I wonder who’s giving Donald Trump his intelligence briefings these days? Gone are the days of bullet pointed lists and pictures, which dominated the top security briefings that he used to have to sit through, bored and annoyed. But somehow Trump has his finger on the pulse of an invasion of America that he alone knows is happening. Isn’t that fascinating?

the tweet ends “Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!”

Close the border? Um….so the invaders from the Middle East are coming here via Mexico? Canada? Both? Well, I guess we better round up the invaders and deport them, doncha think? Damn, an invasionary force of “tens of thousands” just strolled on in and nobody knows anything about this, other than a 77-year-old adjudicated rapist who’s litigating six different cases, criminal and civil, simultaneously, while running for president of the United States.

Maybe Trump gets signals from off world intelligences on the dashboard of his golfcart. He must be getting this information from somewhere — unless he’s making it up totally out of whole cloth so he can get the day’s angertainment going and get those small donations coming from MAGA. Do you suppose that could be possible?

And just as a side note, Trump really has it in for Mitt Romney.

A “total loser that only a mother could love.” Look at who’s talking. And on this note, ladies and gentlemen, Trumpty tucked away his phone, for the moment, and got on his plane to go to New Hampshire, where he will file in person to be part of the New Hampshire primary, in his quest to become president of these United States — once again, it pains me to write, but that is the case. That is our collective disgrace as a nation, that this sideshow freak ever defiled the White House by living in it for four years and shaking our institutions to the core.

Speaking of Mitt Romney, here’s his take on what the Trump presidency meant.

I can only imagine what it must be like to have been Mitt Romney, or John McCain or Bob Dole, all men who were alive to see Trump elected to an office which eluded them and for which they were infinitely more qualified. That had to have been rough.

The culture war continues.

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  1. Would this be strong young Jewish men? Arab men? Lebanese? Egyptian? Please donny dumb-ass, give me details. Oh wait. His lies seldom include details. Or anything of value for that matter.

  2. “Strong young men,” is the “tell” that his purpose is to provoke fear. He tries to unite the rubes by strikng fear into them. He did it for the same reason in all his numerous “invasion” themes. He makes me want to puke.

  3. A “total loser that only a mother could love.”, a quote from a total loser jealous of someone who had a mother’s love, and is perhaps dimly aware that his mother didn’t love him, and that’s why he is the love-less monster he is.

  4. If his lips or fingers are moving, 100% a TOTAL LIE AND A PROJECTION OF HIMSELF. Few things in life are a guarantee but this is.

  5. I believe Biden put a stop to further Intelligence reports for DON THE CON as being unnecessary not to mention being a risk to National Security, shortly after he took over the Presidency.


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