First, they liked each other. Then they both ran for the 2024 presidential nomination and hated each other. Then after what seems like 4,827 months, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis finally dropped out. Leaving ex-president Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to duke it out for the top spot.

It’s anyone’s guess how Haley will handle Trump’s continual insult parade — he’s already off and running with racist comments — mocking Haley’s Indian name. But that bullying was the undoing of DeSantis’s campaign, Raw Story reports. it’s interesting too, when you consider the fact that DeSantis started out strong, seeming like he could become MAGA 2.0. Then, after a 242-day fusillade of insults from Trump on the campaign trail, DeSantis’s campaign died a quiet death.

“i don’t care if he’s a republican,” Trump boasted during a gop gathering in florida, PER The New York Times. “We hit him hard, and now he’s like a wounded falling bird from the skies.”

DeSantis just wasn’t able to keep up with the continual rallying cries from the Trump camp, and he was definitely not able to keep up with the constant attacks. The Times referred to a press release that questioned DeSantis’s manhood, comparing him to walking like “a 10-year-old girl who had just raided her mom’s closet and discovered heels for the first time.”

And one spokesman for the Trump camp really fired off some nasty insults, calling the Florida governor and former Trump ally a “disloyal dog,” and comparing him to a “desperate eunuch,” and wondering why DeSantis would “cuck himself.” Oh, and the spokesman also accused him of trying to find “new sugar daddies” to keep his campaign from going under.

DeSantis tried to fight back, but he kept his insults above the belt, lashing out at the “juvenile insults.” But keeping things above the belt doesn’t work for Trump and his minions. At one point DeSantis was even accused of propping himself up to appear taller—by purportedly sliding shoe lifts into his Lucchese brand boots.

DeSantis seemed to waver as to whether he should respond to this insult, but when he did finally do so, he appeared rattled, even as he finally offered a smackdown.

“if donald trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, i’ll wear a boot on my head,” DeSantis said, per the times.

That’s not a half-bad comeback, and frankly, Trump’s people really didn’t have much of a leg to stand on (pun intended) since he’s been caught wearing toe pads, and quite possibly, shoe lifts.

It seems that since DeSantis dropped out of the race on Sunday, both camps have struck a mild truce with the Florida governor offering an insipid endorsement to Trump while backhanding Nikki Haley at the same time. In return, Trump said he’d knock it off with the “DeSanctimonious” nickname.

“it’s clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance,” Desantis said, adding: “he has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that nikki haley represents.”

Whether Haley is tough enough to hold up against the Trump insult parade remains to be seen, but as it is, she currently has eight delegates under her wing, compared to Trump, who has 20. DeSantis had nine, and he understood his time was up for this go-round. So, it’s very likely Haley’s turn to drop out next. And if she drops out after New Hampshire on Tuesday, Trump will almost certainly be the GOP nominee.

Oh joy (sarcasm intended).

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  1. Now there’s only one nazi wearing lifts and one that wears heels…they both do wear makeup and use hairspray…damn what a tough choice for a fascist liar/leader to march into oblivion.



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