This is bad news on a lot of levels. Primarily, the problem emphasized by this interview is that Donald Trump, even with softball questions, in a friendly venue, can’t keep to a script. Therefore, when he’s in comparatively hostile territory, answering questions from competing media outlets, who have no agenda in keeping him happy, he’s really going to flop.

That’s the obvious conclusion reached from watching this clip, in any event.

Another conclusion is that Trump can’t talk about anybody but himself for even one minute. Here’s Trump with fan girl Chanel Rion and even she can’t spoon feed him the right way. So you know that when Trump’s in front of MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, the lot of them, it’s going to be hopeless. At least, this is what his handlers are undoubtedly concluding, to their infinite dismay.

Isn’t that stunning? Trump was in the middle of a sentence, responding to a query about Elon Musk and suddenly Musk was out of the picture and Trump’s Big Lie was front stage and center.

He can’t get away from it. It’s classic monomania. He’s got one fixation and this is it. And even Chanel Rion, who Trump gave press credentials to at the White House, back in 2017, can’t coax him to stay on topic for even sixty seconds.

This does not portend well for the 2024 campaign. This, evidently, is the 2024 campaign. The rest of the time Trump stays upstairs. He comes down to sit on the patio and eat, applauded when he arrives and again when he leaves, and this is as close as he’s come in many weeks now to actually addressing something cultural or political going on in the nation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the GOP front runner. I wonder if the Republicans cringe, as we do, or if they think some miracle will save them? If ever a deus ex nachina was needed, that moment is now. The problem for the GOP is that Trump was their deux ex machina in 2016 and they simply don’t have another one.


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  1. And with his master falling down stairs, shitting his britches, reportedly battling cancer, and killing off his adversaries…well…he shouldn’t count on the rooskis. Pootie has Ukraine so far up his arse, he isn’t taking calls from the swamp known as florida. Now frump doesn’t even have secrets to sell. God what a terrible Christmas for fascists. Fixed delusions are difficult to eradicate, especially when surrounded by other cult members. CLARENCE!!! GET ME BACK!!! I WANNA…ER…LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE AGAIN. GET ME BACK! Putin!! Get me back!

  2. The “miracle” the sane (heartless and cruel, but sane) is hoping for is for someone other than them, or one of them (looking at you supposed heir apparent DeSantis) doing the dirty work. What they are hoping, and praying for is that between what the J6 Committee has gathered and what the DOJ has been doing away from the spotlight, not to mention the states of NY and GA that Trump will be convicted in a court of law next year. They want US to do their dirty work for them! And then they will bray to the MAGA goobers that it was all the Democrat’s fault that they can’t have their fake gold idol running in 2024.

  3. I don’t feel bad for the Repugs at all.
    The Democrats offered up tRump on a silver platter multiple times and they didn’t have the balls to vote for the good of the country.
    Now the J6 committee is going around the cowards and I’m not sure Merrick Garland has the balls to take him out either.


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