We live in a day and age where The Boy Who Cried Wolf is all too real. It may have been a mere cautionary tale at one point, but then Donald Trump entered political life and nowadays he exemplifies the story to a tee.

He frets and struts and weeps and wails and makes King Lear look calm and composed by comparison.

Trump imagines himself to be a force of nature — and indeed, at one time, 2016 to be precise, he commanded a tremendous amount of attention. The cable networks were all Trump, all the time. Now he throws his fits in all caps on Truth Social and the needle barely budges. Here’s today yawner.

No, “the banks” aren’t already starting to collapse. A mismanaged one catering to a specific crowd of investors collapsed. It’s hardly global economy panic time.

But Trump loves panic. Panic and fear. He can’t survive with anything else politically, because that would mean he would have to bring something else to the table and he can’t. He has no policies, no ideas, no new path forward. None of the Republicans do, that’s why they rely on grievance, race bating and fear mongering.

This is the newest talking point, Biden taxing the uber wealthy and that should get absolutely zero sympathy, even among the MAGAs. Trump isn’t good at reading the room anymore. He was in 2016. He knew how to tap into racist vitriol. He did that better than anybody.

Even Lindsey Graham compared Trump to racist Jesse Helms, calling Trump a combination of Helms, Ronald Reagan and P.T. Barnum.

All of Trump’s ranting is for naught. The grassroots are becoming disillusioned with him and the DeSantis crowd is hoping to pull the rug right out from under his feet, for all the good it will do them.

“1984” featured the Two-Minute Hate, Trump features the all-caps meltdown, daily. And just like a spoiled child who won’t stop screaming, after a while people simply ignore.


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  1. The inconvenient truth. Republicans don’t have any policies until something happens. Prime example was Hakim Jeffries reading the republicans budget on the house floor. Three pages explaining policies. There’s an old saying out there. Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. That’s what we need to do. Only thing is we need to make sure they don’t get any ideas along the way.


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