I’m in the process of formulating a new law, let’s call it Faw’s Law. Faw’s Law states that the solidity of a legal ruling pertaining to Donald Trump is inversely proportionate to the explosion on social media following said ruling. In other words, if right-wing media is predicting the apocalypse following a ruling on a Trump case, then you know that that ruling is solid as the Rock of Gibraltar, and probably said ruling is unappealable.

In any event, we’re going to be testing whether the appellate court ruling on Trump’s lack of presidential immunity falls under Faw’s Law, because the social media explosion is there. Oh, mama. There is no joy in Trump world today. Today is akin to the Black Friday in 1929 where all the stock brokers started leaping from the windows of the towers of finance.

Isn’t that comical? Oh, there is wailing and gnashing of teeth in Wingnuttia today. Here’s another gem.

This last comment is straight out of Alina Habba’s playbook. She kept saying, post Carroll trial, that Trump wasn’t allowed to “bring a defense.” The defenses she was talking about were with respect to the underlying case, the rape case, and had nothing to do with the case at bar that day, which was the damages portion of the defamation case. Trump has “lawyers” who are hired shills and propagandists, not people whose first duty is to the rule of law.

Here are glad tidings from Rick Wilson, on this fine February day.

My instinct is that SCOTUS won’t take this up as a case. I think that the ruling today is the ruling period. Trump is screwed, blued, and tatooed. He got himself into this mess because he believed he had immunity. He believed he was bullet proof. Now he’s finding out the hard way.

And don’t forget, we still have not heard from Judge Arthur Engoron in the Trump Organization fraud trial. That will be a blockbuster as well.



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  1. Is Don Don Going to play it again at a higher decibel? What part of ‘Fu*k Off, Mr Trump’ doesn’t Don Don understand, given his puerile argument is so lubricious and weak, and the court’s response is solid and complete.
    Also, hope you don’t ming\d this: Lawfare is currently having a Lawfare Live: Discussing the D.C. Circuit’s Immunity Decision. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpZNUp2vKac

  2. Squeal piggy squeal!!!! You can hear a lot of that around hog killing time.
    “The harder they come…the harder they fall one and all.” Jimmy Cliff

  3. Republican_hypocrisy
    I wonder how many of those migrant kids Miller kidnapped from their parents, who are still missing, ended up trafficked to one of the numerous GOP pedophiles.

  4. awwwww. Does widdle donny diapers want his widdle di-doo?

    No donny dimwit, presidents are not going to be brought to trial UNLESS they break the law. More importantly, dumbasses who by some stroke of ill luck for the nation are elected to the presidency are NOT allowed to gun down people on 5th Avenue. You missed a few classes when you were in elementary school that covered the fact we do not have kings in the U.S. but rather elected officials who are governed by, and who take an oath to pay heed to, the U.S. Constitution.

    You know, even a chimpanzee learns after 50 times. It’s been much, much more than that for dingleberry.

  5. Dinky Don,
    So SAD, he can’t run into a changing room without scanning security cams following him to the door, his WHOLE life of privileges’, and obvious, “I take NO responsibility for the Pandemic”, type of claims, which, with other, cherubic nonsense, shows that he, with virtually NO intelligence at ALL, has lead a life of lecheries-laden cesspools of crime …

    The NEXT scream of loss will probably be bright orange time … Hard to guess at this point which judge/jury will slam him the hardest, the truth of his retention time WILL, on the scale of his crimes, be at least 20 years … A virtual LIFE sentence, the worst punishment of his will be all that time without a rant fest in public, and without a follow spotlight following him around with his ample ass, firmly mounted on his head …

    Trump has been the ultimate pervert, using young girls under false claims to their fame, as they show up for a private party with himself and Epstein at Mar-O-Golf, 28 young, aspiring girls looking for a break into the modeling business … On another level, Beauty Pageant, “I owned the show, so I could stop into the dressing rooms to see how things were going” … what a Fu**ing ass hole … Everyone that heard that recording of him on the BUS, should have been horrified and demand him to be investigated … “Just locker-room talk”, BS …

    His crimes were SO obvious and frequent, he is long overdo for what faces him now …


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