It Came From Hollywood — and whatever the hell “it” is, it put a bee in Donald Trump’s bonnet Friday morning. First, dripping with sweat on the White House lawn (which sparked wisecracks about him increasing his meth dosage) he ranted about how

 “Hollywood — I don’t call them the elites, I think the elites are the people that they go after in many cases — but Hollywood is really terrible,” the president said. “You talk about racism — Hollywood is racist! What they’re doing with the kind of movies they’re putting out, it’s actually very dangerous for our country. What Hollywood is doing is a tremendous disservice to our country!”

Then, without clarifying or elaborating, he careened onto a completely different topic, and began raving about China. So, what could his denunciation of Hollywood be about? We can only speculate. This is after all, the “mind” of Donald Trump we’re talking about. Is it possible that only now is he becoming aware that “Black KKKlansman” and “Vice” were both nominated for many Oscars, and Spike Lee took home an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay a few months ago? Maybe so. Trump’s aides do their very best to keep him in the dark, in an insulated bubble. It’s called humoring a madman, and most of us have done it at one time or another while working in corporate America. Some bosses are nuts, sad fact of life.

Trump didn’t let his Vendetta du Jour against Hollywood rest, either. A few hours later, after arriving in Bedminster for his “vacation” (he was just there last week. He clocks more vacation time than work time, but perhaps that devolves to our advantage, he screws things up less) Trump tweeted this.

So then journalists and pundits began looking round anew. WTF is pulling Trump’s chain?  The most likely explanation for his angst was found in a post that Motley Crew drummer Tommy Lee posted Wednesday night, which was a top trending topic on Twitter by Thursday. Here’s the text of that from Page Six:

“You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the WH again because we are going to pay you back so f—ing hard for all of this sh–,” the quote reads. “Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner. We’re going to repaint Air Force One p—y hat pink and fly if over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control pills, condoms & atheist literature from the cockpit. We’re going to tax your mega churches so bad Joel Osteen will need to get a job at Chik Fil A to pay his light bill. Speaking of Chik Fil A, we’re buying cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy. Have fun with the new menu you bigoted f–ks.”

The quote adds, “Try the McPence. It’s a boiled unseasoned chicken breast that you have to eat in the closet with your mother. We’re going to gather up ALL of your guns, melt them down and turn them into a gargantuan metal mountain emblazoned with the face of Hillary Clinton. ALL parks will be renamed Rosa Parks asap. We’re replacing Confederate statures with BLM leaders and Mexican immigrants. Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime. And after we fumigate the WH, we’re repainting the whole thing rainbow. Fox News will be taken over and turned into a family refugee shelter. We’re turning Hannity’s office into a giant unisex bathroom with changing tables and free tampons. And every single time a Trumpster complains about any of the changes, we’re adding an openly gay character to a Disney movie.”

Whoa! Now them’s fightin’ words! And of course Tommy Lee is getting his fair share of abuse on Twitter as a result.

That’s theory two. Theory number three is that Trump is upset over Taylor Swift’s critique of himself and other Republicans. Here are excerpts from her Vogue interview:

Swift, who has been criticized for keeping her politics to herself, first took an explicit stance a month before the 2018 midterms. On Instagram, she endorsed Democrats for the Tennessee Legislature and called out the Republican running for Senate, Marsha Blackburn. “She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples,” Swift wrote. “She also believes they should not have the right to marry. These are not MY Tennessee values.”

Swift says the post was partly to help young fans understand that if they wanted to vote, they had to register. To tell them, as she puts it, “Hey, just so you know, you can’t just roll up.” Some 65,000 new voters registered in the first 24 hours after her post, according to

Trump came to Blackburn’s defense the following day. “She’s a tremendous woman,” he told reporters. “I’m sure Taylor Swift doesn’t know anything about her. Let’s say I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now, OK?”

We’re sure Taylor Swift wilted when she heard that. In any event, The Vogue article  brought out Trump supporter Kid Rock from under his rock and here’s what he had to say.

Vengeance was swift, sayeth the Lord, starting with Pastor Jon Pavlovitz.

