We’ve all seen melodramas about when the love affair is over and the girlfriend has moved on and the stupid guy is the last to know. Well, amplify that to political terms and Donald Trump still believes that his MAGAt lovers are dying for him to come see them and talk that crazy talk. He told Sean Hannity Thursday night that he was heading back into combat, during an interview that forever established 45 as a pitchman for Regeneron — but failed to answer the most basic question: is.he.still.sick?

Here it’s obvious to everybody besides Trump that Hannity is desperately throwing out a cue, and trying to get him to pick it up and respond yes, oh yes, he tested negative for coronavirus. But Trump’s either too stoned or self-obsessed or both to oblige Hannity. And both the folks in Florida and the ones in Pittsburgh, where Trump presumably had hoped to reanimate the troops with some iteration of his American Carnage speech, are not impressed with this behavior and they want him to stay home. Some Floridians, if you can believe it, are suing Trump. Seriously. They want him declared a public nuisance. Raw Story:

The Commission on Presidential Debates on Thursday announced that the second presidential debate will be a “virtual” town hall between President Donald Trump and Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden.

But with Trump threatening to boycott the affair, a group of Miami-Dade residents have filed suit to have Trump declared “a public nuisance” to prevent him from visiting the state and possibly spreading COVID-19.

The lawsuit cites a Florida statute declaring a nuisance as anything that “tends to annoy the community [or] injure the health of the community.”

“The potential harm, if any, caused by canceling the townhall debate or not taking steps to ensure Plaintiff’s safety is vastly outweighed by the high risk of the continued, rapid spread of COVID-19,” the lawsuit reads.

Trump is not only a public nuisance, he’s Public Enemy No. 1. And that’s just Florida. They don’t want his ass in Pennsylvania, either. Rich Fitzgerald is an executive in Allegheny County and Bill Peduto is the Mayor of Pittsburgh. And they’re both talking survival and common sense and telling Trump not to darken their doorsteps.

Hannity tried to throw him the life preserver, but Trump insists on tying an anvil around his neck with this insane miracle cure narrative that flies in the face of all that is known. Fine. He’ll get no argument here. Glub glub. Go down with the Trumptanic. And ask the sharks if they prefer to eat you with a Pouilly Fuisse or a Pouilly Fume — not that tough, chewy, substandard fare as Trump is would ever be consumed with fine French wine, but hey, we’ll be generous, here. Whether he goes down in flames or drowns and is shark din din is irrelevant — just as long as he’s gone.

This has been the daily COVID Chronicle. 26 more days.

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  1. If Captain Covid refuses to participate in the virtual debate of his own free will then so be it…… have the debate at the scheduled time without him…..give Uncle Joe a free hour and 1/2 infomercial. It’s that simple.

    *sips chardonnay*

      • No pity for any of them from me or my mom, Ursula. This is the fate they chose, despite all the warnings. And as many a Greek and Shakespearean tragedy has illustrated, hubris has a price.

      • After the genocide of 6 million innocent people of all ages, creating the war that resulted in tens of millions of lives lost or altered by their evil fascism, & personally torturing people, many stood at the Nuremburg trials & felt no sense of guilt or responsibility. As the Eagles song says,”some people never come clean”. As sad as it is.

  2. Whatever medications he has taken to reduce symptoms, they do nothing against the virus.
    FWIW, I don’t usually watch commercial tv, but stuck in a hotel for a couple days I have seen quite a few Biden commercials, several different versions, no trump commercials. This is from Texas, where national campaigns usually pass us by.

      • Biden’s also actually spending money in Alabama. I’ve seen several commercials while Trump’s only had one that I’ve seen. It’s the one with a group of “voters” (including a couple of people of color) who all claim to support Trump. What stood out the most to me in that commercial is that these people are all in the same room giving their support and all but, the people who are NOT speaking at the moment are in the background WEARING MASKS. The people who are speaking, of course, aren’t wearing masks but when they’re just “background,” you see them wearing masks. (That’s one of the reasons I don’t believe any of these people are actual Trump supporters, much less voters. There are more masks present in this commercial than have been commonly seen at any of Trump’s rallies. And you’ve only got about a dozen or so people in this commercial.)

      • Well, I guess I now have a “mission”, look at local TV (egads^ 1000 🙁 ). Usually only watch when just bored, not tired of Comet TV, weather is bad or filling my quota of non-serious misery (ie. “fun”) … watching the Dallas Cowboys. Been seeing the local congress people do their thing: and the Tea Pain/Bag folk try to look so caring and compassionate. Want to throw a corona bottle at Coryn… ads. Not one pic of their guy, Trump NOR they identify as R!!!!!. That would be very true for one Beth Van Duyne. Note: most folks wouldn’t know, but Irving TX had a “nice” anti-immigrant “crusade”, Mexican rapists, and drugs and … Well, they knocked down some apartments across Southern Irving, with some lots not developed but probably very ha ha coincidence the one by the river now has $1Million dollar town houses. Gee, just funny. But the place (now 70 years old and smells like it once paint comes off) I was living at had one drive by, landlady’s son shooting at thief, and another feller pulling out a nice silver plated 9mm in less than one year. Not a peep.

    • Given how the Trump campaign keeps going dark everywhere else in terms of ads, it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve also pulled the plug in Texas. Looting your own campaign coffers has that kind of blowback.

  3. The Dex has mixed with the narcissism to the point where every move he makes is going to only hurt him. Seriously, he abuses that steroid like he does his regular nose candy, he’s not even gonna make it to Election Day.

    • I just got off injected Dex for inflammation. Sh*t! Two days couldn’t sleep well. That stuff lasts in the system from 38 – 54 hours. 45 was already psycho and now this. I’m so damned tired of the mofo. I want him brought up on charges for inciting against Gretchen Whitmer.

  4. Many years ago, there was this sign posted at a Unitarian Church: “Some day they’ll give a war and no one will come.”
    We can but pray this holds true for this horror this weekend! Substituting “rally” for “war” though they seem so similar these days — esp with their leader inciting to kidnapping and murder etc.
    BTW, he really really looks sick!!!!

  5. I’ve read that Trump is out there REALLY selling Regeneron because he is an investor with the company. Not sure how to verify this info but it definitely makes sense.

    • It’s true. He and their CEO, I think, are buds. I do know that at one point this am, REGN was up to 603.00/share.

    • I think some of the execs might be supporters – but Himself’s talk has pushed the price up farther than it should be. SEC needs to check into it.


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