There are as many scandals in Trump world as there are sunny days in California.  The Atlantic published its bombshell piece today on how Donald Trump refused to go to a French cemetery to honor America’s fallen dead, because he didn’t want to get his hair wet — and we knew that. That was reported a while back. As a matter of fact, nothing in the Atlantic piece is actually new information, only the detail of what Trump said at the time. That’s not just my opinion, a number of people think that’s the case.

Naturally, as the night follows the day, Trump denied everything.

The Atlantic is a first class, first tier media outlet. Plus, the reporting was confirmed by investigative reporter for the Associated Press, James LaPorta.

The Associated Press is also a world class news outlet. Of course, Trump, being an illiterate moron has no problem calling them “jealous losers.” Outlets of this caliber do not make stuff up. This isn’t the National Enquirer. But he seriously doesn’t know the difference.

Conservative columnist and Never Trumper, Max Boot, made this suggestion.

Maybe this is the way to deal with this. If/when these individuals come forward and identify themselves, they will be no different from other patriotic Americans — Alexander Vindman, Sally Yates, and Marie Yovanovich comes to mind. And maybe they want to avoid the same fate as those three. Certainly, they can’t be blamed for feeling that way. But one thing is certain: any American who loves this country and has an opportunity to do anything that will remove Donald Trump from office, needs to come forward and make that take place. There is no higher calling, especially for military people.

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  1. Trump represents Republicans to a T. This is how they think. They will spout bull shit that is supposed to be patriotic, yellow ribbons and little flags, but they don’t respect service or want to reward service. Trump may be cruder than the suites that write him checks and persecute non-Republicans, but they are just as crude.

    • If you’re right, that’s immensely sad. I must say I didn’t know that. A dear friend of mine was a Brigadier General in the Marines and he was an Eisenhower Republican. I know he didn’t feel that way.

      • I’m talking about my many, many experiences with Republicans from 1990 till 2010. I was in the Navy from 1981 to 1990. But I am talking about my own little interactions with these monsters. But look at how they have rewarded Trump. This story is disgusting, but Trump has been disgusting for his entire life. They won’t care about this new fact. You just watch. His support will stay around 40%.

          • At the same time, I am disturbed by that 40% who stubbornly cling to him, despite anything else. What is wrong with those people?

          • At this point, Cherl, even bothering with that question is a waste of time, one the NY Times has also been wasting everyone’s time with for three years. All you need to know is that they are a people who sense an America that only existed in their head hitting the unforgiving rocks of reality. They do not need to be understood nor converted, just stopped…cold.

      • I am sure your friend was sincere and honest. I have known two Republicans that I think were honest and not racist. One was in Honolulu and one was in Memphis.

  2. I saw this elsewhere, where *rump said “I never said,,,” Followed by a tweet dated in 2015 where he said just that. He just can’t keep his lies straight.

  3. Important point made by Bill Palmer: the Walter Reed leak on Trump’s health is from 2019. This bit of asshattery is from 2018. It’s part of an overall trend of previously hidden leaks that we’re going to see more of in the weeks that follow. Given the righteous outcry over demeaning dead, captured or crippled vets (my late grandfather, WWII vet and union organizer, would like a word), the next round is going to be just as devastating or worse.

  4. Ok so we’ve all been sold a line of horseshit for 240yrs. However, a culture raised on the pledge of allegiance has a vein of belief in its ideals, things all human beings want. These Nazis are playing with fire. Go ahead u rich racists nazis…steal another election. U are asking for a revolution like this country has never seen. Remember Saddam Hussein? Kadafi? Seems like the general population skipped the formal proceedings & KILLED THEIR SORRY DICTATOR ASSES. SEE A MESSAGE REPUBLICANS???

  5. Ursula, I totally agree with your last paragraph. Everyone might as well come forward and confirm everything tRump has ever lied about. It looks like it’s over for him unless Putin pulls the levers in every voting both himself.


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