Hurry, lock up your wardrobes, chastity belts included! Donald Trump says that that’s where the terrorists are hiding — or, something. Former Army Staff Sgt. David Bellavia became the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor, Tuesday, for his distinguished service in Iraq. Bellavia cleared out a house of insurgents in the Second Battle of Fallujah. Trump said this. RawStory:

“Then a third assailant burst out of a wardrobe — wearing a wardrobe,” Trump said.

Well, that could be interpreted as the assailant was wearing clothes, or that he was wearing a wardrobe piece of furniture on his back, as a sort of shell device, or possibly both.

Who knows? In any event, the President of Iran, Hassan Rhouani, has nothing good to say about Trump.

“The White House actions mean it is mentally retarded,” Rouhani said in a scathing televised address. “Tehran’s strategic patience does not mean we have fear.”

The Islamic Republic responded to President Trump’s decision to impose tough new sanctions on Tehran in the wake of Iran’s downing of a US drone by declaring a “permanent closure” of a path of diplomacy between the two countries.

Trump signed an executive order Monday to levy sanctions against Khamenei and other top Iranian officials — a move that Rouhani, who runs Iran’s day-to-day affairs with his cabinet, said was doomed to “certain failure.”

“You call for negotiations. If you are telling the truth, why are you simultaneously seeking to sanction our foreign minister?” Rouhani said, referring to remarks by US officials suggesting plans to sanction Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, according to the Washington Post.

Just another bumbling day for Trump, another laugh-fest for the world, who used to see the United States as many things, but non stop joke-a-thon wasn’t one of them.

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  1. It’s been pointed out elseweb that Rouhani was referring to the WH, not actually to Tr*mp – and Rouhani is fluent in English and went to a US college (he’s also a lot smarter than Tr*mp).

    • Then the insult is even worse. It would have been bad enough directed at Trump alone, but with the entire White House included, it takes on even more insult. And I can’t say that I disagree with the man.

  2. I read that Malignant Elvis said he will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon……..I guess that is why he pulled out of the agreement that would guarantee just that.

    Dumb Quixote fighting his imaginary windmills that he himself created again.


    • I’ve entertained the old saw, “dumber than a rock”, for many years, at this horrible excuse for a president, I’ve found a so-called person that is actually 10 times dumber that that !!

      His insane treatment of the families at the border, and freaken criminal treatment of the children, needs an intervention by the powers that be in our House committees, oversight and others that can muscle their way into those, “tents”, or other dumps they are throwing kids into, might be a call for the CDC to issue health statements of sanitary dangers to health and welfare, the Fire chiefs should be alerted to unsafe crowding and fire escape dilemmas, because of over crowding … maybe shutting down those disease spreading piles of young, sick children.

      Trump owns those hell holes and, RIGHT NOW, it is a haven for killing kids with rampant disease and unclean practices … the whole Twitter universe needs to bring him down to the street level, showing him through a couple of those hell holes … the germ-a-phobe in him will refuse, but we can use that against him with full coverage of the situation …

      Every Democrat lined up on the presidency should share the leaked photos and short videos of the horrible conditions for these kids and hammer the hell out of him … his biggest failure has been the wall, this treatment of children pales everything else he has done, going way beyond the wall proper and deep into in-human torture and endangerment … something entirely preventable and should be stopped at once … and the private companies that have wrought this creepy stance of money hungry idiots way over their heads in criminal treatments as a norm … should be heavily fined and shut down … never again Concentration Camps …


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