He forgot Pet Rock and my personal favorite, Rock Lobster. 3:39, enjoy.

And if you want to vote on what upset Trump about Hollywood today, do so in the threads. Here are the choices:

  1. Black KKKlansman and Vice;
  2. Tommy Lee;
  3. Taylor Swift;
  4. All of the above;
  5. Something else. See my comment.
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  1. Gods bless Taylor Swift, one of the few people I know who hasn’t given up on my home state. That she’s got the kind of following “Kid” Rockhead would sacrifice several liberals to Cthulhu for is simply a bonus.

    As to Tommy Lee (my pick for being the trigger on DT’s temper)…I love you, brother, but be careful. Plenty of those domestic terrorists won’t think twice about snuffing you out.

    • You know, you’re probably right. This cultural war has already escalated beyond anything I’ve ever seen or experienced in my life. I grew up in the “counter-culture” days of the flower children, the summer of love, all that — it was nothing like this. We didn’t hate each other’s guts. This is more like what I imagine the Civil War to have been like.

  2. I’ve finally figured out what Sewer Rat Barbie aka Kellyanne Conway does at the White House……she is Trump’s meth connection.


    ….as far as what set Dumb Quixote off fighting his self imagined windmills this time…..who can say.

    • That’s why I was hoping that somebody would vote for one of the topics, but I guess not. Maybe it’s not the night — or something.

      • It could be any combination of the reasons you mentioned above……personally, I think he is a self loathing, over compensating son of a bitch (he holds his two inch dick like a baseball bat type) who deals with his anger and disappointment with himself by lashing out and attacking others and hiding his feelings of incompetence with his extreme narcissism, just as any other immature toddler would do.

        • I used to work with a guy who was like Trump. The biggest thing they had in common. The former co-worker could never apologize even when people begged him to do so for his own good. Trump is the same way. Something is fundamentally wrong when a person can’t admit an error.

      • I guess the Adderall is it. I heard back in 2016 rumors that he was doing cocaine because of his snuffling. I quashed those rumors. I have never known a fat cocaine addict. I don’t know anything about Adderall, so I will defer to the rest of you.

        • Carrie Fisher, who did her share of cocaine, thought he was a cokehead, so I deferred to her for a while. I’ve never seen a fat methhead myself.

          • I heard that at the time. I thought she was nuts. Seriously, I knew any number of people strung out on coke n the studios. We had a joke about it. The “cocaine and Perrier diet.” Absolutely, you will lose weight with cocaine and Perrier, no question about that.

            No, Trump’s snuffling issue was about nerves. I read a paper by a doctor, who said that if somebody is nervous they will sniff and drink a lot of water, and that made a hell of a lot more sense than Trump being a fat coke head.

    • OMG. I just watched the trailer. The Ivanka clone is not very subtle. The movie looks like real trash. I’m surprised Hillary Swank got involved, but then again, a paycheck is a paycheck. No disrespect to the lady, just saying I love her best work and hate to see her doing crap.

      • No disrespect to Ms. Swank either but do recall that this is the same actress who made The Reaping about the Ten Plagues of Egypt hitting Louisiana as signs of a female Antichrist and an impending Apocalypse. Only the ending was interesting or memorable to me, having me paraphrase the Revelation of St. John: “And when she cried, seven thunders answered her voice.”

    • Funny…can’t help ripping off “The Most Dangerous Game” for the five billionth time, can they? My personal favorite version of such was Hard Target, mostly for John Woo’s directing, its willingness to humanize that film’s prey (homeless veterans) and an awesome story I heard about Lance Henrickson in the making of it. During the filming of an explosion, the duster coat Henrickson had on caught fire, freaking everybody out. Henrickson himself just stays in character as he pulls the coat off with no injuries and they wound up using the footage in the film.

    • I’d say it’s definitely this movie that set him off. Too bad the reality of deplorables going around mass-murdering real people didn’t have the same effect.

  3. I’m guessing the Tommy Lee rant, which was epicly over-the-top, really a bit much but I can see why he feels that way after everything the Trumpies spew.


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