One of Trump’s favorite slogans is “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” He started out last week making his signatory yuge promises about what his 2024 campaign would be. He was going to end the Deep State and tonight he said that again, only with no elaboration on how that would happen, exactly.

Then, Trump went on his rampage against Alvin Bragg this past week, replete with posts of him standing behind Bragg with a baseball back and promising “death and destruction.”

So that was the set up to the Waco rally Saturday night. Trump was supposed to come out of the gate swinging. He was going to rally the crowd to a passionate fervor and describe for them how he would topple all their enemies, his enemies, in one fell swoop. And nothing happened. It was the most lackluster, nothing burger of a Trump rally to date. It was downright dull. Here’s the only thing all night that is any kind of a takeaway.

Twitter spoke right up.

And you must remember this humiliation.

The laugh is about one minute in.

And then there was this debacle.

Here’s a link to a Washington Post article entitled “A brief history of world leaders laughing at Donald Trump.”

And Donald wasn’t the only Trump they were laughing at. Do you recall this cringeworthy moment in our diplomatic history when Princess Ivanka made an ass out of herself?

We were nothing but laughed at when Trump was in office. It was a daily, routine thing.

One conversation I had during that time was with people I knew in Canada and we were in agreement that we would give a pretty penny to know what Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau said about Trump when it was just the two of them. It’s well known that the two men are friends and they’re both known for having a cutting wit, Macron in particular. I hope they taped some of these conversations and buried them in a time capsule for future generations at the very least.

My poor country. We all went through such hell for four interminable years.

The pathetic takeaway from this comment at tonight’s rally is that Trump apparently really believes that the entire world respected him, feared him, took him as seriously as a heart attack. That he can believe this in the face of the Trump diapered blimp which flew over the UK, the Trump pinatas in Mexico, the giant inflated Trump chicken in a shopping mall in Beijing and any number of other apparitions during those years indicates that his handlers kept him in a bubble.

The entire world was howling. Laughter, like music, is a universal language and the images named brought howls from the four corners of the earth, differences of culture or language  notwithstanding. The message got across to our collective consciousness, our shared humanity. That message was, “What a complete jerk this guy is.” It resonated globally.

That was the consensus of the world. Never before in our history have we seen such a thing. But Trump is oblivious and moreover, the GOP can’t quit him. They’re stuck on jerk, evidently.


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  1. We have been laughing at this illiterate dumb fuck for years and will continue to do so as long as he lives and even after he dies. What a moron!

  2. Why are we wasting time on this loser, giving him the attention he craves? This doesn’t have to happen. We know who this maggot is; only one who benefits here is The Maggot himself. Shut off the attention machine NOW.

  3. I doubt the world was laughing at the U.S.: our military and nuclear arsenal are not laughing matters especially when one considers the . At trump? I seriously doubt that laughter will ever cease.


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