“Things go better with Coke” (Old Coca Cola ad jingle)

I assume if you’re reading this you are not only a follower of politics but have been one for some time. That means you know more than you wish you’d ever had to learn about the Koch Brothers, Charles and David Koch. The pair of them claimed to hate politics (maybe in a way they did) but they spent a lot of effort and a lot more money into influencing the political process – to both lower taxes and gut regulations. Already insanely rich, their empire got way more so, easily justifying the decades of political donations to favored candidates and funding an army of lobbyists and supporting conservative think tanks. Oh, and lest we forget, the supposedly “grassroots” Tea Party (which morphed into the Freedom Caucus) was dreamed up and funded by them. Koch Industries which is based in Wichita Kansas is an international behemoth. It’s the second largest privately held company in the United States. From its founding in 1940 by Fred Koch, the owners have held a visceral hatred of taxes and regulations, and therefore government. And long, long ago had the resources to spend appalling sums of money for you and I, but not much more than an investment to them in buying political influence that suited the company’s and owner’s interests.

David Koch (he and brother Charles acquired control in a bitter fight with their brothers after Fred’s death) shuffled off this mortal coil for that burning (at the temperature of the sun) bank vault in hell but Charles is still with us. You’d think that Trump, a supporter of cutting rich people’s taxes and gutting regulations as well as crippling the the effectiveness of the departments/agencies that might enforce what’s left Charles Koch would support him. Nothing has mattered more to him than the bottom line. Trump’s crassness was likely distasteful but since he seldom had to talk with Trump personally it wasn’t a big deal. Again, only the profits Trump could help him increase mattered.

However, 1945 has posted an article that suggests not just that Trump and Koch have had a falling out, but that open war has broken out between the two of them. It’s worth keeping in mind that Koch’s business is worth a fortune Trump can only dream of having, and that like his brother Charles Koch knows the workings of politics and influencing elected and appointed officials far better than Trump ever could. He might not like elective politics but that sure as hell hasn’t stopped him from buying politicians and influence. However, even he recognizes he (and his brother’s) actions have triggered unintended consequences. Our country was already on a bad path that can be traced back to Newt Gingrich becoming House Speaker back in the 1990s.

For the most part politicians would like opposing lawyers in court hurl all manner of criticisms and even insults at each other but in the end sit down and work something out. That all changed with Gingrich’s leadership and the development of what we used to call Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Relationships broke down and under Bush 43, thanks to his “War on Terror” and promotion of a “You’re either with us or against us” strategy long standing friendships, or at least working relationships broke down. Fearing the charisma and obvious political skill of Barack Obama and with a seriously terrific House Speaker (Nancy Pelosi) the Kochs saw the kinds of political shifts that were their worst nightmare. That’s why they created the Tea Party – to not only prevent the re-establishment of old-school politicking but to tear what was left down. I don’t have to tell anyone reading this how divisive our politics have become. So, as the linked article states it’s easy to assume that MAGA (which is the end result of all the Kochs did) and Koch Industries would be superglued together in common purpose. That’s not so. In fact, even Charles Koch came to express if not regret then reservations over what he (and his brother) wrought:

Koch said in a 2020 interview with The Wall Street Journal that he regretted that he had contributed to the development of the hyper-partisanship that is so alive and well in the United States.

That is way too little and way too late. I also don’t think it’s because Charles Koch has developed a conscience, or is so late in life (I think he’s 87 now) worried about going to hell. His ticket to the “down elevator” is already confirmed but he does care about the bottom line. The political instability he’s created here at home has spread abroad. Big business doesn’t like instability. MAGA, and its foreign derivatives have mutated into a beast that is out of control. Well, whatever his reasons be they be purely business and the bottom line Koch is determined to keep Donald Trump from returning to the White House. He likely hopes as we all do that cutting off the head of the snake will take care of things. So he’s organized a serious effort against Trump/MAGA.

The 1945 article says Koch has made it clear (and we can see so in both his words and actions) he won’t support Trump’s attempt to become President again. And in fact has already spent millions working against that:

As Bloomberg reported in August, a Koch-tied group that seeks to block Donald Trump from the GOP nomination has already raised millions. In an ad that ran in key early primary states, Republican voters are being told that Trump would likely lose the general election to President Joe Biden.

