It took a number of hours for Donald Trump to post anything on Truth Social in response or rebuttal to the actions of the January 6 Committee Monday afternoon. The Committee made a criminal referral of Donald Trump to the Department of Justice over four separate charges, to wit, inciting or assisting an insurrection, obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to make a false statement.

That’s in the real world. In the fantasy world of Trump’s Barbie home, you know, the one that’s a miniature replica of the Oval Office where he goes to fantasize that he’s still president and shoving diplomats to the side, it’s a different story.

In that realm, Trump did not make history — again — today as the first former president to have a congressional committee make a criminal referral to the Department of Justice. No, what happened in his “mind” is that it was all a winning formula — for him, Donald.

Yes, he did everything right. Uh, huh.

Then he goes a bit off the deep end, but then again, Trump is not a logical mind, let alone a legal one and he won’t listen to a real lawyer.

Um…nope. That’s not what happened and that’s not how it works. But Trump probably knows that on some level and is just hoping he’ll convince the rubes.

Not quite sure what good he thinks the dig will do, but there it is, in any event.

The rest of Trump’s feed, for days now, has been a compilation of Xmas grift ads and links to the Twitter/FBI conspiracy theory.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes as a defense in the mind of one Donald J. Trump. Meanwhile, if he has any plans whatsoever to actually campaign for president in 2024, those are known only to him. Nothing has been leaking out of Mar-a-Lago on that score.

Just you wait. Jack Smith will be making a move soon and that will be a bucket of ice water reality in Trump’s face.



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  1. I don’t think anyone, including Cheney, expected her to win. But he was told many times that that he lost in 2020, and it’s obvious that he had people pushing the plan to claim victory beforehand and overthrow the Electoral College results by any means available.

    Sorry, Donny, you LOST and you’re a CRIMINAL.

  2. His bunker is above ground but still the rat is trapped. Not praising that mass murderer, but Hitler survived ww1 as a solider. Personally tried to overthrow the government, served time, and wrote a book. In the end he did the world a favor by putting a bullet in his head. It takes will. I know. I’ve lived through the suicide of a housemate and dealt with hundreds of ‘suicidal’ people in the middle of the night. Donald is a 300lb pile of goo with the personality of a toddler. He’s incapable of being ‘made stronger’. Reality, when it finally forces him to the ground, expect the worst. Hey Donnie since you won’t get stronger maybe one of your troops will frag you like occasionally happened in Nam when it was clear the officer was going to get everyone killed by their foolishness. We can hope. One less child killer in the world!!!!

  3. There is NO WAY he Wrote those texts because there Isn’t any inappropriately capitalised letters at the Beginning of random words, or WORDS PRINTED IN CAPITALS, or speling mistakes or incorrrect Grammar.

  4. Trump is a liar, a traitor and an incompetent, former president! How he was even elected is beyond comprehension! He has no concerns about the American people, not any policy or what he would do if he were reelected. All he talks about is the 2020 election, and how great he is; and has never ever done anything wrong; and this and that person is no good, etc. Trump will go down in the ‘history books’ as the worse president ever!


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