I think it’s time to finally lay to rest the seemingly incomprehensible difference between the extreme amount of serious legal criminal peril Trump found himself in, and the fact that he honestly just doesn’t seem to give a sh*t.

Donald John Trump is 77 years old. And in all of those lost, pampered, spoiled, self indulgent years, Trump has always had one guiding north star whenever he got in trouble. There is no legal problem that he can’t buy his way out of. One way or another.

It started early. Traitor Tot was busy running rent payment collections with his father when he got scotched by the DOJ for discriminatory renting practices against African Americans. Fred Trump settled the case civilly with a fine and no admission of wrongdoing. And that set the standard for Trump’s only known base of experience.

More merchants, vendors, and craftsmen have sued Trump for contract violations for paying them pennies on the dollar. He either beat them down with threats of driving them bankrupt with legal bills that stretched on for years, or finally settled somewhere in the middle. The same thing for the Trump University and Trump Charitable Foundations. Everything was done in civil court, where Trump faced no actual loss of liberty, just money. And there are always more suckers to soak.

That’s what makes these cases so different and jarring for Trump. For the first time in his life, His Lowness finds himself in a situation that money can’t buy him out of. These are not cases where he can bluff, bluster, and bullsh*t up until the night before trial, and then settle by cutting a check for a chunk of change. Worse yet, El Pendejo Presidente has to actually sit there in court and listen to witnesses describe what a lowlife piece of sh*t he is. And if he loses this time, he runs the risk of hearing a steel door clang shut behind him.

But Trump is nothing if not a megalomaniacal paranoid, and if we all know one thing, it’s that a megalomaniac is invincible. And if money won’t fix the problem and get him off the hook, then he’ll just have to find something that will. And apparently he thinks he’s found the secret sauce.

Did I mention before that in addition to being megalomaniacal and narcissistic, Trump is also delusional? Hell, you have to be if you’re Trump. And so TrumpenStein has found his magic elixir. Trump has been pushing the Stolen Election scam for so long that he actually believes it. And he has gone balls-to-the-wall to make sure his sheeple believe it to. And there’s his lifeline.

Get. Reelected. In. 2024. Trump already knows that if he can get reelected, then none of this sh*t matters. He can always pardon himself for any federal conviction, and the states can’t touch him while he’s President. And therefore Trump’s sole legal defense is to run out the clock with the federal charges until after he gets elected in November of 2024. Sounds like a plan.

When you look at it in that light, Trump’s public performance makes perfect sense. The Cheeto Prophet is killing his lawyers with his public statements regarding his upcoming criminal cases. But the simple fact is that Trump doesn’t care. Because he is the anointed one, fated for another term in office to finish destroying democracy, and none of that legal sh*t matters. Because once he’s in, he’ll damn well make sure he’s in for life.

Trump is literally gambling the rest of his life on his persona, charisma, and political force of nature. Which reminds me of the Blackjack suckers strategy here in Vegas. You bet $20 and lose. You’re $20 down. So you bet $40 to get you back to even. You lose. Now you’re $60 down. So you bet $60. So you bet $60, lose, and you’re down $120. The question is, can you win before you run out of money? And it really doesn’t matter, cuz all winning does is bring you back to even. And you’ll start the same cycle over again. Which brings me to my favorite Vegas joke, I drove to Vegas in a $60,000 Cadillac, and rode home on a $300,000 Greyhound bus. Trump is about to find out that it’s never a good idea to bet against the house.

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  1. EVERY time he’s gambled in the past, he’s lost. Even when he won an election, he handled it so badly he couldn’t win again.

    He’s a loser.

    This will continue his record.

  2. I think you’ve hit on the issue Murf. Trump doesn’t get how dire his situation is. It’s like him, or some other old fart that’s no longer agile standing behind a big dump truck as the bed slowly raised. I mean right behind, like a couple of feet. You watch it slowly tilting up but think even if your’e not young and nimble anymore you can act brave by standing there. Believing there will be plenty of time for someone to warn you someone’s ready to hit the release for the gate holding back that huge amount of dirt that can really, really hurt you if it all falls out on top of you. And that’s the problem – you don’t understand that sometimes the gate doesn’t hold and malfunctions. Or that it’s set to start letting the dirt come pouring out when the bed tilts high enough that gravity takes over and everything pours out.

    Trump assumes there won’t be a criminal trial before the election. Maybe yes and maybe no. That remains to be seen. But there’s a tantalizing possibility I read about recently. I might dig into it tomorrow when I’m less tired.

  3. cnn has a commentary that trump is polling even with Biden. There is no way to trust that kind of poll. Trump got fewer votes in 2016, lost by more in 2020. His voters are dying off every year. He isn’t recruiting new voters. Even the angry white voters are getting good jobs at better pay under bidenomics. There is no swell in favor of republicans coming in 24. I do with we had a more popular president able to bring out voters down ballot. but trump is toast.

  4. Great read. I’ve been pondering the strongman act he’s putting out there lately, and I’ve come to the realization that tramps narcissistic personality disorder, that little voice inside his head that always tells him how magnificent he is, how smart he is, how handsome he is is also telling him that he can take Jack Smith.
    I don’t think tramp has a clue what he’s in for with Jack. I don’t think he has the first clue because his narcissistic personality disorder would collapse if he did.
    There’s a lot of evidence, a lot of witnesses, a lot of tapes and if tramp doesn’t realize the severity world if hurt he is in, then so be it.
    We will all be here to witness the narcissistic collapse that is inevitable. And we will rejoice in his demise and celebrate the fact that he couldn’t destroy our sacred democracy.

  5. Ooooh! Did this pro-Trump podcaster just have a remarkable lightbulb moment about himself and his blind unquestioning ties to the Mango Moron cult?
    Looks like it, hopefully.
    Blaze TV Chud Is LOSING IT Bro

    • They had a lot of fun with “going to the mat for .. ” (Not ‘mattress’. BTW). The expression comes from the field of wrestling, and is not particularly funny.

      Steve Deace’s problem (never heard o the guy before, probably never will again) may jut be that he’s too honest to have more than a niche audience in MAGAland. Not that he’s necessarily very honest, but it’s a matter of degree.

  6. I think your bed point is actually that Trump will have to sit in court and listen to witnesses and evidence. And keep his mouth shut. Good luck with that.

    • Considering the fact that judges will NOT put up with Trump’s running his mouth, he’ll get ONE time to run his mouth. The next time will find his a$$ sitting in a jail cell for “contempt of court.” And the only way out of that is to APOLOGIZE to the court for the disruptive behavior (and probably have to pay a stiff fine as well). In the meantime, the trial can proceed whether Trump is in the courtroom or not (there is always the option of running a camera to the jail cell so Trump can hear what’s going on but he won’t be able to disrupt proceedings again).

    • You’re right that there’s a distinction. But he is both. MAGAlomania without megalmania is for his followers, those who don’t think they themselves are invincible, but believe he’ll save them from – anything at all..


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