Yes, I guess it’s digital trading card time in the Cult once more. Or, maybe this is what Trump was going to wear to Burning Man, but then he heard it might rain and you know he can’t get his hair wet. He decided not to visit the memorial of soldiers who died in Normandy on D-Day precisely for that reason, if you recall. The coif comes before all. What’s left of it.

Oh yes, we are supposed to be scared. And Trump says that himself, make no mistake.

You see that? It’s the same as what was being talked about the day of the Insurrection, “fight like hell,” “kick ass and take names.”

Here’s what the real guy looks like, not the photo shop. Man, talk about the Portrait of Dorian Gray on LSD and steroids. Woot!

The big question, once again. I’m sure that if this scenario we’re facing had ever even crossed James Madison’s mind, he would have simply said, “Fuck it,” stopped working and gone out to fly kites in the rain with Ben Franklin. Can you blame him?

March Madness will have a new meaning this coming year, folks. Don’t forget, Judge Chutkan set Trump’s Insurrection trial to go forward on March 4, the day before Super Tuesday. Plus the New York business fraud case is starting that month as well, just when Trumpty is going to be knee deep in caucuses and primaries. Big days ahead for the little man. But that’s March, here’s what’s ahead just this week.

  • Trump was scheduled to appear in court in Georgia on Wednesday to enter his plea to the state charges he faces over efforts to undo the state’s 2020 election results. But he decided to enter his not-guilty plea in writing instead. He has also pleaded not guilty in his other arraignments this year.

    • Some of Trump’s 18 co-defendants, including lawyer Rudy Giuliani, followed his lead and entered their pleas of not guilty in writing. However, a number of others — including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows — are still scheduled for arraignments Wednesday.
  • We are waiting to see whether a federal judge in Georgia will grant Meadows’s request to move his state charges related to election interference into federal court. Meadows says the allegations laid out in the Georgia indictment occurred while he was carrying out his duties as a federal official and he is thus protected by federal law. (Some legal experts say it’s a bit more complicated than that.) If he wins this fight, he will move in federal court to have the charges dismissed.

    • Some of the other co-defendants would like to piggyback onto this legal gambit, so they’re watching closely to see how U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones rules.

  • Reminder: Just because it’s a holiday weekend doesn’t mean news won’t break. Public court dockets are open 24/7, and judges and lawyers can post orders and filings whenever they want. Last Labor Day, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon — the federal judge overseeing the Trump classified-documents case in Florida — issued a major ruling. Happy Special Master Day to those who celebrate.

Ah, what a wild time it was this time last year. And what a wild time it will be a year from now. Keep your eye on the Florida classified documents case. There’s still the conflict of interests issues to be worked out for Walt Nauta and Carlos DeOliveira. Something should break soon on that.

Meanwhile, Trumpty and his cult can fantasize all they want to that he’s really the terminator and put up memes with a Schwarzenegger body. The wheels of justice grind exceedingly fine and a defendant’s fantasy has never been known to slow them down. But keep it up, Donald, at least it brings in a few dollars to pay the lawyers.

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  1. If Trump is convicted in one or more of these cases AND he dies of a heart attack…will he STILL be the GOP nominee for president?

    • Probably. It isn’t as if they have any better contenders than a fat, dead man. Besides, if he were dead, he couldn’t say any of the stupid sh*t he usually does. It would be an instant increase of his I.Q. by at least 50 points.

  2. Pool’s an idiot if he thought that Trump would ever subject himself to a tattoo artist. The man’s defenders point to his being a germaphobe to criticize any suggestion that he engaged in “golden showers” from Moscow hookers but he’d be willing to risk his own body to the (very slight) risk of a tattoo needle? This is a man who couldn’t go to Vietnam because of “bone spurs” which don’t seem to bother his golf game all that much–although it could be why he relies on golf carts so much; at the same time, if he needs the golf cart because his “bone spurs” won’t let him walk for an entire golf game, then I can’t see him putting up with a tattoo needle for the length of time needed for even a single session for a small tattoo (a tat that’s just the size of a quarter can take an hour to be done) much less the amount of ink on that photoshopped work. That one at the top of “his” chest would probably take 4-6 hours. And he would sit for all that ink? Yeah. Right. Next you’ll be telling me that he’s so wealthy he doesn’t need to ask for donations/contributions to pay his legal bills or his presidential campaign and all that fundraising he does is nothing more than Democratic propaganda against Trump.

    • AND gets fundies to believe HE is a “xian”; AND how he gets the mouthbreathers to vote for him again and again; AND how he gets the other mouthbreathers to commit Federal crimes in his name; AND…..


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