The You-Can’t-Make-This-S*it-Up file exploded long ago, had to move to a separate building, and is now big enough to fill up an entire island. This is the latest from the Know Nothing (No Nothing? — they both work) in Chief.

Now, as God is my witness, I did a parody of Trump back on August 19, 2017. the day of the full eclipse, entitled “Trump Says The Eclipse Is Nothing More Than A Hoax,” and he sounds as stupid here as he did in my take off, which I reprint in full below.

Donald Trump is never happy when he’s being upstaged and this time, it’s by none other than the sun. Andy Borowitz The New Yorker:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Attacking the media for its “very unfair” coverage of Monday’s solar eclipse, Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that the sun was equally to blame for blocking the moon.

“The fake news is covering the eclipse from the sun’s side instead of the moon’s side, but if you look at it from the moon’s side the sun is blocking the moon’s side,” he said. “There are so many sides you can’t count all the sides.”

Additionally, Trump tore into the sun itself, calling it a “showboat” for its role in the solar eclipse.

“The sun thinks the world revolves around it,” Trump said. “Sad.”

Trump also says that the eclipse is nothing more than a hoax perpetrated in the name of fear mongering. “Probably what’s really going on is that the moon is trying to eat the sun because moons do that, all the moons in the galaxy of the solar system do that, if you believe in science, which I don’t.” He elaborated, “I’m very happy that we were able to schedule the eclipse for my administration, and if the people like this one, we’re going to schedule another one very soon. We’re going to Make America Dark Again.”

Friends, I put it to you: is my parody saying that the moon is trying to eat the sun any more absurd than Trump saying that the moon is a part of Mars? Seriously? I mean, be honest with me.

Donald Trump just won the Ben Carson Too Stupid To Parody Award, and I thought Carson would hang onto the trophy for at least another year after his Oreos commentary in Congress. But no, Trump stupifyingly managed to bottom Carson — which, prior to an hour ago, I would have said was impossible. But if anybody could exceed Ben Carson in the moron department, logically it would be the moron who appointed him and that one is Trump.

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  1. I think that what the person who wrote that was saying is that the efforts to go to the moon contribute to the technology and skill set to eventually go to mars.

    But I think it’s moot, because Trump CLEARLY did not write that tweet. Note the evidence:

    1. Hyphenated compound sentence – Trump doesn’t have the knowledge to do that in a grammatically correct fashion like I did in this sentence.

    2. The second sentence uses a comma to move onto a second clause, which is a list that has a parenthetical statement. Donald Trump doesn’t write to this level of sophistication, and cannot punctuate to this degree.

    3. Defense and science are incorrectly capitalized. This lends credibility to the hypothesis that Trump wrote this. However, I’m inclined to think that either A.) the person who wrote this was trying to make this appear to be Trump’s writing or B.) he doesn’t have very sharp staff, and while this is written to a high school level of grammar, they still weren’t knowledgeable enough to write a completely accurate post.

    My overall point being that I think some 10th grade mind tried to translate his 3rd grade thoughts on this.

    • Now, this is getting deep, Rory. You’re saying that you think a staffer, with a 10th grade mind, got hold of Trump’s Twitter account and posted this — to make him look stupid? Because if he’s got people around him who would sabotage him that way, that is an interesting development. Or, maybe somebody else actually punched in the letters, but Trump was dictating to the person what to say? Now that is actually plausible. Which option do you think is the more likely?

      • I don’t think Himself is bright enough to realize that going to the moon is *part* of what will make it possible to someday – if we make it out of this century as a living species – go to Mars. (It’s not going to happen in the next decade. Or even two. There’s a *lot* of work to do before anyone can get there alive, never mind trying to get them back.)

        • I think Nancy would eat him alive, poking that little gem into his obstruction list, which by now has copies in every AG’s office in the country, inviting any new evidence of same from them as well …

  2. There’s an old saying that one shouldn’t get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Good advice, but unfortunately Trump is President and leaves the rest of us no choice.

    I’ve read the comments and while I agree a staffer probably typed out the tweet they did so at Trump’s direction. If he didn’t agree and especially once it was pointed out how stupid it was it would have been deleted. I dread an actual national security crisis and this dumbass we have in the Oval Office being the one issuing the orders on how to deal with it. He has no clue about how little he knows but thinks he’s an instant expert on everything and won’t listen to actual experts.

    That alone is reason to use the evidence we already have and begin the impeachment process. We have to at least try to get him out of there as soon as possible.


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