When Donald Trump campaigned against Hillary Clinton, she was supposedly at death’s door from any number of imagined maladies. Even when she had pneumonia, she wasn’t as out of it as this. Does this look normal to you?

Between this, the delivery of the speech, and the fact that he couldn’t even drink a glass of water without using both hands, don’t you think it’s pretty obvious the man is impaired?

And don’t expect the GOP to do the responsible thing and cop to it. I would bring up the fact that Trump used to mock Hillary’s energy level and he castigated both Bernie and Biden for their age, but why talk about pots and kettles once again?

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  1. This reminds me of someone I know well. Me.

    When I developed the severe peripheral neuropathy in my lower legs and feet that led to my involuntary early retirement this was how I walked up or down stairs or even ramps – looking down and taking itty bitty steps. I was too proud and stubborn at first to use a handrail if there was one, and the same about giving in and using a cane. Even with one I still look down at my feet on inclined surfaces and shuffle because my balance will never again be good. It took multiple round of physical therapy to get me to the point where I am! I for one can’t imagine Trump submitting to any physical therapy.

    If he falls just once on camera it will be “bigly YUGE” and he knows it. But the signs are there that something is wrong, and the thing with the water isn’t new. I wonder how many times he’s spilled whatever he’s drinking at the time on himself when the cameras aren’t around? I also wonder about falls. Even when you have balance issues and really work on it, it takes a long time to break old habits (such as not being careful standing up, starting to walk too quickly after doing so, suddenly looking to the side while walking instead of concentrating on the ground ahead of you etc.) and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they have had to help him up off the floor up in the residence when he gets up to take a piss in the middle of the night!

    He needs his rallies like the rest of us need oxygen. But I can’t help but feel that it’s not just his staff who have been grateful he’s not been having to walk on and off those stages when he’s all juiced up on adrenaline and forgetful about being careful. HE has to be worrying about it and surely hates himself for his weakness. However, like an unreformed addict he needs his fix and since good judgement isn’t part of his make-up he will give it a try whenever he can.

    • Woodrow Wilson made that same miscalculation with his health while pushing for the League of Nations 100 years ago. It netted him a stroke that crippled him and cost him his reelection.

    • I have some neuropathy in my feet from chemo – it’s improved, but I don’t think it’s ever going to go completely away. I walk very carefully on stairs and ramps. Himself walks like he’s had a small stroke and can’t quite see or feel where his feet are. That would also explain why he stands and moves like his right side isn’t quite working with his left side.

      • PJ, I too had chemo pumped into me that would cause neuropathy. The doctor recommended L-Glutamine(the most common amino acid)up to 10grams a day. I was taking 3-4k milligrams a day at one point. It helped alot! I still take 1k a day as my neuropathy comes and goes these days. don’t have any idea if it would help you at this point, it sure won’t hurt. btw my last chemo was January 30th. The only side effect I have is better bowel movements!

      • Agree re the peripheral neuropathy–which also can be caused by diabetes. But as we don’t ever get to see the blood work, how would we know? And the eyes also could be an issue as Anastasjoy mentioned down the thread.
        He also is apparently wearing a lift or lifts in his shoes. For what reason of course we do not know. One reason possibly? One of his hips is failing–when the acetabulum and the ball are rubbing on each other, it is not only painful, it sometimes causes a height differential. It also can cause clumsiness and falls or stumbles.
        In context: the guy is far older than his years due to a lifestyle that probably would have killed all of us. His diet is awful; his weight is not good; his lack of activity, low; and his nastiness? Shoot, that causes enough adrenal “fight” responses in one day to equal all the anger responses most of us don’t have in one year. Crikey but he is one loaded for bear human being and that is stressful on the body.

    • People would be kinder if only: he hadn’t kept lying about it, he hadn’t once very publicly mocked a disabled man, and he didn’t insist on the fiction that he’s so astonishingly healthy even the doctors are amazed.

      • You forgot “been such a bullying asshole to anybody weaker than him”, Anastasia, though that might be covered under the disabled man.

