videos showing white looters, especially the video where black people are trying to stop them. Add links to the stories of the utter destruction by white mobs of two black communities, Greenwood and Rosewood, and they’re done.

  2. I do love the ‘far left’ fascism – did anyone bother explaining to him that fascism isn’t even a teeny-weeny bit left wing – extreme RIGHT wing (just like himself)

    • I suppose it’s the sort of thing you say when “socialism” no longer works as an insult. Then again, given how truly fascist this crowd is at heart, might also be yet another IMAX screen size case of projection.

    • This is exactly what happens when folks don’t know “stuff,” or as Bob Marley said so eloquently, “Ya gots to know ya history.” And ya facts, and ya philosophies, and the beat goes on.

  3. Hold strong, folks. We’re down to four months as of yesterday before we finally get that Parole Board hearing. That these guys are just coming right out and saying it only helps us.

      • You plan on living that long, right, P J? If so, then I expect you will take all the steps to make that happen. Leave that hyperbole for the quaking right wingnuts who fear far worse.

  4. This is for all of us the echo chamber that keeps on giving; and in so doing, these folks are even turning off their own damned base; or scaring them, one. Not sure which or maybe both.

  5. First, Carlson talking to the wrong guy when he says who will stand for our country. Five college deferments and a fake medical deferment proved that. And second, next time Carlson wants to run his mouth about whether I love this country. He needs to look me up. I’m not hard to find and I am sure we will have a nice discussion on my patriotism.


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