You know that Donald Trump was/is the Father From Hell but now you find out that he’s also every parents’ nightmare of the Grandfather From Hell as well. Just consider the source. The last time that we heard from Lara Trump she was busy with her new career as a country western singer. Haven’t heard much about that lately. Could it be that the lack of sales and/or interest of any kind made her reconsider?

While pondering that, Lara has nevertheless been quite busy with her podcast. She takes questions from viewers, just normal MAGA folks, who are dying to know anything and everything about their Mango Messiah. In this particular episode of Lara’s show, the question was posed, how does Grandpa Trump treat his grandchildren? (Granting arguendo that he even knows that he has any and what their names are.)

Now, let’s be fair here, shall we? What kind of a jerk grandparent fills his grandkids full of sugar? That’s not healthy, it’s excessive. And it’s also well known that kids who develop bad eating habits as kids end up as adults who have to fight weight problems. That’s a no brainer. So what Lara Trump is doing here is making Donald look bad. She’s also making a comment about herself, where she says, “loading them up on sugar and then returning them,” like getting your children back from a visit to the grandparent’s house is a disaster. But then again, this is a woman who put her kid out driving a go-cart in the middle of a hurricane because she believed that would “develop character.” Or, maybe she was hoping that he would get struck my lightning and be one less problem, ya spose?

And does anybody remember this travesty?

To this day I don’t know what Trump was “thinking.” What a freaking joke, to serve junk food at the White House. And if there was some issue with a shutdown, so what? Anybody with class wouldn’t have exacerbated the situation, they would have hired a local caterer. That was certainly doable and this would have been a non-event.

But no, not in Trump world. For reasons we didn’t know then and will never know, Trump decided that serving a cold burger to a group of athletes was a cool thing to do. I don’t even want to think about what condition the French fries were in.

I wonder if he could pick his own grandkids out of a lineup? Or, would even care to? Lara, Lara, when are you going to learn that sometimes less is more? And especially the less said about your father-in-law, the better off everybody is.

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  1. I take every opportunity possible to rip on DT (can’t bring myself to say his name), but come on. How many grandparents fill their kids full of candy and junk food? Most! is it even worth writing about? Or reading?

  2. This article is a joke!!! I am no way a fan of Trump but come on. You seem to have nothing to write about so your grasping for anything to write a negative article.



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