Listen carefully to this next clip, friends. Because it is short, but it is succinct. It speaks to the issue of Donald Trump’s grotesque to the point of cartoonish immaturity, and it speaks to what a facile liar the man is. I listened to it twice, because I couldn’t believe that he actually said what he said, which is “I was never indicted.” He was indicted four times by my count, not to mention a few other lawsuits, to wit the E. Jean Carroll defamation matter and the lawsuit in Michigan alleging that he kept Blacks from voting.

But according to Trump, you and I are imagining these things. So is this denial, par excellence? Because surely he can’t believe that even the MAGAs will buy the fact that there are no indictments, and this is some silly ploy on the part of Joe Biden. But they might. We are talking about the “poorly educated” “low information” crowd, bear in mind. I’m surprised his nose didn’t grow during this embarrassing episode.

Now as illiterate and stupid as Trump is, I think part of this is making a play on the word “indicted.” “You practically never heard the word,” he said. No, it’s a legal term of art. And if you’re not a criminal, then you could indeed live a full and rich life never hearing the word or even knowing the concept it represents. But Trump is a criminal and the only reason he wasn’t indicted before is because he used to contribute to the Police Athletic League and to the political campaigns of the district attorney in Manhattan, things of this nature.

A lot of wealthy people do exactly that and most of them don’t commit crimes. Or, at least, if they do, they’re not so blatant about it as Trump has been. From 1975 through 2009, Robert Morgenthau was the district attorney of the County of New York. He was appointed to be a U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York by John F. Kennedy in the 60’s. He told his biographer that he feared Donald Trump. He knew who and what Trump was and feared the mess he could make of things. And he was right.

Morgenthau could have investigated Trump, most likely, for any number of things he did but Trump befriended Morgenthau, even inviting him to Mar-a-Lago on one occasion. Morgenthau didn’t want to expend the time and money to go against somebody who had donated to his campaigns and to other charities.

So in a sense, you could say that we are where we are due to Morgenthau but on a real world level, there are budgets for prosecutions and prosecutors have to make hard decisions about whom to prosecute all the time. So Trump managed to stay under the radar.

All that changed when he became POTUS, although he now believes that the answer to all his problems lies in becoming POTUS again, so he can self pardon, dismantle the Department Of Justice, and basically destroy all our institutions and our way of life.

That’s what we have in store, when and if, God help us, he gets back into the White House.

So there is that alternative, reelection, or Trump might get convicted and sentenced and who knows if Joe Biden will pardon him. That’s something we’re going to find out. Or, maybe Trump will just go batshit crazy before all these cases are over with.

And frankly, listening to this tape, I think that’s something that could in fact happen. It’s not just this clip. Here are a few more from his New Hampshire visit.

Um…Hungary, I think it is. But whatever. Hungary, Turkey, Japan, China, who can keep these details straight, right?

You don’t have to worry about voting. Man, I sure hope they decide to take this one to the bank. Stay home, MAGA. Stay home, GOPers,. Trump’s got it wired, so just stay home.

Isn’t that something? We laugh but friends, we laughed in 2016 and look at what happened. I won’t be able to take it if this clown somehow gets reelected. My brain circuits might just fry like Robby the Robot when he got a command that went against the Laws Of Robotics. Trump in the White House goes against my fundamental hardwiring as well. That’s how this blog came to be. It’s my, and the other writers’, primal scream at the very existence of this clown in our political structure.

Hit this clip and listen. Here is this lunatic giving details that could compromise intelligence sources in Iran. Dear God, to try to work in espionage or the intelligence community is a dicey proposition at best, but since Trump came along, it’s almost an assured death sentence.

Here’s commentary on that clip.

In speech in New Hampshire today, Trump began speaking about Iran’s missile attack on the Ain al-Asad base in Iraq in January 2020, which was in retaliation for the US killing of Revolutionary Guard General Qassem Soleimani. He bragged that the missiles missed American soldiers and suggested to his crowd of cultists that it was because of a genius move by him.

However, any adversary who listened to this clip from Trump will now understand that the information he is revealing is classified and can easily narrow down what is he is talking about to one of two scenarios. One national security expert told MeidasTouch that Trump is either revealing a classified air defense system, or that we had human intelligence placed high in the Iranian government who tipped us off in time to move our soldiers away from the target area.

Either way, this clip is very useful to the Iranian government. Maybe unhinged Trump will reveal the rest of the details for Iran at his next rally in Iowa.

The man is an idiot and he’s a menace. And better men and women than he could ever hope to be are in harm’s way because he does not know when to keep his *%@# mouth shut. Christopher Steele, author of the Steele Dossier, told Reuter’s news service recently that two intelligence operatives in Russia had simply vanished since Trump started talking about Russian intelligence. Steele called Trump’s decision to declassify his 2017 testimony to Robert Mueller’s investigation, “one of the most egregious breaches of intelligence rules and protocol by the US government in recent times”.

And now he’s comparing himself to Nelson Mandela and he’s willing to spend the rest of his life in prison. Ha.

I sincerely do not know if he’s trying to cop an insanity plea here. And I don’t know where the line is crossed from stupid, careless, and irresponsible into literal lack of capacity. I leave that to professionals in the psychiatric field. But in terms of a candidate for our nation’s highest office? To even contemplate this loser as a candidate for that job is sheer madness. And that’s what the GOP is inflicting upon the body politic. Once again.


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  1. I thought about the insanity defense thing too. In fact, I’ve wondered before it that’s what he might ultimately try but then I’m not sure his ego would let him try. More importantly it’s my understanding that the issue in an insanity defense is the defendant’s ability to know right from wrong. Trump exhibits plenty of understanding of right and wrong. He just doesn’t think the standard should apply to him because he’s “special” and the normal rules don’t apply to people like him.

  2. I never laughed in 2016. I was raging. I’m still operating with controlled rage at this culture that makes heros of actors/singers/athletes and yawns at the rise of fascism. The sheer evil stupidity of tens of millions of our citizens that voted for this nazi AFTER watching him in action for YEARS, makes me ashamed and enraged at the same time. By the way, Nelson Mandela was quoted as saying the worst atrocities ever committed in the world were committed by the USA. FACT.

  3. Maybe he’s simply being, and increasingly becoming, haunted by the spectre of his hollow and ungracious end. Irrespective of armchair psychiatry and or other dissections of character and possible reasons why he’s such a festered, and festering, freak show.

  4. I saw that earlier and thought he meant that he was never indicted prior to this batch.
    The man has been a lifelong criminal for his entire adult life (following in daddy’s footsteps), but has always skated due to the fact that being in New York real estate assumes all kinds of criminal behavior.
    I have always said, the worst thing that ever happened to Trump was getting elected President.
    He gained access to commit bigger crimes and, based on his past history, assumed he would skate.


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