We are now at the stage of the GOP primary where it gets primal as in primitive and also ugly, like the cavemen were. You may recall 2015 when Donald Trump accused Ben Carson and said, “If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks. If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, there’s no cure for that. There’s only one cure. We don’t wanna talk about that cure.” It was bad. Now it’s 2023 and here’s what he’s posting about rival Ron DeSantis.

Now yes, we do believe that Ron is wearing heels no doubt about that.

You may recall my comment at that time.

Anybody remember that Charlie Sheen movie, The Arrival, where the space aliens look like people that the hero knows and they can hop like grasshoppers? That’s what DeSantis’ leg at that angle reminds me of. If he jumps eight feet straight up in the air, I’m packing up the laptop and going to Canada, I’ll tell you what.

Definitely DeSantis is wearing lifts. But what’s comical is that Trump, who lies about being 6’3″ (which means he grew taller since he left the White House) and weighing in at 215 lbs., which is laughable, should be attacking another man for insecurity about physical attributes.

I think DeSantis is nuts to put that kind of emphasis on height. I think the importance of height is largely in his head. And yes, we live in a culture where short men are discriminated against. I have talked to men of all heights in my life and there is a cultural bias in favor of tall men. But there’s also the sanity of self acceptance. We have the bodies we have. And there have been short presidents in the White House. So it’s not like that’s going to knock DeSantis out of the running in and of itself. The 4″ lifts might, though, because they play out as being insecure.

Plus, it’s known that a lot of movie stars are short, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Tom Cruise, Robert Redford, there’s quite a list of guys who are 5’5″ to 5’8″ and it has not ruined their chances at A-list stardom.

In any event, Trump is playing dirty now. Let’s see what DeSantis says or does. My guess? Crickets.

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  1. One requirement for running for the ‘pube nomination needs to be not only how well the person takes whatever sewage trump spews their way but also how they in turn respond to the sewage spew. Do they hurl elementary school insults at trump and the rest or do they respond cleverly and perhaps even sanely? Better still would be if they ignored the moron entirely and proceeded to speak of actual issues facing Americans today. I know, I know-I’m a dreamer. lmao

  2. What else would one expect from the narcissistic projectionist. El Padrino is such a tall statured and upright citizen, he surely wouldn’t stoop to such low standards, would he? This spiteful, self-inflated, angular, lean man is a nothing, as he struts about thinking and acting as if he’s the big El Patrón of it all. No. He’s not. El Zar is a withering, short-sighted, mental pygmy, that sits lofty on his wall of lies, in reality.

  3. Robert Redford is 5’10.5″ tall. The average height for men in the United States is 5’8.” Conclusion: Robert Redford is not short.


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