Donald Trump is the liar’s lie. He loves to lie. The only thing he loves more than lying is knowing that his lies are being believed and that allows him to grift. Trump was totally in his element at CPAC. He presented a veritable platform of lies, all anchored around the Big Lie and since the GOP has no platform at present, this is what they’ll all be running on. Take a look.

The query, “Have you no decency, Sir?” may have worked in a different age, when people held decency up as a value and when they had shame. Trump has neither decency nor shame.

His followers don’t care. It’s all circus to them. And right-wing media is only too happy to sensationalize it all, because it adds up to money in the bank. That’s their only value. They think decency and shame are for suckers.

As Walter Cronkite used to say, “that’s the way it is, July 12, 2021.”


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  1. I just want to know how did this many US citizens get so stupid? People who would believe a Facebook post before they believe actual patriots. People who seem to doubt on lies and conspiracy theories. Evidently our educational system has failed miserably.


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