Donald Trump has spawned as many tell-all books as he has lawsuits and that’s saying something. One of the latest books is by Jonathan Karl of ABC News, Betrayal, and it portrays this cheery conversation between Trump and Ronna McDaniel. I never thought I’d feel sorry for Ronna McDaniel but after reading this exchange between herself and both Trump and his clown prince son, Junior, I actually did feel bad for her. Better she than me, that’s all I can say. New Civil Rights Movement:

“[RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel] called to wish him farewell,” Karl writes. “It was a very un-pleasant conversation.”

“Donald Trump was in no mood for small talk or nostalgic goodbyes,” Karl adds. “He got right to the point. He told her he was leaving the Republican Party and would be creating his own political party. The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., was also on the phone. The younger Trump had been relentlessly denigrating the RNC for being insufficiently loyal to Trump. In fact, at the January 6 rally before the Capitol Riot, the younger Trump all but declared that the old Republican Party didn’t exist anymore.”

“I’m done,” Trump told McDaniel. “I’m starting my own party.”

“You cannot do that,” McDaniel told Trump. “If you do, we will lose forever.”

“Exactly. You lose forever without me,” Trump responded. “I don’t care.”

Trump viewed the destruction of the GOP as payback to party leaders who betrayed him, a source told Karl, but top Republicans made clear they would stop paying his legal bills from post-election challenges and render his email list worthless.

“It’s a list Trump had used to generate money by renting it to candidates at a steep cost,” Karl writes. “The list generated so much money that party officials estimated that it was worth about $100 million.”

I’m actually a bit surprised that McDaniel argued with him. Historically speaking, third parties bleed votes away from the Democrats, not the Republicans. But I guess she was just trying to humor a madman, lots of luck with that when it’s Trumpty Dumpty.

The Republicans made one hell of a Faustian bargain. On the one hand, it got them a lot of federal judges and three, count ’em three, Supreme Court justices, three pearls of rare price which will affect laws in this country for the next generation. On the other hand, the extremist fringes of the GOP are running the show and the cultural narrative has plummeted.

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  1. I am a registered Republicans, but since the days of Obama, the RNC has shown its true colors that are not in sync with my values as a moral ethical person. I am sorely disappointed at the party and refuse to support it anyway possible, that’s how angry I am with them. McCarthy, McConnell, Jordan, Rubio, Cruz and that retarded newbie M.T.G. have done everything in their power to destroy a parry that used to stand for something I believed in.

  2. Those old days were when a LOT of progress was in play, after WWII, the building trades, lumber mills and the machine makers were a happy lot, but the pollution cycle was just hitting its stride as well, all the large factories were busy, life was good, apple pie and the reds and greens of Christmas were wonderful …

    Then, between the mobs and the profit takers, with their corrupt bean counters, the tide changed direction, Trump was the product of those big money schemes and was never taught anything but his greed and a permissive attitude that turned his Malignant Narcissism loose to damage and terrorize all of us …

    Now, the court systems are after Trump, not in a good way, he WILL be put down in that box canyon he slithered into, while sending his Maga troops to the Capitol building …

    All the evidence coming to light, courtesy of the Committee, and people like author Jon Karl revealing inside information, damaging the links between Trump and mainline Republicans that were complicit and involved at some level with the attack on the Capitol, the proverbial s**t is heading, too slowly of course, to that big rotating fan blade of truth …


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