I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that Donald Trump reported an “amazing day” where there was “so much respect for the office of the president,” which is good, since virtually nobody respects him personally — and that he was “treated like a rock star.” Ain’t it grand? Next he’ll be saying that the people told him that they were glad to have gotten shot, just so they could meet him.

Now, RawStory quotes both Brown and Whaley as saying nothing negative, quite the contrary.

“He was received well by the patients, as you’d expect,” Brown said. “They were hurting, he was comforting. He did the right things, Melania did the right things.”

Whaley herself said: “I think the victims and the first responders were grateful that the President of the United States came to Dayton.”

So, where’s the beef? But clearly there is one. Go to the second tweet where he disses Brown and Whaley.

Then Trump got into it on Twitter.

Sherrod Brown is not a “failed presidential candidate.” He considered running but didn’t. Your guess is as good as anybody’s about what set off Trump and his aides.

Here’s the bottom line: all that the tragedies in Ohio and Texas meant to Trump, was an opportunity to do a campaign commercial and talk about how loved he was and how nobody had “ever seen anything like it” — a president going to a hospital. No, in the history of the world, this is surely the first and only time that that has happened. Don’t believe historical accounts to the contrary. Trump channeled Florence Nightingale, and became the orange blossom of mercy. People lie dead and injured but sound bites and photo ops were obtained by the Trump cabal, so all is well in Trumpworld and screw the rest of us.

One can only speculate that the railing back against Brown and Whaley was simply a ploy to go on record saying that the Democrats had done something wrong. Whether they had or not is immaterial. This group in power now gives new meaning to the word “corrupt.” Maybe we should coin a new word, “trumprupt,” because these people defy description.


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  1. What’s the difference between Trump preening in front those that died and those that were in care at the hospital …

    Then there is the giant walrus sunning himself on the beach somewhere …. the differences are the walrus weighs about 1500 lbs., has huge tusks and a mouth that stinks of dead fish, Trump does not have tusks, and the Walrus is much better looking …

  2. “Treated like a rock star.” Maybe, in the same way a hotel manager asks them how they caused that much mindless destruction and what they’re going to do to clean it up.


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