I don’t know what time Jimmy Kimmel or Stephen Colbert tape, but if this doesn’t make one of their shows today, it will tomorrow. This is pure Trumpian madness. The man does not know his right foot from his left, or one piece of legislation from another. What makes this even more comical is that this confusion of two separate bills was reported by Fox News. Rupert is hedging his bets. Make no mistake about that. He wants a post-Trump era to dawn as much as we do. We are allies in that quest, at least, you, me, and Rupert. Politics does make for the strangest bedfellows.

“Confusion and misinformation is rampant.” Yes, you’re quite right. Again, I point you to the irony that this is a Fox News reporter talking about confusion and misinformation. I may need to bookmark this. This is a landmark day, not for Trump. This is business as usual for Trump, but Fox News complaining about confusion and misinformation, their stock in trade? Wow.

Trump will do many more of these. He’s in a real bind right now. He got away to Atlanta for his fundraising luncheon and he’s got another fundraiser in Orlando (and no, I don’t know if Melania will accompany him) but his heart isn’t in it.

It is Wednesday. He’s got Thursday, Friday and the weekend. On Monday morning he enters the Gates of Hell, which is how he regards going to the hush money trial. He has attempted no fewer than ten, count ’em ten, times to get this trial postponed, delayed, dismissed, every single permutation of “stall” that you can think of and that is legally conceivable, and he’s come up with nothing.

So he is distracted, when he’s not openly livid.

No, legal scholars do not say it’s a sham. No, the Department of Justice is not running the case. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is. And no, nobody wants to put Trump in jail for “doing absolutely nothing wrong,” rather, they want to put him in prison for the crimes he committed and for which there is an abundance of evidence.

Trump is freaked. Look for him to become more freaked. $hit’s about to get real and Trump does not do reality well. Reality TV, yes, but not real life, like the yous and mes live, with consequences, both intended and unintended. He’s never been accountable for his mistakes and errors in judgement (let alone actual malice and mens rea) like the rest of us have been.

Trump has fucked around his entire life and gotten away with everything. Now he’s going to find out. And Monday morning is the start of that process. As miserable as he was the days he showed up to court during the Trump Organization fraud trial, just multiply that many, many times over.

Trump will have to sit there and keep his mouth shut and that’s going to kill him. And I’m willing to bet good money that Melania will not be there with him. I would also be willing to bet you that over the weekend somebody will put together either a drinking game or lay book makers odds on how long it will take Trump to either be:

  1. Held in contempt of court;
  2. Fined an enormous fine if he can’t keep his mouth shut after the first time;
  3. Removed from court and placed in a cell;

Judge Juan Merchan has made it plain he’s not running an amusement park, he’s in charge of that courtroom. This is going to be a debacle for the ages, what we’re going to see on Monday. And for many weeks thereafter until the matter is concluded.

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  1. he’s going to have to sit there and keep his mouth shut….I don’t see that happening. he’s going to get slapped down during pre-trial motions and jury selection. his lawyers need to grow a pair and make it absolutely clear that for the first time in his life he’s going to have to behave lake an actual grown-up human being. good luck with that.

  2. I’m betting that he’ll have a medical “emergency” that requires hospitalization before court begins. Maybe an emergency tonsillectomy? Something will keep this trial from starting. He’ll see to it. He’s tried everything possible and imaginary so far. What’s his next plan for a delay?

  3. The panic of Trump control spreads. With so many things on his mind he would need to be a superhuman intellect to follow all the deeds of congress or senate. in trying to blame him for every event that happens in America you have granted him the superman status. If he is campaigning and interfering with directions given for government to follow, then just who is president? it seems that he has better control than biden. which anyone could do by accident than biden could do on a good day at the beech having an ice cream cone. The left doesn’t realize all the free advertisement you offer him. blaming him for every problem makes me think who is actually taking care of Americas problems? Trump cant be everywhere all at once so just how is he responsible for all these things. People have awakened to see that the left follows the same old playbook that promises the world to all its dependent minions and toadies but delivers nothing, blaming it all on Trump. You can fool most of the people some of the time. Now the well used victims that were the blacks and Mexicans see the same well worn path ahead that tells us they just need more money and more time for their five year plan that is ten years into its implementation. Your panic is clear. rid yourselves of the Trump threat. Why hasn’t your plan worked? You treat citizens like the five year old you bribe with candy that doesnt last long and must be fed more. as with everything the laws of diminishing returns applies. yet you continue to offer the candy that is no longer as desirable and isn’t what we want any longer. It isnt hard to see what we had under Trumps presidency and bidens. The jobs you create are in government. ones that duplicate what is already done by others. what you do is expand control with non-elected people that make rules that are prosecuted like criminal acts. Crime is out of control. people are leaving the states that once provided opportunities. Providing benefits for illegals that are better than what we give to our veterans. All this cost is on the backs of the taxpayer. We see standards lowered for critical jobs with DIVERSITY as the reason. laws that prosecute for hurting others feelings isnt compassion but pandering for votes. votes that are failing to provide making the measures to pad the voter rolls necessary. is voter fraud real you tell me because in the last presidential election I received a mail in ballot for my father who had he been alive would have been 120 years old. yet when charges were filed they were dismissed by corrupt judges. America is in trouble. control has been expanded incrementally for many years. With each new law we loose another part of our freedoms. Wake up people and listen what our representatives say. yes it is dull and boring. they have made it that way so we cant follow. At present we have two choices. vote these people out peacefully, or wait until we must use force. Your choice. thanks for reading my rant. sorry it is so long.——–I, Grampa

    • I thought you guys don’t Condon woke? We are awake, not sleep walking into a dictatorship and facist government. I just don’t understand how maga can’t see it and you don’t understand how we can. This division and pro Putin Nazi attraction makes Putin “The Winner”.
      Please come back to America before its too late.

    • You do realize don’t you that dingle berry is going to trial soon for criminal acts committed correct? Acts btw that passed muster with at least one grand jury (i.e. FL trial). Tell me you realize this. I ask this because you claim crime is out of control–but not according to the stats given by muni/state/fed agencies. People are leaving states that used to provide opportunities? Well, over 300k jobs created last month and unemployment rate at 3.8% sounds like jobs keep on being created in our country: does it really matter if there are less jobs being created in what are largely agriculture states? Or in the rust belt for that matter where we no longer do things in manufacturing like we used to do them (and haven’t for literally decades)? Please also remember when trump left office there was a NET LOSS of jobs during his four years of mismanaging the country. Oh, and remember that pilot who went all kooky pants here a couple of months ago? Yeah, that was a white male. Sounds to me like A) diversity was NEVER an issue in anything and B) you ought not be getting your information from sources (I’m guessing fux nuz correct?) who are known to put forth misinformation, disinformation, and lies- those sources will bite you in the ass every time dude.

      We don’t have to make anything of your turd emperor–he brings it all on himself every time he posts yet another inane and asinine screed on t.s. Makes it easy when all that needs to be done is to forward the shit. lmao

      Gramps, you were correct about the disgusting thing that was attempted on your mom and her ballot. With this matter? Not so much.

  4. “…should not be allowed…” is one of Trump’s favorite phrases. whaddya going to do Trump, go down there and kick some ass? Invariably you’d get your own ass kicked. What a pathetic, wretched buffoon.

  5. Still pushing the “Biden DOJ” angle. I’m sure the MAGAts eat this crap up.
    As for knowing is right foot from his left, here’s an easy way to tell them apart Donnie.
    The right foot is the one that drags when you waddle.


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