You’re well aware of the old saw, “the show must go on.” What you are going to see this next year is Donald Trump’s third take at The Apprentice: Running For President. The first time he lucked out. He didn’t think he could win, so he pulled out all the stops, thereby earning comparisons to the movie The Producers. If you missed that film, it’s about two Broadway producers who decide for financial reasons that going under is their best bet, so they set out to make the worst play ever seen so it will bomb on opening night. When Springtime For Hitler turns out to be a hit, nobody is more surprised than them.

And so it was in Trump world in 2016. When Steve Bannon was first told, “Donald Trump’s running for president,” his reply was, “of what country?” Bannon ended up in the West Wing with a whiteboard, a war room and the title Chief Strategist. But for the fact that he and Jared Kushner hated each other’s guts, he might have lasted longer than eight months. In any event, you know how Trump handled his first run, you know how he botched losing after his second run, and here’s the template for his third run. Pin it to your computer, you’re just going to see variations on this theme all year.

Trump is screwed and he knows it. So he’s already putting together his ego-salve for 2024, which is not going to be to admit he lost — much less again. No, his ego won’t handle that. So he’s beginning to convince himself that he’s the object of a fiendish plot and when he loses it won’t be because the country told him once again, get lost, but because millions of immigrants were somehow miraculously enfranchised.

This is particularly comical in light of the fact that Madame Melania recently made an appearance at a naturalization ceremony where 25 people were sworn in as citizens. She knows that the process isn’t what hubby describes, everybody knows that she knows and everybody presumes that he knows what she knows. But as usual, it’s easier to turn a blind eye to facts and just to pretend that Melania got naturalized one way, but the x millions of voters who will vote against Trump in November, just strolled across the border one day and waltzed into citizenship — not to mention being given health insurance and all kinds of other perks.

Alternate Reality must be a wonderful place to live. Meanwhile, since we’re on the subject of alternate realities, Reince Priebus is raising money in Milwaukee for the GOP hoedown in July. The comedy there is that Priebus is framing the GOP convention as not being about Trump. Or being about any candidate, do you love it? Um….what’s it about then, Reince? Why economic development, doncha know? Politico:

Priebus said the nonprofit run by the host committee is on track to raise the $70 million for the convention that will take place July 15-18, 2024. It is ahead of its quarterly goals, but Priebus declined to get more specific about how far along the fundraising is or who’s writing checks.

Priebus said the host committee tells donors that “the convention is about economic development and not who the nominee will be. As a nonprofit, you have to separate the two.”

It’s just about making a few bucks for the folks in Milwaukee. What’s that you say? What about the continuation of democracy v. the inception of fascism in America? Isn’t that what the 2024 election boils down to? This is no time for pragmatism, this is Reince Priebus we’re talking about. He’s old school, pre-Trump GOP and he still has no fucking idea what’s going on with Trump or what his presence in government means. He never has. Color Reince clueless and know that clueless he shall remain.

Priebus says that he anticipates raising $200 million, and that “more than half of the money” raised so far has “come from the local community, so they understand that this is about economic development.” No, what they understand is that this is about looking for the silver lining and making the best out of a bad bargain.

This convention is going to be a shitshow to cause the 2016 GOP convention to pale by comparison. And well you remember that debacle, delegates hurling credentials to the floor, red faced, while the entire delegations of Iowa and Colorado stormed out within an hour of one another, and Ted Cruz was resoundingly booed because he wouldn’t endorse Trump.

From what we saw of the fiasco of the GOP primary, with Nikki Haley calling Vivek Ramaswamy “scum” I think it’s safe to say that all the elements are in place for something totally nuts to occur.

So good for you, Milwaukee, make money. That is going to be the only normal elements in the convention, is that it will be a good draw for the hosting city, financially. Politico says, “Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson is cheerleading for the convention’s success even though he’s a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat of a city that voted overwhelmingly for Biden in 2020.” Great. I hope the restauranteurs and hoteliers and everybody who stands to benefit from an influx of guests in town hears the cash registers ringing. Because the GOP is going to have a dark episode. That we know. We don’t know the details, only that it’s going to be plenty strange.

And watch Trump find a scapegoat to blame it all on, when the fault is his, exclusively. There’s a country western song, “What made Milwaukee famous made a loser out of me.” Soon Milwaukee will be famous again, this time for the coronation of the biggest loser in American politics, who made a loser out of the GOP.

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  1. So, is Milwaukee requiring the GOP to post some kind of bond in case “someone” decides not to pay for city services or damages that may occur during this extravaganza? The city deserves to reap the advantages of its efforts.

  2. Let the stand in for Jabba The Hutt with Melania, or is it Ivanka?, on a chain…whine to his cell mate in the Georgia state prison…as he makes prison wine in the toilet. After all he’s a king…the King of Whine!

  3. Licking their wounds, a term to cover the survivors of a chaotic situation that bombed their original intents …

    At some point, very soon, I hope, not only the Trump businesses of money laundry, bait and switch, foolish, obvious crimes against normal processes of book-keeping and reporting false information on both actual values and reports of failures at OUR expense, but, Trump himself, the wizard of nothing, that shouts loud and clear that HE IS, indeed corrupt and guilty of numerous crimes, will face an expanding list of charges, that will fall like poison rain all over him and he will have NO choices left but to accept the long-term sentences delivered by some of the Judges and their staffs of his hate campaign against them … The GOP WILL be toast, if they stay super-glued to Trump …

    The removal of Trump from different state’s voting is a marvelous tool to worm under his skin … He is already in full panic mode, it must be killing all the booster nuts like Gym Jordon, rusty gates and others, that, after all the dust falls, the Democrat’s next blue wave may over take their own futures … The GOP cannot possibly believe Trump will actually survive as the leader he imagines himself to be … his rhetoric is already headed South of NO-WHERE … I’m 78, and I would not survive the ultimate crash symptoms’ Trump will, when his own self-love is crushed by Smith and others, with tons of documented evidence …

    I just hope that all the history books and lectures, include every putrid example of trump’s life of lies and the true extent of his massive failures as a pretend president, on our behalf and just as a normal person …

  4. My outlook on how this eventually ends up happening is wait. Compared to today our reflex to the media today was well in dog years, no offense my little Tuffy.
    I have a feeling there’s going to superseding indictments, some big players making deals,and Mittens daughter may have to step 👎. This onion is just now unpealing. Happy 🎉🎉🎉🎉, Be Safe, not necessarily be Father Doyle

    • “Mittens daughter may have to step (thumbs down emoji).”

      Um, I think “Mittens” will be surprised that his daughter is running the RNC instead of his niece (especially considering Mitt and his wife have exactly ZERO daughters; all 5 of their children are sons) Ronna McDaniel is Mitt Romney’s niece–the third child of Mitt’s brother, Scott and his wife, Ronna.

  5. If you haven’t seen The Producers please make sure you watch the one starring Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. There really is no substitute for the original. And yes, regardless of which version you watch, it is hilarious.

    • “I’m wet! I’m hysterical and I’m wet!” The combo of a young Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel will never be topped! Dick Shawn as Hitler was also hilarious.
      Springtime for Hitler in Germany!


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