It’s the last weekend of 2023. Is Donald Trump out partying? Is he with family and friends, joined in joyful reminiscence? We don’t know. But we do know that at 12:30 a.m. on Saturday he was thinking about losing the upcoming election and spinning a conspiracy theory about it. That’s interesting. The Iowa Caucuses are a brief two weeks away. He leads Ron DeSantis (who has decided that knifing Nikki Haley is somehow going to change the arithmetic) and all the others by a substantial margin.  So why is Trump so worried?

And Trump might be a shoo in win the Iowa Caucus and go on to get the GOP nomination, but that won’t do him any good, he apparently thinks, unless Mitch McConnell stops the latest Obama/Biden plot to flood the country with illegal aliens who do nothing but VOTE VOTE VOTE. Say whuuut? Sigh. Do you suppose that the Secret Service carries a strait jacket with them? Or a butterfly net? Because I think they’re going to have to start. Here’s the latest conspiracy theory, typed out in the wee hours by Trump’s tiny thumbs, emanating from his tiny brain.

Trump’s tweet ends, “without knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?”

Um….Donald? If Mitch McConnell “doing something” is the only thing that stands between you and losing the election, it’s totally time for you to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. I mean seriously.

It’s intriguing that Trump launched this out into cyberspace, because the rest of his Truth Social feed is the usual plethora of polls where he is winning, winning, winning. He’s doing great everywhere but particularly in the swing states. So why all the worry? Because here’s what he posted earlier, same theme, it’s what will happen when he loses.

Interesting that he’s going out of his way to warn people what will happen if he doesn’t win, when all the polls he posts show him winning hands down. Now this next one is curiouser and curiouser. He’s talking about how “the other side cheats” and this time he’s talking about his opponents in the upcoming Iowa Caucus. Why, does that mean that Trump’s not sure that he’s got Iowa in the bag?

The pattern here is getting clear. Over and over Trump is letting it slip that 1. “They” are cheating; 2. “They” are illegally voting; 3. It will be the end of the world as we know it if he doesn’t get elected — even though he tells you in the next breath how he’s got the election sewn up.

Translation: he knows he’s phuqued. He desperately needs to win and it’s becoming increasingly obvious to him and he can’t and he won’t. This is going to be some shitshow. As Murfster likes to say, “Don’t touch that dial.” I say, not only don’t touch it, glue the damn thing in place, because you don’t want to miss a moment of this entire next 11 months until election day. After this clown torturing us for the past seven years, we are going to be rid of him finally and it’s going to be pure schadenfreude all the way.


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  1. Assuming tfg is handed the nomination, there are two potential outcomes next November: a drumpf win, and the national, perhaps global apocalypse that will result, or a drumpf loss, which will reset the calendar to November 2020 and we’ll go through this entire past 4 years of horseshit all over again with endless claims of election rigging, more lies, pot-stirring, division and rancor in government and continuing social schism and further erosion of national unity in the streets.
    Sadly, at my age now I can foresee no return to political decorum or social stability for the remaining years of my life. tfg has managed to terminally fuck this nation, and has brought to an emphatic end what was once the “Great American Experiment”.

    • True, but I have been reading the indictments and following and reading the claims counterclaims and filings in the various cases. I see a ray of hope and it’s not the train comin’ at me from the other end of the tunnel. And the 14A is just appearing, too. I’ve read deeply on this google mark graber; a pro-tRump 14A in the NYT got blistered yesterday – people are smart.

      I anticipate a lot of repetition re third party candidates, and Biden-age bullshite, to bubble up, but people are more energized now that even in 2020 across a broader specter of media.

      I am much more confident. And the DNC and President Biden haven’t even started their campaign.

      • I Googled Mark Graber, and located and read a Nov. 29 NYT guest editorial he wrote, but didn’t see a pro-Trump slant in it. Indeed, his concluding paragraph reads, “Section 3 compels Americans to resist political leaders who have a history of promoting violence as a means of achieving political goals, even when that leader is popular and his supporters are armed”.

        In the same Google search, I found and read NYT guest editorial dated 12/29 by one Mark Lash that claimed the 14th Amendment’s provisions DO NOT apply to Trump.


    • Agreed all counts, Alex, but don’t ignore the huge contribution to the nation’s distress supplied by the entire Republican party. Trump was& is its standard bearer and poster child (argh) but the whole GOP went MAGA as fast as it could.

  2. What he and his American Nazi Party are doing is EXACTLY what Goebbels and Hitler did…something called ‘mirror accusations’. It’s where you accuse others of something they HAVE NEVER DONE or intend to do, but is something YOU have done or intend to do. FACT. It works well for those who are stupid enough to believe it, or who like being nazi criminals. Either way WE NEED TO STOP THEM BEFORE THEY BRING HELL TO US. VOTE!!!!

  3. old – “they are coming for you but I am in their way…”

    new – “do something you slavish grifted fools!! They’re coming for me..”😆🤣

  4. My sister-in-law is an immigrant from Mexico who is now a naturalized US citizen. She told me, in confidence (which I’m now breaking and putting her life in danger), that as she was coming across the border, the first person she saw was a guy who handed her a voting card already filled out with her personal information. The guy told her she could use it immediately but only to vote for Democrats…and she always votes that way out of fear that Dark Brandon will find out!!*
    *My S-in-L is naturalized and the rest might be angry snark! 🤨

  5. MAGA TEARS are Flowing and will into the New Year!
    Oh and Mel BAILED!
    And Ivanka BAILED!
    And Jared BAILED!
    And large swaths of MAGA BAILED!
    Dare WE hope He DROWNS in His Own TEARS 😢 😭?

    • couldn’t help but think of this scene and song …

      “… Around the world and home again
      That’s the sailor’s way
      (Faster, faster)
      … There’s no earthly way of knowing
      Which direction we are going
      There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
      Or which way the river’s flowing
      … Is it raining, is it snowing?
      Is a hurricane a-blowing?
      … Not a speck of light is showing
      So the danger must be growing
      Are the fires of hell a-glowing?
      Is the grisly reaper mowing?
      … Yes, the danger must be growing
      For the rowers keep on rowing
      And they’re certainly not showing
      Any signs that they are slowing
      … Stop the boat
      We’re here”

  6. If Trump loses in 2024 “we’ll go through this entire past 4 years of horseshit all over again with endless claims of election rigging, more lies, pot-stirring, division and rancor in government and continuing social schism and further erosion of national unity in the streets.”

    True — as this dwindling bunch of cranks slowly fades back into the woodwork. They will be ranting for decades. Meanwhile, life goes on and hopefully, nobody pays much attention to their crap. Long before Trump this portion of the electorate was known as the “Keyes Constant”, aka “Crazification factor.”


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