There is a confluence of factors which have led up to this moment in time. I’m speaking not just of the political mess we’re in in this country, but generally speaking. If you woke up in a certain room in a certain city this morning, it’s due to a number of things. You probably didn’t wake up in the same room that you slept in as a kid in your parents’ house. Many things took you way beyond that starting point.

Similarly, we are all waking up in the political bed that has been made for us the past eight years in large part due to mainstream media. Donald Trump, freak show that he was, was the ratings darling back in 2016. They normalized him. They plugged him into the typical racehorse narrative which is the format for covering political elections. Square peg in a round hole or not, they hammered, twisted, sawed until he fit somehow, because he was making them money. It’s still going on. The clip you’re about to watch is a mash up of how demented this man is. This glaring fact is being ignored, along with his 91 felony counts. This is not normal and it can’t be continued to be treated as such. The part you want to hear, about Obama, is at 1:20.

Barack Obama left office at noon on January 21, 2017. That this slip up has gone unnoticed and unreported by the mainstream media is unconscionable. ALL of these slip ups are unreported or underreported. It’s almost like we’re in some British drawing room comedy, say The Ruling Class, where the main character thinks he’s Jesus Christ and poses on top of the mantlepiece in the position of the crucifix. It’s amusing as hell — but that character is not running for President of the United States. It’s not as cute when the stakes are this high.

I was dumbfounded when the media normalized Trump back in 2016, but I understood the basic premise. An executive at CBS openly stated the premise, “It’s bad for the country but it’s wonderful for CBS.” Yes, money, clicks, ratings. Believe me, I get it. But I never thought I would see the day when a person who would be labeled a mental patient if he behaved thusly, in simple normal life, would have his obvious impairment ignored if he was running for our nation’s highest office. Part of the gag of The Ruling Class is that the protagonist is left to run wild, deranged as he is, because that’s the convention of upper class Brits. You can be crazy as the shithouse rat but if you’ve got money, it’s normalized and politely ignored. That’s what the MSM has done to Trump. He’s running for president, ergo the conventions of how MSM covers politics applies and the fact that the man is insane is simply being glossed over or ignored altogether.

Trump has been normalized the entire time he’s been on the scene. If the MSM had done its job to begin with and reported factually what was going on in 2016, he likely would not have been elected. But he was normalized. And by the same token, every flaw about Hillary Clinton was exaggerated, because the both-siderism statis needed to be maintained, even though it didn’t exist in that election. You had one viable candidate running and one TV show person with zero qualifications. Yet, the unqualified one won the election.

And the MSM normalization somehow made Fox News look less crazy than they in fact were. And so they got normalized.

And then the news got reduced down to right side, left side in the minds of many people. I remember a woman in 2016 asking me, when I mentioned the Washington Post, “are they right or left?” And I paused. The reason I paused is because I realized this gal had no clue that journalism was supposed to be objective fact reporting. She just took it for granted that you were one bias or the other. It was at that moment that I realized just how screwed the profession was.

If journalists don’t start reporting the facts, I don’t know where we’re going in this country. Because Donald Trump is not in his right mind. And how many more examples of that do we need to see?

The issue of Trump’s dementia is even being debated on Fox News, if you can possibly believe that. I guess Rupert wants to prepare people for the eventual Trump crack up.

McEnany looked like she was in a fist fight that day. Her makeup wasn’t done, her hair was a mess, she was pale and barely able to look forward towards the camera and get out a few lines. And I can only imagine being at Ground Zero and wondering just how strange things were going to get.

But all that said: I don’t have any question in my mind but that she will vote for Trump and if he would get back in power, she would grovel to be his press secretary again. This is how those people roll.

Moral of the story: when you don’t know where the line is drawn, or you do and you don’t enforce that line, this is where things get to eventually. They can’t not get here. This is where things go when nobody will enforce the norms anymore. The GOP stopped enforcing the norms and then the MSM went right along with it.

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    • Also, he’s not holding up well under the demands of stump speeches. Remember when he said that Hillary didn’t have the stamina to be president?

    • I agree. And the purpose of journalism — last I knew — was to report the FACTS so that people could make an informed decision.

      I understand the GOP playing political theater. But the MSM doing it is destroying our nation. And that’s not supposed to be the role of the press. The role of the press is to speak truth to power.

  1. Thank you, Ursula Faw, for your continuing coverage of Trump’s rapid slide into dementia. It’s a thankless job, but someone has to do it — and the mainstream media are certainly not ready to do their part. Thank you also for mentioning The Ruling Class, one of my favorite movies and a showcase for the acting genius of Peter O’Toole!

    • Your kind words are balm to the soul, David. Thank you for showing up here and reading. This site wouldn’t be here except for people like you and I am grateful to everybody here that I have a platform to scream about the insanity that is our politics and the coverage of our politics.

      Trump could be a rich lunatic and talk crazy and it wouldn’t matter a jot — but he’s freaking running for POTUS!!! And his lunacy gets normalized. I wish I could go into cryogenic freeze. I would like to wake up in 500 years and see how people regard this time in history. I’m betting they see it as the political Dark Ages.

      It is definitely the Dark Ages of what used to be labeled conservatism. The GOP has to rebuild. I don’t think it can. I think it’s going to have to collapse totally and then rebuild as another party.

  2. Let’s be honest, if his rampant stupidity was reported as rampant stupidity, we wouldn’t have been saddled with the moron after the 2016 election: Jeb or Cancun would have put him away. So it’s 2024 and the man is clearly out of his fucking mind and the media? Fucking crickets.

    This is how we’re served by fb, xitter, the msm, etc.–owned by wealthy blood-sucking vermin so they’ll do everything they can to put a senile p.o.s. in the w.h. after having put a moron in it in ’16. I do not know how to fix this–tax the wealthy and craporations more would be the first thing….or make sure they’re the first ones up against the wall? Makes no difference really. At the very least puking all over the first one within puking distance–that one everyone should sign on to.

  3. may be Trump is preparing to plead insanity to avoid jail. Any judge will believe his insanity plea. who will be his psychiatrist? my guess is stormy Daniel.

    • what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Another words his base laps all of his “stories” and insults. And I believe that a Trump presidency will turn into a plutocratic society and steal the US Treasury. He knows exactly what he’s saying because with his fan base he can say or do know wrong. Con artists are very good at this. He talks to them as if his fan base are in nursery school.

  4. So typical of dementia—he mentions Obama and Hilary because they are the most recent ones he remembers. He mentions the current politicians because somebody has keyed him recently or it’s on his teleprompter.
    He’ll end up being just another Ray-Gun.

  5. F.Scott Fitzgerald once said the rich are different. He wasn’t wrong. A normal teen caught dealing drugs goes t juice or jail. If you are rich it is “Affluenza” and you get sent to.a fancy resort with a couple of therapy sessions squeezed in between trail.rides and swims and working out while getting three gourmet meals a day.I you are rich and old, you end up in a nice apartment or with round the clock caregivers, or you are simply labeled eccentric and everyone laughs indulgently.


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