Trump loves being on the cover of TIME Magazine so much, that he faked a TIME cover and hung it in one of his private clubs. This is another terrific TIME image in a series which depicts Trump with water metaphors. First the storm, on the left, then the water, in the middle, then Trump being lifted away. That sets the stage for the image you’ll see in the tweet below.

Trump has been depicted by the same artist, Tim O’Brien, as a being challenged first by wind, and now it’s gone all the way to Trump out to sea, as the White House recedes in the background, like the horizon.

Great little cartoon. I hope O’Brien does an image of the blue tsunami wiping out the swamp/sewer of Trump world. Or, a rapture image would be good, too.


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  1. I think the perfect image would be a nuclear mushroom cloud only flattened out to clearly be seen as a “T” – because even if Trump is consumed by the electoral version of a nuke his fallout will be devastating, widespread and lasting.

  2. OMG, those coronavirus particles are deliberately drawn like naval contact mines. And there he is, adrift among the ordnance. Genius!


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