Competition is not something that Donald Trump enjoys, mainly because he’s never had any. He hasn’t had to go out there in the world and market his skills, sell himself, as the yous and mes have had to. No, he took his vast inherited wealth and created himself as a celebrity. That’s his job title, Celebrity, and he is famous for being famous ala Zsa Zsa Gabor, from a different age.

And this celebrity, with the aid of television, managed to get him elected to the highest office in the land, preposterous as that proposition was at the time, or as it appears now, since he proposes to go back and do it again.

But this time he’s not the sole freak running on a populist pipedream. He actually was in office and we all saw what he could do, which was basically nothing. There is no wall on the southern border but there are half a million dead Americans who would not have passed from the COVID crisis, had he been on top of it. So this time out, Trump is running — stumbling, more accurately — towards a second term, dragging a lot of baggage.

And he fears Ron DeSantis. That is becoming more and more evident as the days go by. He may call DeSantis names and mock him but he doesn’t want to debate him. And now there’s this.

And he’s doubling down on how the debates are “rigged.” For some reason, the fact that the publisher of the Washington Post is a trustee of the Reagan Library, where one of the debates is to be held, is viewed with great alarm and suspicion.

This fear of the venue is really bonkers.

“Of course we know president Trump could beat the four minute mile, but he won’t bother, because the RINOs will just put tacks on the track and shoot at him with squirt guns so he’s just going to sit the Olympics out. But we know he could win.”

Trump sounds so mesmerizingly lame by refusing to debate. So far that’s been the worst part of his strategy going forward toward the primary and if anybody in DeSantis’s camp has two brain cells working they will exploit that fact.

Personally, I would love nothing more than to see DeSantis and Trump duke it out. I thought it was supposed to be a cage match. Rick Wilson commented months back that Trump would mop the floor with DeSantis in a public face off — so why oh why is Trump avoiding this challenge?

Maybe Trump simply never thought that things would get this far. He’s a very basic, simplistic thinker. He doesn’t have the mind to hold a lot of variables in his head and play, if this, then that, kinds of scenarios. So maybe he thought that because DeSantis would have to resign the governorship to run that DeSantis simply wouldn’t do so and that was that.

So far that’s the only plausible explanation for Trump being dumbfounded at this development, which the rest of the world foresaw.

As for why he is so afraid to debate DeSantis, beats the hell out of me. I would think that Trump would love it, because it would give him a chance to smack DeSantis down, to the MAGAs delight. But for some reason, DeSantis has become kryptonite. Trump doesn’t want to go near him.


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  1. Trump doesn’t want to debate DeSantis (or anyone, for that matter) because DeSantis would bring up the multiple suits in which Trump is involved on stage with a national audience.

    • OTOH if not with Trump then down the road that could blow up in DeSantis’ face. He’s being sued by Disney. DISNEY! Yes, Trump is facing multiple criminal and civil legal cases but for many in the country that will be more political noise than the kind of thing that makes them sit up and notice. But Disney v DeSantis? Look, I’m in my mid sixties and never like Disney stuff even as a kid. I thought the Mickey Mouse club was stupid. When forced at least for a while during attempts at “family time” to sit and watch The Wonderful World of Disney where ole Walt himself would make a few remarks he struck me as a sleazy jerk. I’d learn as an adult he actually was that and worse than I thought! BUT, for most people from early in life Disney has provided entertainment they’ve loved. It’s ingrained in people’s minds as wholesome and family friendly. DeSantis trying to stomp on the mouse isn’t something that will get ignored and the wholesome image notwithstanding in a legal proceeding it’s lawyers will be true assassins. Assassins more lethal than anything that’s ever been created on a movie screen. AND Disney has a PR capability that even a state, a large and wealthy one like FL can’t match.

      Trump has years of painting himself as a political victim and that is parked in people’s minds too – even those of us who know that’s b.s. have heard Trump’s schtick on this point but DeSantis’ being whacked around by DISNEY is fresh and new. It’s the kind of thing Trump might easily turn back around on DeSantis to devastating effect. It might be a subject DeSantis wants left alone.

  2. Here’s a revolting thought, but it’s more than a little possible. For years now we’ve seen pics of Trump where it’s clear he’s wearing Depends or some type of adult diapers, usually on the golf course where there’s no suit jacket to hide it. So consider a setting where he’s on stage and mic’d up for an hour or longer – especially with only one other person on the stage with him. What about his rallies you ask? There’s all the yelling, if not screaming MAGA goobers to provide lots of “sound cover.” But a debate setting is another matter. A studio or setting where the audience sits quiet, and in fact is specifically told to STFU and hold applause.

    You Can Hear Everything.

    It’s not hard to imagine Trump, especially with his diet regularly if not daily experience bowel troubles. LOUD farts and sharts! And maybe worse. On a debate stage with his mic on if Trump’s prone to that it might well make Rudy’s blowing farts during Congressional testimony seem quaint by comparison. Trump up there making LOUD farts. Sharting. Maybe even LOUD full blown “explosive” bowel movements. With DeSantis close enough to have to smell the (literal) sh!t! I rather doubt ole Ron would bother to hide disgusted facial expressions. Hell, that could become the world’s greatest attack ad – a mashup of Trump’s “sounds” and at the end the narrator says “Is THIS who we want negotiating with foreign leaders?” And if it’s from the DeSantis campaign that last line would be a tad different – it would go “I’m Ron DeSantis and I had to do more than listen, I had to smell this! You’re damned right I approve this ad!

  3. Trump is a terrified, insecure, little man, as was Hitler. Hitler couldn’t be alone, was incapable of changing his mind, and always blamed others when things went wrong. He created a false self of strength although he was a physical wreck. He, being a middle aged man, screwed his teenage niece, and controlled her until her suicide, probably due to him. Sound familiar? Hope so. Time to smarten up America. The choice is the democrats & democracy, or fascism. It’s really that simple. Preyinmantis is just trumplite. He’s still fits the fascist bill by being a controlling, weak, insecure man…in white go go boots! Cue up Nancy Sinatra.

  4. Something isn’t right when the worlds biggest attention getter refuses to get attention.
    I think the wheels finally fell off the MAGA Express train and is heading full speed into obscurity


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