Trump Furiously Flies Around Truth Social, Mad at the ‘Unselects,’ Even Madder at the FBI, Really Mad at Pres. Hunter


Trump had a couple of late-night doozies, and so I’m just going to set them out first because he’s highly confused, as are we, but we’re also told that it’s extremely important, so we have got to get it right. There were several posts, some much more egregious than others. Warming up slowly, we’ll take the softball for $200, Pat:

Was just advised that the Unselect Committee of political Thugs has withdrawn the Subpoena of me concerning the January 6th Protest of the CROOKED 2020 Presidential Election. They probably did so because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court. Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision. In any event, the Subpoena is DEAD!

Well, then kill it again, grandpa!! Twice more and love it like chicken. Do you think that maybe they killed it because tomorrow is Friday, and when they return, they hand over Congress, and the committee will not be renewed? It is not “because they know that Trump did nothing wrong” (He keeps saying that line, ‘I did nothing wrong,’ which he may regret. We all do some things we’d do over if we had another chance). They were not about to lose in court. They’d won against everyone else. “The FBI rigging the election is the new black. You ask Trump whether he likes Papa John’s or Dominoes better, and he will tell you that the FBI rigged the election.

The FBI reported that many of the articles concerning Hunter’s laptop and the stuff he was doing bore all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Funny, last year they were criticized for not doing enough to target Russian disinformation, allowing Trump to win. This time they really take a close look and snip some off that actually is reliable, and Trump loses. Weird.

He took some mostly boring shots at McConnell, but it had one thing worth pointing out:

Something is going on with Mitch McConnell and all of the terrible and virtually automatic “surrenders” he makes to the Marxist Democrats, like on the $1.7 Trillion “Ominous” Bill. Could have killed it using the Debt Ceiling, or made it MUCH better in the Republican House. Nobody can be this stupid. Perhaps it has to do with his wife, Coco Chow, and their BIG relationships with China – A HISTORIC conflict of interest like no other!

That’s a bold statement, big boy, for a guy whose taxes are set to be put in the record any hour now. You may not want to scream about historic conflicts. Besides, weren’t you the one who put Elaine Chao (Nice racism again) in the Cabinet? But that was back when conflicts were good, right?

It has just been learned that the FBI Office that is “investigating” Hunter Biden sent many censorship requests to keep all of his bad news confidential just prior to the 2020 Election. In other words, the exact same people that were “investigating him” were making sure that he doesn’t get any bad publicity—“Only good publicity, please.” This is an outrageous disgrace, & the same group that is after me on the Boxes Hoax, the January 6th Unselect Committee Hoax, & the many past Hoaxes and Scams.

I got nothing. Wouldn’t everyone prefer to control their publicity and only use their very best? If Hunter got favorable coverage, that makes Twitter look bad. It doesn’t mean this cost you the election.

Maybe we should ask Trump how many votes Hunter got for president, and we’ll give him ALL of Hunter’s votes, so that way, he’ll have nothing to complain about. Was Twitter biased? Yes. Was Fox News Biased? Yes. Fox News supported Trump and is the single biggest distributor of news in the country. If you had to take one or the other, you’d take Fox. So why don’t you be real quiet, let us gather up every single one of Hunter Biden’s votes for president and give them to you (Which will mean nothing because after a president is sworn in, he can only be removed by impeachment), but we’re giving you the votes anyway?

We remember PLENTY of bad publicity getting through about your actual opponent, “addled,” “China” (just say it a bunch of times, there’s no need to create a link), “woke,” and that Obama would be running the government. Yeah, it got out.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: 2023 Year Predictions



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  1. He’s the one who appointed Chow to his administration – back when he was greasing McConnell’s wheels so McConnell would cover tfg’s numerous indiscretions and faux pas.

  2. Yes, I had hit publish before one last final edit (and it was a doozy), and so I added that very fact and cleaned up a lot that was messy.

  3. Just remember mirror accusations. The nazi propaganda technique of accusing others of things they have not done nor plan to do, things that you have done and plan to do. We are dealing with a cult of neonazis.

  4. McConnell is bad enough, stealing the seats on the supreme court, but no one compares to the likes of Trump, let’s face it. He uses his dense cult to his advantage & they never see it. I”ve said it all along, if people would just listen to his niece, this wouldn’t have gone this far. She’s smart, educated in mental health & knows him like a book, and has proof his siblings also knows he’s ‘out’ there. Remember when she taped his sister’s (her aunt) comments about him? It’s like…”you knew I was a snake, why did you pick me up?”. Well, anyone who’s kept up with him even way before he was potus, knows that.


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