The leader of the free world opined that his political opponent is controlled by unnamed powers of darkness — or at least people that live there and he specifically said, “dark shadows.” Whether he’s referring to the movie or the TV series, he didn’t specify, but a meme was born on Fox News tonight.

Donald Trump’s mind has left his body and is floating above a dark swamp somewhere, inhabited by fever dream beings and surveilled by black helicopters. He’s gone mentally. There’s no question. This is delusional and even Laura Ingraham said, “this sounds like conspiracy theory.” Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it. Trump is now officially too weird for a Fox News host. Or, maybe I should say, “again.” The look on Sean Hannity’s face the night that Trump said that Joe Biden “is gonna be your next president, because people don’t love me, maybe” was priceless.

People who live in the Dark Shadows. Why, that means vampires. The vampires are controlling Uncle Joe? Hey, I think that’s swell. Maybe he’ll appoint Barnabas Collins to a cabinet post.

And excuse me, where was the TSA when “thugs wearing all kinds of gear” got on a plane?

I wonder what the reaction to this is among Republican leadership? Hey, Mitch! Put the plug in the jug and looky here! Donald’s talking about thugs in black uniforms and Dark Shadows controlling Joe Biden!

Again, classic projection. The only thugs in the dark shadows controlling the streets are the ones he ordered to Portland to pick people up and put them into vans.

And I hate to keep bringing up the nuclear codes, but the guy who’s got them needs to be taken in on a 5150 because he’s a danger to himself and others.

This is the cartoon universe of a very mentally ill man, that the Republican party is committed to defending, enabling and most of all, preserving. If there was any real leadership in the party, it would be admitted that Trump is too sick to stay in office and he would be asked to resign. But that won’t happen, and we are where we are and so we’re going to run out the clock on this madness. Nobody enjoys mocking Trump’s idiocy more than me, but I have to say, he’s getting too far out there. This is weird.

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  1. I wonder if anyone on the right has any problems with the recent reports over how “outsiders” are being brought in to help incite violence in these demonstrations and protests?

    In Kenosha, a resident of ILLINOIS (not the state in which Kenosha is) killed several people. And the right is only concerned about how the killer’s being mistreated.

    In Portland, the leader of a Washington state-based right-wing militia group (again, not the state where Portland is) has talked about the horrific death of a “friend” at the hands of a “leftist mob.” And that Portland (not alone in holding protests) has been the unwilling host to “caravans” from IDAHO (again, not where Portland is) brought in specifically to “counter” the “leftist” protestors.

    Now, does ANYONE think that if/when Trump holds some rally (no matter the actual location) and there are protestors demonstrating and even ONE LONE protestor gets arrested and it turns out that person is NOT a resident of the city the in which the rally’s being held (wouldn’t have to be from outside the state, just the city), then the right-wingers will be all over the matter, lambasting all the “outside agitators” coming in to disrupt a “peaceful” rally and the “agitators” are only seeking to incite violence against the “peaceful” rally attendees? But let THEIR ilk be doing the same thing, then–for some reason–the narrative becomes one of support for the REAL outside agitators.

    • Yes yes and yes. I hope the FBI is investigating the accounts that connect all the ass hats. They sure do show up to try and turn the protests into “riots.” It’s all about making the black folks – the bad guys – again and again and again. I would never be surprised if some Russian factions are in those groups instigating this bull shit. They did it before.

      (On a side note: What We Did In The Shadows – Season 3 will be coming. Hysterically funny show!)

      • I’m going to have to look that up. I never heard of that show. And you can depend upon Russia being behind the white supremacy push. That’s been going on for some time. Back when Steve Bannon first joined the Trump campaign, he and Nigel Farage were dealing with Russia and all the neo-Nazi types.

    • Remember that this guy’s brain is permanently stuck in the 1970s/1980s and that Dark Shadows was a pop culture fixture of the former decade. And Carl Jung and/or his successors spoke of a “bright shadow” that contained all the good traits people suppress. It’s safe to say Trump doesn’t have one of those.

  2. Ho hum…forgive the indifferent reaction but at this point, it’s scientifically proven that nothing the man says is going to be coming from anywhere but Bye-bye Land. Want to do something useful with your anxiety, folks? Seriously consider doing some phone banking, texting, letter and/or post card writing on behalf of the Dems. Forget the doom-and-gloom pundits who want to keep you hooked to stay employed. We win this by running up the turnout, period. And now is the time when those efforts count the most.

    • He’s ranting more than the poor soul sent to dracula’s castle to close a real estate deal. Hmmm. Even locked up in a cell chasing flies for food, he could still hear his master’s voice.

      • You’re speaking of Renfield, Scott, from the Universal film. In the book, it was Jonathan Harker who was sent to Castle Dracula while Renfield was already committed to Dr. Seward’s asylum. And even the book version of Renfield had the redeeming quality of a spot for Mina Harker, which got him killed at his master’s hands. Trump no longer hears any voices but his own.

    • The horse race mentality is kicking in right now, on cue. I have to try to not read those stories, because the thought of Trump getting reelected makes me insane. That said, I am watching the polls and keeping up on all developments. One piece of advice I’ll give the Trump campaign for free — keep him TF off television interviews. This can’t be helping him, except with the most deranged people in our culture. I’ve known plenty of people from rural communities and I know people living in those places now — and I intend to call them. I’m willing to bet they’re going to tell me it all sounds batshit to them too.

      • I heard it was a group going from Seattle to Boise – which only makes sense if they were going *home* from Seattle.
        (I’ve also seen a lot of comments about people in black being nuns.)

      • Franklin fell out of the devil’s arse. Read John 8:42-47. Jesus is confronting the Jews about their hypocrisy & describes them as “children of the devil”, who is a “murderer & liar”. Orangebob shitpants has told over 21,000 lies so it’s clear where Franklin worships. Read it. As Charlie Murphy said about playing Prince in bball, challenge him. Go ahead read it, I challenge u fake phucking so called “christians”.

    • I’m sorry Frid is dead, because he would be laughing his ass off at this. Man, the internet exploded last night with Johnathan Frid memes and Dark Shadows recollections. Then CNN’s Daniel Dale, also a Canadian and one I greatly admire, said that this latest Trump interview was “too stupid to fact check.” He’s totally right. “Portland has been burning for decades.” “Thugs” on airplanes. C’mon, man, as Joe Biden would say.

      • Jonathan Frid, man…I’m in the slow process of watching Dark Shadows on Amazon Prime and he is hands down the best part of it. Barnabas Collins was the first truly sympathetic vampire in major media and Frid gave him the Old World mannerisms of Bela Lugosi, the magnetic charisma of Christopher Lee and the uncanny oddness of Max Schreck in Murnau’s Nosferatu.

  3. Umm a little projection there 45? Dark shadows – Putin and oligarchs. Dark shadows because they sure as hell aren’t in the light – senate repugnants.

  4. Ursula, you mentioned the nuclear codes, as in Trumpler “has them” …well, given the state of his brain (addled) & his level of education (nil), he only “has them” in a very loose metaphorical sense. He’d have to look them up & we all know he doesn’t tolerate briefings, even if he’s trying to brief himself. I suspect the codes are complicated; he’s a simpleton. I also suspect an unknown hero in the military hierarchy has already altered a few digits, just to be sure.

  5. Maybe someone sent him clips of the bad guys being dragged off to hell in the movie Ghost. Hey donnie…this is one paranoia that still has a possibility of being your fate. Might wanna consider turning ur arse around.


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