“Bedminster Cathedral, you’re bringing me down, you stood and you watched as in ketchup Trump drowned.” — parody of Winchester Cathedral.

Bedminster must be like some kind of a riot zone right about now. Melania is probably in another state, wishing she was in another dimension, while Donald continues his ranting and raving on Truth Social — which failed to get a shareholder vote to go public, just this morning — just FYI. So who knows what’s going to happen to it? Trump says — or maybe it’s Devin, who knows? — that Truth Social has enough money to last until April, 2023, plus they’re posting ads nowadays. Let’s keep an eye out, shall we?

Trump went into a full blown meltdown early this morning when the Lincoln Project pulled his covers, as the saying goes and in a one minute ad on Fox News revealed the fact that Trump’s election integrity defense fund is a ruse to rip off the rubes,

Trump lashed out threatening lawsuits. Then he got all mellow and saccharine sweet when news of Queen Elizabeth’s death broke. No way in hell he wasn’t going to grab a piece of that spotlight.

Trump’s tender and respectful mourning period lasted precisely two hours. I have literally known spouses who hate one another who put on a better display of faux respect and decorum than this, upon a death.

Trump morphed right back into Trump when news broke of the DOJ appealing his appointee’s Special Master ruling on national security grounds — not to mention the grounds that Trump doesn’t own the documents, the government does and only the sitting president who is responsible for national security can make any calls about executive privilege. Ouch. So Trump let the FBI and DOJ have a piece of his “mind.”

And then after a short while, during which time we imagine Alina Habba and Christina Bobb were playing rock, papers, scissor to decide which one was going to grab the phone this time, and Lindsey, in tears, called Kellyanne and begged her to come to New Jersey, Trump unleashed this salvo.

They leak, they lie. They laugh, they cry. They plant fake evidence and sometimes fake rhododendrons. They’re the FBI.

Looks like you better get a gun and go hang out on Fifth Avenue, Donald. The time has come.

And I like RAID! Just like the bug killer. Very appropriate for a cockroach of a human being, when the end is near.

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  1. A piece of his mind??? Let’s dig out the electron microscope & see if we can find it! Not very optimistic. Finding life in outer space seems more likely.

    • Let’s be clear on something. Where the “very fine brain” would be in a human being, Trump (who I keep saying is actually a flaming orange human shaped rectum) has nothing but nasty, squishy brown organic matter. IOW shit! Not just a clump of shit, but since it’s organic matter shit that keeps forming pustules that fester, and grow to the point of bursting open. Hence his word salad rants and statements. Make sense now?

  2. I would be willing to bet a great deal of money the posting about the Queen was not written by him. A great deal of money. I’m sorry but I call bullshit on anyone saying he wrote that. Nope. Not a chance in hell did he write it.

    • Yeah, when I saw his “tribute” I couldn’t believe that Trump wrote a single word of it. A typical Trumpian message would’ve had mentions of how highly the Queen thought of Trump and how often she praised his and all his talks (probably even mentioning how often Her Majesty would call on Trump for advice on how to guide the people of the UK). But a message that actually spent more time on people OTHER than Trump? Nah. No way he wrote it.

    • My thoughts exactly, trump sent some intern to write that. Left out the part he spent with Prince Andrew and the teen girls with Epstein and Maxwell.

  3. I’m sure we’ll be treated to statements from Trump in the days ahead regarding what he thinks were compliments from Queen Elizabeth but were actual events of trolling him to his face. I even drafted a satire piece on what to expect. Not sure if it’s funny enough to go ahead and publish though. But the gist is that folks in this country who understand southerners know that when delivered in a certain tone/way “Well bless your heart” know it’s not someone being kind but delivering a cutting insult! I imagine the Queen felt an overwhelming need for a HAZMAT shower after every encounter with Trump. (Even by phone!)

  4. And, as a bonus, maybe Nunes will be stuck holding the stinky bag. Bet he’s bigly sorry he left his cushy Congressional seat now. Putting his trust in dumpy……Jeez, looks like his cow really was brighter than him.


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