This has taken forever to get here, and I only hope that the fireworks are worth the wait. Although with my luck, it’ll be freakin’ raining.

Legally Trump has had more lives than nine cats. But even that is explainable. While Traitor Tot has portrayed himself as a mega successful real estate billionaire since he was 30 years old, it’s pure bullshit. Trump loves to describe himself as The King of Debt. But it’s hard to see how you actually make any money when you’re in hock up to your ears. If your lenders pull a sudden margin call, Trump is living in a Kushner 3rd floor cold water walkup.

But Trump always had two secret weapons. First, while Trump brags of being a billionaire, deep in his blackened heart, he knows he’s chump change. Hell, his father was richer than he ever was, when they got caught by the DOJ for discriminatory lending practices, they let them wriggle off with a fine, because it wasn’t worth the manpower or court time. And in his solo days, he has been careful to keep his grifting small enough as to not be worth the effort.

Here’s the 2nd get-out-of-jail-free-card. For most of his career, Trump has chosen when possible to deal with small to mid-level vendors and providers. He signs contracts with them, and when it’s time to pay he either stiffs them, or he demands to renegotiate the contract for inferior products or workmanship.

Which is not a crime. It’s a business dispute, and the place for a business dispute is in civil court. And since His lowness deals whenever possible with small to mid-level independent contractors, he can flex his mighty debt muscles to threaten to tie them up in court until their case goes to probate. Most contractor’s fold. So yes, Trump has been lucky with the law, but he’s also been cagy enough to hedge his bets.

But not anymore. Because Trump got lazy, and he got arrogant. Right now, the only real question in the criminal legal community is whether Jack Smith will charge Trump for the Mar-A-Lago case stand alone, and continue investigating J6 sins, and later release superseding indictments. Or wait until everything is a nice pink bow. But considering that there is no federal requirement for the two different cases to proceed along the same track, and the incredible public pressure for FrankenTrump to be held accountable, I’m looking for Trump to be indicted on the Mar-A-Lago case by the end of January, and pile anything else on later for a separate trial.

Because the Mar-A-Lago case is what prosecutors love to refer to as low hanging fruit. Chris Hayes summed the case up perfectly last night on All In, while talking to former federal prosecutor Barbara McQuaid. He basically said, It’s really kind of simple, isn’t it? Drugs are illegal. And if you get caught walking down the street lugging a suitcase full of crack cocaine, it’s kind of dame over, isn’t it? I mean, crack cocaine is illegal, and you got caught with a whole suitcase of the stuff. What’s left to say?

McQuaid agreed and added that while the public grew weary of the DOJ’s endless attempts to resolve the matter, that only made the case stronger, since the DOJ made it clear that they knew Trump had the documents, and asked for them back. Trump’s refusal shows knowledge of built and obstruction. Legally, Trump is toast. Burnt.

So much or the criminal side of this. The other side is Trump’s allegedly vaunted business empire, and according to expert David Cay Johnston, who has studied and reported on Trump for more than 20 years, and was sued by Trump for defamation, the bloom is about to fall off of that rose too. At long last.

Since The Mango Messiah launched his career with that small loan of $1 million from his father, Trump has had two consistent and reliable sources of income. His branding, and his father’s money. Which sounds right for a moron who puts up next to no money of his own to develop a property, and then immediately mortgages it to the hilt for more pocket cash.

When Fred Sr. was alive, he loved Donald’s persona. Brash, arrogant, and always coming off as a winner. While Fred was alive, he was a nonstop spigot for Donald’s fuck ups. When The Donald was about to default in Atlantic City on a casino. Fred sent a minion to the casino with a bag for a purchase of $1 million in casino chips, which he then put into a safe. That allowed Dumbledork to make his loan bridge payment. There are more stories, but you get the point.

And once Fred Sr. died, that spigot was shut off, the estate went into escrow. But Trump kept stoppers. Part of the estate was quite a few middle-class rental properties that his father owned. Which was Trumpelthinskin’s lifeline. Every time the shit hit, he’d sell off one of his fathers properties and buy himself some breathing room. Nice work for a fuck up if you can get it.

Which brings us to the end of The Cheeto Prophet’s gravy train. The last year in the released taxes that Trump showed an appreciable profit, he did it by selling one of Fred’s properties, realizing a $500 million profit, and inventing 26 shell companies that lost money to defray his tax liabilities.

But according to Johnston, here’s what binds the cheese. That building that he sold was the last remaining Fred Trump inheritance property. Trump’s only remaining source of steady revenue is his childhood trust fund, and Fred made sure he couldn’t dip in and raid it. And it’s nowhere near enough.

Trump Force One is shit out of runway. Over the next 18 months, Hair Twitler has some $250 million in personally guaranteed notes coming due. And with his long-time accounting firm Mazars refusing to certify the accuracy of his financial filings, mainly due to possible inaccurate information provided by Trump, he runs the risk of other banks calling in his notes. And El Pendejo Presidente no longer has any leftover Fred Trump properties to sell in order to bail himself out. For the 1st time in 50 years, Trump is all on his own. 

There’s my Happy New Year to you all. I may be old, legally bound, housebound and fat, but at least I have all of you! Trump is almost certain to be indicted on the Mar-A-Lago documents case, and if NYAG Letitia James has her way, the civil suit will demolish Trump’s empire. I wouldn’t trade places with him for quadruple frequent flier points. A Happy and prosperous New Year my dear readers and friends!

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  1. Thank you Murph, for a hopeful new year’s message. I don’t wish him ill, but it’s hard not to ill wish him.

    Happy happy new year to you, Teri and all the Politizoom crew. You did your best to keep us sane and informed.

  2. so happy the republicans get to send Joe and hunter Biden to the hangman for selling our country to China and Russia.
    I hope Trump runs for president again since he was robbed in 2020.
    please report about hunter burdens laptop quit hiding the truth!



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