  2. I have fallen a few times and it has affected not only my balance, but my confidence about walking, stairs, uneven ground, etc. His movement looks to me like someone who has some of those same issues, and I wondered about his vision as well. Maybe he can’t see well enough to know what he’s stepping on, if there are steps, or unevenness that he could trip or stumble on. Could be a number of things, but it’s not reassuring, especially since he and his lackies have gone out of their way to keep his medical condition and care a secret. Jeez, this guy needs to be out of our lives!

    • Got a feeling that he’s gonna be. We’ve been saying how we couldn’t survive another four years of him. I don’t think he can either.

    • I don’t know why I never noticed this before but you never see Trump wearing glasses, do you? virtually everyone his age needs them at least for reading, most for driving. Apparently he may need them for walking!

  3. Answer: they’ll cover for him until he loses the election. After that, they won’t care. Historical parallel: 100 years ago, the incumbent Woodrow Wilson was similarly crippled by a stroke to the point where his wife ran the office in his name. He too lost reelection.

  4. Signs and symptoms of late stage tertiary syphilis include:
    difficulty coordinating muscle movements.
    gradual blindness.

    Syphilis – Secondary Stages and Symptoms:
    Rough red or reddish brown rash on palms of hands and soles of feet.
    Swollen lymph nodes.
    Sore throat.
    Patchy hair loss.
    Headaches and body aches.
    Extreme tiredness (fatigue)

    • As juicy as this storyline is, I think it’s far fetched. Someone like Trump would’ve gotten immediate treatment for an STD. More likely an age-related thing, something like Parkinson’s.

      • It is and I was making fun of him because he is a well known let’s say, ‘ladies of the night man’ and would be too proud to ever wear a

  5. I tend to walk very carefully down ramps, but I am 82 and have serious problems with my knees. Trump, though, . . . . I don’t know what is wrong, but it is not his knees.

  6. YES, I can diagnose him. I am a Physician.. TRUMP has #PicksDisease SEE WEB MD https://tinyurl.com/yd383h8c Pick’s disease is a kind of dementia similar to Alzheimer’s but far less common. It affects parts of the brain that control emotions, behavior, personality, and language. It’s also a type of disorder known as frontotemporal dementia (FTD) or frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD).
    Your brain uses a transport system to help move around the nutrients it needs. This system is made of proteins that like railroad tracks guiding trains guide nutrients where they need to go. The proteins that keep the tracks straight are called tau proteins.
    When you have Pick’s disease, the tau proteins don’t work the way they should. You may also have more of them in your brain than other people.
    These abnormal clumps of tau proteins are called Pick bodies. Pick bodies “derail” your transport system. The track is no longer straight, and nutrients in the brain can’t get where they need to go. This causes brain damage that can’t be reversed.
    SOUND LIKE HIM: Pick bodies typically form in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. These sections control your behavior, personality, and speech. Symptoms usually show up in those areas.
    Occasionally, people with Pick’s disease might also have:
    * Memory loss
    * Problems moving
    * Stiff or weak muscles
    * Trouble peeing
    * Trouble with coordination
    You may:
    * Act aggressively toward others
    * Be uninterested in everyday activities
    * Be very aware of everything you do all the time
    * Feel irritable or agitated
    * Have drastic and quick mood swings
    * Have trouble feeling warmth, sympathy, or concern for others
    * Have trouble with unplanned activities
    * Make rash decisions
    * Repeat actions over and over
    * Say and do inappropriate things
    THE SEVERE AGGRESSION was Manifest on #Inauguration Day #Melania knows all the symptoms.
    NOTE: Particularly, There’s no cure for Pick’s disease, and medications can’t slow it down. It can progress slowly, but usually it steadily gets worse over time. Some people live as long as 10 years with the disease.

    Your doctor can recommend treatment to help you deal with many of your symptoms. He may suggest behavioral therapy to help control any dangerous behavior and antidepressants to help with agitation or aggression.

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