Donald Trump is as out of his depth in world politics as a chihuahua trying to hump a Great Dane. He gave a press conference after the G-7 summit and he was visibly exhausted and short tempered. He had nothing to say except how Iran and North Korea had “tremendous potential” — for real estate development, of all things — and how he’s going broke being president, but that’s okay, because of his profound love of country. RawStory:

“I actually had friends years ago, many years ago, they were in the real estate business and they were in Iran and they were building houses and building housing and building office buildings and apartment houses and they did very well,” the president said. “They made a lot of money, and to this day they’re not exactly the youngest developers anymore, but they were young when they went over there, they made a lot of money and they loved the people and they loved what was going on. It’s a country with tremendous potential.”

“Kim Jong-un, who I’ve gotten to know extremely well, the first lady has gotten to know Kim Jong-un and I think she would agree with me, he is a man with a country that has tremendous potential,” he said. “You’re in between China, Russia and South Korea. People want to get to South Korea, they’ve got to get there somehow, and if they’re going to do anything other than essentially fly, they want to go through [North Korea], railroads and everything else, so many things I want to happen there. I think that North Korea has tremendous economic potential and I think that Kim Jong-un sees that he would be the leader and I think he sees the tremendous potential that it’s got.”

Then he went on to hype his Doral golf club in Miami as the perfect location for the 2020 G-7 summit, which is to be held in the United States. Naturally, that sparked an immediate question about Trump profiting from the transaction, which brought us a new Trump character, the self-sacrificing patriot.

“I’ll tell you what,” Trump began. “I’ve spent, and I think I will in a combination of loss and opportunity, probably it’ll cost me anywhere from $3 billion to $5 billion to be president, and the only thing I care about is this country. Couldn’t care less — otherwise I wouldn’t have done it.”

“I used to get a lot of money to make speeches,” he continued. “Now I give speeches all the time. You know what I get? Zippo, and that’s good, and I did a lot of great jobs and a lot of deals that I don’t do anymore, and I don’t want to do them. The deals I’m making are great deals for the country. That’s much more important.”

If you want to listen to this blather, the videos are embedded below. Take a step back and get an overview of this situation: Trump went to the G-7 conference right after escalating a trade war with China, and even Boris Johnson counseled prudence. Trump said nothing about that, and all we got was the frantic machinations of the White House trying to cover his a$$ by saying that he meant he wanted to raise tariffs higher. Benjamin Netanyahu did an airstrike in Syria during the G-7, as part of his own escalating tensions with Iran, yet Donald Trump can only talk about Iran in terms of it’s real estate development potential. Kim Jong Un has played Trump like a fiddle, baiting him into two summits, from which Kim gained valuable publicity and gave nothing. While he continues to launch his missiles, Trump continues to laud him — and talk about real estate.

Bottom line, the man has nothing to say, because he’s totally out of his depth. It’s a well known fact here in Los Angeles that during the filming of “The Apprentice” the editors had to cobble together a decent performance from Trump, because he was such a dolt. Now, he doesn’t have the advantage of a post production team to make him look good and what you get is the basic, unexpurgated Trump — which is a blithering dullard with nothing on his mind, because he has no mind. Trump is so uninformed and clueless about the very world affairs which he is supposed to be stewarding, that he had to ramble on vaguely about real estate, because it’s the only thing that he knows — and he’s not even knowledgeable there, or he wouldn’t have gone bankrupt six times. Somebody get the hook and pull this clown off stage before he embarrasses us anymore.



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  1. I took notes in real time. It is so unbelievably painful, watching the president of the U.S. give answers that were nowhere near as good as the answers I could have given, and I mean that literally. I could have spoken in that room with more assurance, just as on-topic, and just as opaque as called for, all the while sounding gracious and someone well-read.
    And I am probably not in the top half of what others could have done. The braggadocio is painful and pitiful.

    • It is sad, indeed, when you realize what a dunce this guy is. I never had much regard for Dubya, but at least he had some intelligent people around him to draw from. Trump is less intelligent and less informed than you or I — and that’s HORRIFYING!! My God, to have a sitting president that is developed to a junior high level mentally and emotionally? And attending world summits, filled with brilliant people, who speak multiple languages and who know government backwards and forwards? I swoon.

      • I’m not sure Tr*mp has even gotten to junior-high level. (At my school, he’d have been in the class that got the special teacher, not even the regular ones.)

  2. Good to know Trump is an “environmentalist”. As true as everything he says. If he is an environmentalist Hitler should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. (Screw Godwin)


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