Trump Says He Wants Americans to Treat Him Like North Koreans Treat Kim


Jesus, this person.

Trump goes on Fox and Friends and starts talking – again – about Kim Jung Un’s remarkable strength and love of his people and all around greatness. Trump is saying this despite the fact that Kim Jung Un has killed an American while Trump was president. How Otto Warmbier’s family can take this is beyond me.

And then Trump says this, per Raw Story:

“He’s the head of the country — and he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anything different,” Trump said during the interview. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Don? Jackass? Believe me, no one is thinking “anything different” about Kim being a “strong” head of his country, at least in the definition YOU are giving him. That’s one thing.

Next, Don, if you give any person the unfettered power to kill anyone who displeases them – as Kim Jung Un has, and uses – and believe me, any audience such an unfettered person gets, will be sitting up in attention. And yes, “his people” sit up and pay attention because he asserts absolute rule over them  and thus he does “have” people that are “his,” in that he claims all rights to them. Kill them, enslave them, give them a big condo, let them have HBO, or rice, Kim can – on a whim – do any of the above, and in that sense, they are very much “his people.”

YOU don’t “have” people. You are the head of a democratic republic. You are the President of the United States, and we are Americans. We’re not “yours,” not even Sean Hannity, whether Hannity knows it or not. You get the respect that comes with your office – which is a lot, and you get the respect you deserve.

We do know that you fantasize about people sitting up and giving you the respect that North Koreans give Kim, we know that you would love to have the unfettered power to kill, to declare innocence, even to decide what is truth, we know all that. It is surprising you would admit it.

But, thank you. Another glimpse into the mind of a man who should be nowhere near power.


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