A 30-second spot called “The Choice” tells voters that instead of making the election about Biden’s progressive agenda Trump is making it about indictments, personal grievances and the election of 2020 (that he lost). The second, titled “Unelectable” actually calls Trump a “serial loser”, someone who lost the House, Senate and WH. And that “If Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, we could lose everything.” Those are just the opening salvos. Primary season is still a couple of months off after all.

What’s perhaps more worrisome for Trump who seems poised for a coronation is a significant change in how Koch’s political operations have shifted strategies:

For the first time in history, Koch’s Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP) has also pledged to back a single contender in the GOP presidential primary – instead of throwing support behind a number of candidates.

There’s no word on who they might back, and let’s face it it’s not like the current declared crop of GOP Presidential candidates has a standout. At one time it looked like DeSantis would be the challenger close enough to Trump in polling to get the big money/resources. Of course as you know little Ron had to eventually head out of FL and interact with voters, actually campaign with voters in places where they expect to interact directly with candidates. To get to know him. And to “Know Ron DeSantis is to love HATE him” so Koch and his crew have to look elsewhere.  I don’t know who will get the nod. I keep saying forget about Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin regardless of what happens next week in Virginia. Like DeSantis he will flop. Nikki Haley seems to be gaining some steam so that’s possible. I could write endlessly speculating on who will get that huge push Koch’s political arm will promote. That’s another topic for another time.

What matters is that it’s happening. Koch is determined to NOT have Donald Trump be President. Trump of course isn’t happy and is insulting Koch right and left. Which is funny because remember what I said about Koch industries earlier? Like the Trump Org. it’s a privately held business. A family business. One that could buy the Trump Org for what for it would be tip money. Charles Koch himself is personally one of the twenty or so richest people in the world. He’s personally worth well over sixty billion dollars! If you go to the Koch Industries link I included and see the list of well-known, large companies that are part of the empire it’s easy to see why Trump would be insanely jealous.

And also scared. On top of all his legal problems he’s got someone far richer than him AND who has a far more extensive political network gunning for his ass. Much as he would hate it, I’m convinced Charles Koch would rather Trump/MAGA and the GOP go down in flames next year in the hopes that it will finally put all this crap to rest and a new conservative Party can rise from the ashes. He’s an old fart, and wise in an evil way one. I was a teenage when I cast my first vote (for Jimmy Carter I proudly like to say) and in 1976, after all the Watergate scandal and the knowledge of more Nixon people going to jail it was assumed the GOP would take a decade to recover. But in 1980 we got stuck with Ronald Reagan.

That’s how quickly things can change in politics. Add in were are now fully in the information age and what used to take years now only takes months, or often weeks to change the narrative. I don’t know what Charles Koch is plotting other than ensuring Trump doesn’t get the GOP nomination. But he’s about the worst enemy Trump could have. Trump is going to hate the name Koch so much it might ruin his enjoyment of his favorite beverage because Coke and Koch sound the same!

Keep an eye on this during the last couple of months of the year because GOP Presidential politics could explode come January.

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  1. This is one case where the enemy of your enemy is not your friend. He is and remains a dangerously selfish oligarch, only concerned with his own interests and wealth.

    Although it is good to see that he might have started regretting his past actions, he is the poster boy of why we need to get the morbidly rich out of politics. Legislating away ‘ Citizens United’ and it’s corrosive effects on democracy is imperative.

    • I agree. I was stunned to see Josh Hawley of all people sponsoring a bill to invalidate the Citizen’s United decision. It’s for all the wrong reasons, and there were precious few details about what he’s actually proposing so I’m skeptical. Still, politics makes for strange bedfellows sometimes and crazy as it is for him to agree with Bernie Sanders of all people on an issue is pretty startling.

    • Right you are. But there’s an old Yiddish expression that may be more applicable : “zol eyner dem tsveytn brekhn zikh di beyner.” “Let them break each other’s bones.”

  2. “appalling sums of money for you and I”

    This land is your land, this land is my land, this land was made for you and I ?

    Woody was right — grammatically as well.

    • I hope not. Liz shouldn’t be cornered. So far, she’s done what is right. No one does that with the Kochs. It’s all about them. Saw that first hand several elections ago.


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