I don’t know if Donald Trump is one of the country’s choices for its next president but I do know that it’s agreed that if the country had to vote on a collective crazy grandpa, he would take the prize hands down.

Here is Trump, raving about a prize, as a matter of fact, in his new olive green tux.

Anybody seen the like of such a thing? Or is it a golden tux, which would make sense, and the lighting in the room is reducing it to olive green? Wait — I got it. Trump was so moved by those comparisons between himself and the Grinch, that he’s decided green is the new orange.

We know getting offstage when his time is over is not his strong suit.

And here’s the perfect present for Donald. Which one of you is going to drop one off at Mar-a-Lago, hmmm?

Anybody want to make book on how soon it is before Trump dons a jumpsuit and cape and starts doing Fat Elvis for real? Seriously. He needs the publicity. He’s got to do something.


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  1. No. My vote is he is inwardly seething because Zelensky had the balls to come speak to the world in military green. Trump is a copycat trying to look tough in a subliminal way. Instead he’s just a fat man…looking like Howard Johnsons…orange & green. Think laurel and hardy. Where’s the skinny wax figure…his son in law? Put a bowler hat on the sucker and voila!!! The image is complete!

  2. Trying to imitate Zelensky by wearing green is a possibility. If so it was another epic FAIL! Another possibility is the suit was interwoven with gold fibers, only this being Trump it was fake gold and like those fake gold rings that react with sweat and turn green so did his tux – he’s got plenty to sweat about these days after all.

    However, I can’t help but think of various fat Elvis pictures. I was never an Elvis fan and thought those pics of him in later years with his gut hanging out of those ridiculous jumpsuits was pathetic. It’s easy enough to picture Trump in one, looking seedy and way the fuck past his prime. Hey, I’m old and fat and know no one would want to see my broken down self in that type of get up, but Trump is another creature entirely. HE still thinks he’s male model material and should be on the cover of those cheesy romance novels!

    • I bet you wear it better. There’s a reason they photoshop his head onto better looking bodies. Of course his head is grotesque also.

    • just watch Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis and forget abiut anyone who was fat for thgree years. But yoiu better be ready toi ackowlede the power of his spirit.

  3. Well, white sure isn’t his color. Those photos of him in white golf shirts make him look sickly and really old, and even fatter. This green color is actually better with his pasty complexion. That said, it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than the right color to make this POS look good.


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