For those of you who are keeping score, as I am, of all the actions that the GOP takes in its quest to undermine democracy and free and fair elections, here’s yet another blow struck by none other than Donald Trump. Trump has seen his way clear to endorse Dan Cox for Governor of Maryland. Trump gave the usual rubber stamp endorsement but take a look at Cox’s stance on January 6. He’s another Kari Lake level gubernatorial candidate.

Trump endorsed Dan Cox for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, and took the time out to rip Maryland’s current governor, Larry Hogan, as well as the more conventional Republican candidate, Kelly Schulz.

The Tweet in which Cox called Pence a traitor has since been deleted.

Trump also fired attacks at Hogan, a moderate Republican who was very critical of the administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Dan is MAGA all the way, unlike his opponent, Kelly Schultz [sic], who was handpicked by her ‘boss,’ RINO Larry Hogan, who has been terrible for our Country and is against the America First Movement,” Trump said in a statement.

The tweet is indeed long gone and the reporting you just read is straight off of Fox News.

This is exactly who Trump wants to see in office. And if you think that the rest of the GOP differs from him in that regard, think again. Most of the GOP is running scared and in their heart of hearts they see undermining confidence in elections as the next logical extension of gerrymandering and voter suppression. The reason is obvious. They’re a minority party, with dangerous fringe elements, and they see this as a way to survive.

I wonder if Cox is somebody that the January 6 Committee should consider subpoenaing? Seems like he’s one of the folks with an inside track as to 1) how so many people came to travel to Washington, D.C. that day and 2) what exactly they were told that would have induced them to want to come there.

As a final note, you see once again how so many of the up and coming GOPers embrace the stolen election theory and that’s the same theory that portrays Mike Pence as the MAGA Benedict Arnold. Just saying, in case anybody wonders if Pence is going anywhere else in politics other than K Street.

He wrote his two books — in addition to the one about Marlon Bundo back in the day — and for the moment he makes a few appearances here and there, but otherwise Pence is going the way of old soldiers. He’s going to just fade away.

And I don’t think that Cox is likely to win, just as I don’t think Kari Lake is likely to win but their presence in the electoral process is sobering to say the very least. These people are liars and they’re operating at cross purposes with our form of government, not to uphold it.

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  1. I just realized, there is STILL a pile of dung everywhere Trump goes … Mar-O-Golf, as a historical location, has faced some sobering pollution … Trump’s legacy will include many references to his horrible performances, “while hiding at Mar-O-Golf, Florida”, a fact that will be a permanent stain on the history of that used-to-be grand building … the crap started with various visits of the vile Epstein and collaboration by Trump, the pedophile, playing with the young girls there …

    AND, the GOP has adopted Trump as ruler supreme, in spite of wondering about injecting bleach to stop Covid, and many other, just as stupid things …

    I thought our Grassley was the anchor holding the GOP back down into illogical progress, one step forward and two steps back, but it really has been his complete adoration for Trump the idiot and all the rest of the GOP combined in DJT’s glorified hollow image …

    It’s too late now, the GOP is letting the orange shitgibbon run his mouth without one ounce of restraint or corrections …

    I can hardly wait for Adam Schiff to lower the boom on Trump, the pouting, screaming, self-defence posture will be entirely like the little kid caught bullying another kid in first grade, stomping feet and claiming SELF DEFENCE, it works in Wisconsin … a place that used to be beautiful, had great cheese factories and summer water shows … I think a LOT of people should write notes to the Governor there and remind them that MANY people will NOT be coming there again because of lax laws against semi-auto-rifle carrying 17 years olds, and letting people who drive trucks over their wives loose to kill and maim people with children in a Christmas parade …


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