Working at the White House used to be the pinnacle of a communications professional’s career, whether one was press secretary, communications director, or even one of the communications office staff. It was quite the honor to be there, the cherry on the sundae of a professional resume. Now, more evidence appears to prove up the theory that the so-called communications people are anything but that, they are in fact mean spirited children. Friday, Trump’s “de facto communications director” and former Ted Cruz adviser, Jason Miller, went off the deep end calling Jerry Nadler names and then he deleted his Twitter account. Well, he sure showed us, huh?

I’m just going to go ahead and take the obvious cheap shot here. Jason Miller actually feels comfortable fat shaming another man, calling him “nasty?” Seriously?

Just mark this newest exhibit and file it away. Somewhere in an alternate universe there’s a case being adjudicated, “Trump Crazies v. Normal Sensibilities.” I pray that we, the sane and decent people win and that this Lord of the Flies government of evil schoolboy bullies goes down in flames. Trump and his cabal of crooks and liars (and lunatics) do not know where the line is drawn, they never have. Our national discourse is like a sick cow, down on her knees and you wonder if she’s going to ever get back up again.

This mis-administration has disgraced us in the eyes of the world. And while a twitter tantrum in and of itself is insignificant, this is just one more example of how airing one’s dirty linen on social media is the new normal, in the age of Trump. The low class, no class act is now perfectly acceptable. Granted, we live in an age of cultural division right now, but America as a whole is sporting a black eye, since Trump was elected. And if we don’t get him out in 2020, the black eye will become permanent. We were an honorable people and justifiably proud, once. How in Hell did we get here?


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    • Seriously, where does the guy get off fat shaming? And is he so brainless, that he couldn’t think of a more substantive insult for Nadler? That’s the part that really kills me, is that he couldn’t phrase his contempt for Nadler in any other context than school boy bullying. And communications is his field, right? Getting ideas across? These people are simply amazing.

      • Not so amazing when you think about the genetic determinations the make up the conservative brain: Lack of empathy, lack of sympathy, impaired reasoning, minimal information processing, fear of…,and reflex reaction to everything external. The projection is a natural outcome of those traits.

  1. We know how we got here-Russia, etc. IMO, our problem now is the people who not only voted for him but continue to support him. That will have to be addressed before there is any possibility of a united country that can reclaim any honor. I wish I had the answer to that but I don’t. I do place a majority of the blame on an education system that has been steadily deteriorating over the last 40 yrs. We don’t have that amount of time nowl

    • The educational system is now totally cratered, from all that I can perceive. I talk to young people, and you can see the cultural divisions there. I talk to the ambitious young college prep types and then there are the ones I’ll just call “the Lost.” They have no idea what’s going on, or how anything relates to anything else. That’s who Trump appeals to and who Fox News broadcasts to.

      • My sis-in-law was talking about stuff like that when her kids were in school, 20 or so years back. She said they got “Black History Month”, where they learned about individuals, but they didn’t get any picture of how they fit into US history. (Fortunately, they have encyclopedias at home, and the kids are bright.)

      • Again, see my earlier reply regarding the conservative brain. Conservatives have been feverishly assaulting the public education system from multiple fronts, including restricting local funding, to censorship of textbooks and curricula, as well as pushing faith based absurdities and both charter- and home-schooling. All of these efforts are based on the medieval notion that education is for the sole purpose of cultivating a compliant populace (social control).

        As I like to say it, the Renaissance was little more than the Middle Ages with lipstick and the times we live in are little more than the Middle Ages with lipstick and smart phones.

    • As scary a thought that is, I’m trying to count how many chins DJT has looking over Murf’s, “Sanity” Prevails view, all huffed and puffed up, arms tight around his wonderful self … I’m beginning to think his face is not normal, seems to have jowls instead of cheeks … maybe his new nickname can be, “BULLDOG” …

      • At least three chins. The side view would show all of them.
        He looks in his mirror and sees a 20-something man, still in reasonably good shape and not bad-looking (but with a crap personality).
        The rest of us look at him and see a fat old man with bad fake hair, a bad fake tan, and expensive fake teeth (they’re coated or whatever the term is).

    • What scene in Rocky Horror are you thinking of? I’ve seen that movie at least twenty times. It’s not just fandom. I was recovering from pneumonia years ago and happened to have that movie on video. That and Forbidden Planet and a few others got watched to death that month.

      • I guess you never saw it in a movie theater & experienced the interaction between the audience & what was going on on the screen. Whenever Albert(?) Gray (the Criminologist) would show up to narrate the story, if you recall his head seemed to be scrunched down into his shoulders, and it was common for audience members to shout he has no neck, or where’s his neck etc. Sometimes those who’d had too much to drink (it was always a midnight show) would be more colorful in their commentary.

        People learned the lines of the movie by heart and would pose questions, shout at the screen (Brad would be greeted with “Asshole” for example) and even throw stuff. It was always a good idea to be prepared for the scene where they left the car at the beginning to search for the house with Janet trying to protect her hair from the rain with a newspaper. People would bring them, and quite a few would bring spray bottles to create “rain” (sometimes a LOT) in the theater. At certain lines in certain songs they’d throw things at the screen like playing card (“Cards for joy, cards for pain” was the line in the song”) or later when “Your a hot dog and you’d better not try to hurt her – Frank Furter” people would throw actual hot dogs. It was quite the experience to see it in the theater. People would dress up as characters even.

        • Oh yes, attended this ‘show’ a number of times my senior year of college. Tossed stuff and danced in the aisles too. I still have fond memories of that movie. 🙂

          • I always thought line dancing was stupid and refused to do it – except for the Time Warp which wasn’t exactly a line dance, especially in the crowded aisles of the theater but what the hell. We could use an actual time warp to take us back to the fall of 2016 and be able to show people that the Trump presidency was even worse than we were warning.

        • Back in Carbondale I wound up creating a call back – when he was getting ready to “carve” the turkey (for those who don’t know/have never seen it Frank-N-Furter stabbed and mashed at it & made a mess) I shouted out “Always reach for Hamilton Beach – It slices it dices it carves three ways!” It caught on. You have to be a certain age to get the reference I guess. Maybe the coolest thing I saw happened after I’d stopped going, but took someone to see it to show them what it was like. The part where they were in the pool covered by fog. A group of guys ran up to the screen and started flapping their coats at it as the fog cleared away to show everyone in the pool! Lots of memories of seeing that picture.

    • Why did he close the account? What’s up with that? But then I guess that the silly and incomprehensible are all that these people know.

      • They seem to think that closing an account makes everything they already sent. (Just like they seem to think recordings disappear when the recording device is turned off.)

  2. The problem with his communication people is the same problem as the man himself: they’re all used to bullying their way into what they want. Sooner or later, you always hit a brick wall with that approach. And nothing you put on the Internet EVER dies, dumbass.


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