Donald Trump is the only president in U.S. history who basically phoned in the job and went golfing, and he follows that same pattern into his post presidency. His affect is more exiled monarch than former leader and if you’re looking for any traces of the elder statesman, the emeritus grise, you won’t find that fantasy being touted even on Fox or Newsmax.

No, Trump is Trump. Yesterday he did a remote appearance at the MAGA Frank Rally in Wisconsin. Here’s the entire 16:20, if you can stand it. From a strictly academic perspective, if you watch his sightlines when he reads names from a list, you can tell he’s glued to the teleprompter, and that’s nothing new. What is new, apparently, are his set dressers, because before the teleprompter was put at such an angle that Trump at least gave the appearance of being awake when he spoke. Not so yesterday.

There are a few good moments where he claims that “leaders of countries with MS-13” told Trump they “would be honored to take MS-13 back” once they found out that Trump had cancelled their foreign aid — like it was a magazine subscription, no need for congressional approval, none of that ballyhoo. But it’s his trademark lying, anecdotes where people call him “Sir,” which are the best of this piece. The best “Sir” story is when he gets into his election fraud riff the last three minutes or so.

Anybody know what he’s talking about, the “consent decree” signed in Georgia, saying that “Republicans are never going to be allowed to win?”

Where Trump made his big mistake with the toy blog, is that he should have used it to post videos like this. He has an audience who will listen to him. They won’t read him, because they don’t read, but there is an audience for this level of Trump drivel. But for reasons we will never know, the toy blog was not set up to carry videos, go figure.

In all events, August is still the QAnon-touted date that Trump becomes “reinstated” a mechanism which doesn’t exist in law or in the constitution, but why sweat the small stuff, right?

You remember John McCain called his bus the Straight Talk Express? This is the Disinformation Unlimited.


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  1. He needs to wear his glasses, if he’s having that much trouble seeing the prompter. Better to admit age and the need for help than to pretend you’re still young and healthy (which is clearly not true).

  2. Yep, I reviewed this ghastly performance once again, he STILL looks and sounds like someone recovering from a direct hit earlier in the day with someone’s can of mace … looking through slits for eyes … occasionally it appeared he rested them momentary seconds fully shut …

    He was having great difficulty assembling words for the viewers and a couple times running words by and sorting them out, trying to calm the word salad effects …

  3. That has to be the Guiness World record for the longest sentence in the world. Apparently his biker friends have a “reputation,” because he said he did feel safe from them. With the amount of praise he gave to Mike Lindell and Rudy Giullani he’s sure to make them head of his reelection campaign in 2024…you think?

  4. Why would punkin’ man need a teleprompter to vomit out that same old schtick is beyond my Ken. His mind must really be gone bye-bye.

    • No, it never was there, there. Funny how all the schools lawyer up when you bring up the trumps. Yeah you ask someone what school did they go to and when did you graduate and they all talking to their hand. Oh, you were with a trump.

  5. The Tangerine Terror now looks like he is the result of some unspeakable act between a Prussian statue and a Wild Boar. it ’was impossible for me to ignore that last temporary renter, who while he trumpeted himself as the world’s guardian of freedom blathered on incoherently about his obsession, himself, as he incited racist violence, insulted our traditional allies along with the courts, the press and Congress, tweeted de dumb misspelled inanities and impulsively denounced and sabotaged bipartisan domestic and foreign policy. But Trump’s most unforgivable sin in my eyes was his deep allegiance to America’s corporate empire and its embrace of endless wars on both domestic and foreign soil, even though he lacks the intellectual and organizational skills to oversee any real reform.

  6. I just love the fake Oval Office. I wonder if they will equip all his properties with a Oval Office. I doubt it. Word is all the court cases are running the piggy bank dry especially after he got busted ripping his supporters off. Idiot.


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